Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

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    Samples of useless H44G & H40T DX Cluster spots
    Don’t post fake and pseudo-spots begging for QSOs. DX Cluster is not email and no chatroom. H44G and H40T are not monitoring the cluster, H44G & H40T have no 24h internet access. Spotting a current DXpedition on a new band or mode with a note asking them to QSY for you is very annoying to anyone watching the cluster and waiting for them to appear. In other words, only spot stuff you actually hear, not wish for.
    Category I - The call sign abuse category
    Some of these fellows are so rude and abuse callsigns of stations who are either not active as DXers (ZL3CQ, DL6CY), or use invalid calls (DL9WER) or even the call sign of CQ DX Hall of Fame member Ron Wright, ZL1AMO, who passed away. This is definitely too much! EU0DX for example is a German ham (?) in the JO41 grid square area.
EU0DX-@         7005.0 H40T         where are you?                     1657 22 Mar   Temotu Province
EU0DX-@ 3505.0 H40T where are you? 1656 22 Mar Temotu Province
ZL1AMO 28000.0 H44G please 28cw 0553 20 Mar Solomon Islands
ZL3CQ 28000.1 H44G please qrv 0448 20 Mar Solomon Islands
ZL3CQ 28015.5 H40T big sig. where is h44g 0435 20 Mar Solomon Islands
DL6CY 18087.4 H40T please 17mt rtty 0515 19 Mar Temotu Province
DL9WER 21260.0 H40T please SSB FOR EU 0951 17 Mar Temotu Province
    Category II - The fake spots category
    The following fake spots were posted when H44G or H40t were not on the announced frequency.
DL3OX-@        14000.0 H44G         73 aus dem Westerwald Sigi...      0901 23 Mar   Solomon Islands
LZ2LT-@ 14000.0 H44G log online update 0854 23 Mar Solomon Islands
N4KG 14000.0 H44G Where are You? Need 20+30m cw 0529 23 Mar Solomon Islands
RW7M 10114.0 H40T UA3QNS... ya w kurse...no o4en 1912 22 Mar Temotu Province
RW7M 10114.0 H40T Pse QSO!!! 30M! 1854 22 Mar Temotu Province
HA3UI 3500.1 H40T when 80m for EU? 1724 22 Mar Temotu Province
HA3UI 14000.1 H40T when EU 80m CW ? 1723 22 Mar Temotu Province
HA8VK-@ 18069.0 H44G vy pse work on 17 m CW 1319 22 Mar Solomon Islands
G3SJH-@ 7150.0 H40T Nil - too early for British Is! 1716 21 Mar Temotu Province
RA3TAR-@ 21.0 H40T pse ssb 15m 0856 21 Mar Temotu Province
RA7T-@ 21280.0 H40T pse ssb 15m 0801 21 Mar Temotu Province
PD1RK 14195.0 H40T When 20m Phone !! 1226 20 Mar Temotu Province
HA9SU 28000.0 H40T PSE EU EU EU EU EU 0901 20 Mar Temotu Province
UA0MF 28001.0 H44G please try 28cw 0459 20 Mar Solomon Islands
SV1RK 10115.0 H44G pse 80m cw 1641 18 Mar Solomon Islands
US4EX 7004.0 H40T PSE for EU 1409 18 Mar Temotu Province
PA1SAR 21000.0 H44G much more cw please not only r 1325 18 Mar Solomon Islands
OH1UM 28000.0 H4OT pse EU pse EU 0628 17 Mar Temotu Province
HA1DAE 28000.0 H44G ufb dxp for DL/SP 0842 16 Mar Solomon Islands
UW5ZO 28005.0 H44G ONLY DL SP BAD OP :(((( 0841 16 Mar Solomon Islands
UR4MSF-@ 14188.0 H44G pse qso ssb 2029 15 Mar Solomon Islands
PA4AO-@ 14000.0 H44G wkd all poland :-) 2005 15 Mar Solomon Islands
SP4INT-@ 1825.5 H44G no try no chance 1912 15 Mar Solomon Islands
SP4INT-@ 1825.5 H44G where is h44g only donation 1715 15 Mar Solomon Islands
N4KG 3500.0 H44G QRV 10M 6M at NA SR Oh well... 1202 14 Mar Solomon Islands
OK2MJF 7000.0 H44G any activity on 40m 30m? 1848 13 Mar Solomon Islands
US4EX 1811.5 H44G pls 160m try 1647 13 Mar Solomon Islands
YO2NAA 7000.0 H44G where are they? 2046 12 Mar Solomon Islands
RA3TAR-@ 21260.0 H44G Please SSB SSB SSB 0948 12 Mar Solomon Islands
RW0CD-@ 28010.0 H44G pse qso 0834 12 Mar Solomon Islands
DL7CM 28000.0 H44G gd in north DL - JA hearable 0826 12 Mar Solomon Islands
DL7AU 28000.0 H44G no good for North EU Hi 0820 12 Mar Solomon Islands
UN5J 1825.5 H44G pse 160M 1905 11 Mar Solomon Islands
HL2CFY 1800.0 H44G PSE 160 1147 11 Mar Solomon Islands
PY2RO 1800.0 H44G pse try TB 0828 11 Mar Solomon Islands
    Category III - the PSE wish list category
F6BCC          21080.0 H44G         PSE QRP TKS                        0906 19 Mar   Solomon Islands
PP6ZZ 24894.0 H40T Pse SA 0314 18 Mar Temotu Province
RA6AAW-@ 18070.2 H44G Pse update log 0414 17 Mar Solomon Islands DL7CM 24919.2 H44G next 30mtr RY would be gd 0812 16 Mar Solomon Islands
BD7IHN-@ 24890.0 H44G up 2. pse 10m or 17m CW 0127 16 Mar Solomon Islands
KP2KYS-@ 28010.0 H44G call Caribbean,good opening now!! 2235 15 Mar Solomon Islands
UA9NN 1825.5 H44G up pse try ua9 1825 15 Mar Solomon Islands
R7FK-@ 1825.5 H44G 449 =PSE LSN EU RUS 1604 14 Mar Solomon Islands
BV3CE-@ 50103.0 H44G PSE SSB.... 1143 14 Mar Solomon Islands
EC8CQ 21079.8 H44G PLS AFRICA 1959 13 Mar Solomon Islands
UY5AA 28005.2 H44G please come back to 28mhz 0500 13 Mar Solomon Islands
RW3RN-@ 28005.0 H44G pse eu 0419 13 Mar Solomon Islands
EW2A 24891.7 H44G QSX 24892.7 pse EU 0500 12 Mar Solomon Islands
PY2YP 10115.1 H44G QSX 10116.3 pse 80m 0936 11 Mar Solomon Islands
    Avoid spotting stations that have just been spotted by someone else, unless you have useful additional information to pass on.  Don’t bother spotting a station that has just been spotted by a million others, no matter how excited you are to work them (we don’t care). A TNX or TU Cluster spot is no useful information for others. It's only good for yourself and your ego.
    If you were not lucky working H4 - here is your next opportunity:
SQ9KWW          3712.0 H44IOTA      www.h44iota.com be ready for O     0813 17 Mar   Solomon Islands
SQ9KWW 7175.0 H44IOTA www.h44iota.com be ready for O 0813 17 Mar Solomon Islands
SQ9KWW 10120.0 H44IOTA www.h44iota.com be ready for O 0812 17 Mar Solomon Islands
SQ9KWW 18120.0 H44IOTA www.h44iota.com be ready for O 0812 17 Mar Solomon Islands
SQ9KWW 21290.0 H44IOTA www.h44iota.com be ready for O 0811 17 Mar Solomon Islands
SQ9KWW 28450.0 H44IOTA www.h44iota.com be ready for O 0810 17 Mar Solomon Islands
SQ9KWW 14235.0 H44IOTA www.h44iota.com be ready for O 0809 17 Mar Solomon Islands


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    visitors since July 20, 2000 | Last updated: Jun 18, 2024