Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

H44G &
  Solomon Islands & Temotu Islands - March 2013
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H44G H40T Index | Date | Plan | Equipment | Operators | QSL Information | Sponsors | About Solomon Islands
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Plan   We have chosen two destinations for our next DXpedition. The first destination are the Solomon Islands operating as H44G. We will stay there between March 8 and 25, 2013. During the time from March 16 to 23, a part of the group will be active from Temotu Island as H40T. We are active with several stations on 160m through 6m on CW, SSB. One station on each destination will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. Please check our News Page
  The local time in Honiara, Solomon Islands is:
Equipment   Our equipment on each destination consists of 4 transceivers (3 x K2, 1 x FT857D), 3 power amplifiers, a lowband vertical for 160/80m, a delta loop for 40m, a delta loop for 30m, a Spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10, a 5 elem. Yagi for 6m, some Beverage antennas as well as a few laptop computers

Our experienced crew includes:

DK1BT, Manfred
DK7LX, Georg
DL4WK, Wolf
DL7KL, Reiner
DL7DF, Sigi
DL7UFN, Juergen
DL7UFR, Frank
SP3DOI, Leszek

H44G frequencies
160m 1825.5    
80m 3505    
40m 7005 7100  
30m 10115   10144
20m 14005 14140 14080
17m 18070 18130 18100
15m 21005 21240 21080
12m 24890 24940 24920
10m 28005 28400 28080
6m 50103    
H40T frequencies
160m 1818.0    
80m 3515    
40m 7015 7150  
30m 10122   10140
20m 14015 14165 14093
17m 18077 18140 18105
15m 21015 21265 21090
12m 24895 24965 24925
10m 28015 28450 28090
6m 50103    

From March 8 to 16 the whole group works from Guadalcandal as H44G


From March 16 to 23 the group splits into:


The H44G crew:

DK1BT, Manfred
DK7LX, Georg
DL7KL, Reiner
DL7UFN, Juergen



The H40T crew:

DL4WK, Wolf
DL7DF, Sigi
DL7UFR, Frank
SP3DOI, Leszek


From March 23 to 25 the whole group works again together from Guadalcandal as H44G

DX Code of Conduct  
LoTW   We will upload the full logs of the DXpedition to LoTW within 6 months after the DXpedition.
QSL   The QSL-Route is via DL7DF either direct to:
Sigi Presch
Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123
12621 Berlin
or via the German QSL bureau DARC to DL7DF.
    An Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) will be available here as soon as the cards are printed. Please stay tuned.
    If you prefer a direct QSL please send a SASE or SAE with 1 new IRC or 2 US$ for a international letter. When sending IRC's please check the expiration date, the new ones are valid until the end of 2013. Any donations are very welcome and needed for the high shipping costs.
    If you do not provide the right return postage or a self addressed envelope, we reply via the buro. Please only one call sign per letter! If more than one, all additional cards go via the buro.
    Postage needed for 1 envelope with 20 Gramm (FYI):
    A letter within DL = 62 Euro Cent, a international letter costs 80 Euro Cent. 1 US$ is equal to 69 Euro Cent. So please keep in mind that 1 US$ - due to the bad exchange rate between the US$ and the Euro - does not cover the postage needed for an international airmail letter!

Sponsors   We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our sponsors for this DXpedition:
www.funkamateur.de www.QSL-Shop.com
Bert - DJ2BC Sid - DM2AYO
Spiderbeam Rudi - DM2XO
ex. DL7VFR
Nippon DX Association (NDXA) Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group Inc.
DX Wire
Lone Star DX Association Danish DX Group
German DX Foundation International DX Association, Inc.
Mediterraneo DX Club Chiltern DX Club: The UK DX Foundation
Clipperton DX Club Swiss DX Foundation
Fort Wayne DX Assosiation Northern Ohio DX Assosiation
Passau DX Club
  We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our sponsors for this DXpedition to H40T:
European DX Foundation
    Individual sponsors
AI0O - Robert DF2PY - Wolf DF3CB - Bernd DJ6TF - Tom DJ8NK - Jan
DJ9ZB - Franz DK5LQ - Juergen DK9FN - Siegfried DL2GAC - Bernhard DL2HBX - Ulrich
DL2OE - Mike DL5CW - Andy DL9KR - Johann DO4DXA - Marc G3SJH - Christopher
G4DYO - Brandon JF7RJM - Naoto KB8VAO - Stephen KO9Z - Scott LU1DHM - Hector
OH3XR - Marko OZ8ABE - Bo PA4J - Jan PE1NCP - Mart RA9CMO - Igor
SP5EWY - Ryszard W2GW - John WB1EAZ - Ron WB6RSE - Steve WS7L - Carl
LA5IIA - Johnny G4DYO - Brendan ON8BV - Pol OZ1LXJ - John SQ9CNC - Kazimierz
KD8RQE - Michael KD0Q - Glenn K3WGR - Allen JA7HYS - Ito DL4CW - Bernhard
DL2MSA - Martin WB2EZG - Vincent      

Solomon Islands
Country name: Solomon Islands
National capital: Honiara
Location: Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea
Area: total: 28,896 sq km
land: 27,986 sq km
water: 910 sq km
Land boundaries: total: 0 km
Coastline: 5,313 km
Climate: tropical monsoon; few extremes of temperature and weather
Terrain: mostly rugged mountains with some low coral atolls
Natural resources: fish, forests, gold, bauxite, phosphates, lead, zinc, nickel
Population: 584,578 (July 2012 est.)
Ethnic groups: Melanesian 94.5%, Polynesian 3%, Micronesian 1.2%, other 1.1%, unspecified 0.2% (1999 census)
Religions: Protestant 73.7% (Church of Melanesia 32.8%, South Seas Evangelical 17%, Seventh-Day Adventist 11.2%, United Church 10.3%, Christian Fellowship Church 2.4%), Roman Catholic 19%, other Christian 4.4%, other 2.4%, unspecified 0.3%, none 0.2% (1999 census)
Languages: Melanesian pidgin (in much of the country is lingua franca), English (official but spoken by only 1%-2% of the population), 120 indigenous languages
Independence: 7 July 1978 (from the UK)
Economy: The bulk of the population depends on agriculture, fishing, and forestry for at least part of its livelihood. Most manufactured goods and petroleum products must be imported. The islands are rich in undeveloped mineral resources such as lead, zinc, nickel, and gold. Prior to the arrival of RAMSI, severe ethnic violence, the closing of key businesses, and an empty government treasury culminated in economic collapse. RAMSI's efforts to restore law and order and economic stability have led to modest growth as the economy rebuilds.
Reference: CIA - The World Factbook -- Solomon Islands


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