3DA0DF and 3DA0FR

Swaziland - October 2001


Our DXpedition to Swaziland took place between Sep 30, 2001 and Oct 13, 2001. We were four operators, used the call signs 3DA0DF on CW and RTTY and 3DA0FR on SSB and we ended up with 17601 QSOs in the log.


QSO Statistics

Bands and Modes   CW      SSB     RTTY    PSK31     Total
160m               1        0        0        0         1
80m              382       18        0        0       400
40m              638       20        0        0       658
30m             1520        0        0        0      1520
20m             1273     1025       54        0      2352
17m             2215      980        0        0      3195
15m             1560      715      400       10      2685
12m             1702     1194        0        0      2898
10m             2249     1159      149        3      3560
6m               284       50        0        0       334
Total          11824     5161      603       13     17601

Continents        CW      SSB      RTTY   PSK31     Total
North America  15.1%     7.0%      6.8%    7.7%      9.2%
South America   2.5%     3.0%      0.8%    0.0%      1.6%
Europe         61.6%    66.1%     55.4%   92.3%     68.9%
Asia           19.7%    20.9%     36.0%    0.0%     19.1%
Africa          0.5%     1.4%      0.2%    0.0%      0.5%
Oceania         0.6%     1.6%      0.8%    0.0%      0.7%

1-Band QSOs:    5512
2-Band QSOs:     531
3-Band QSOs:     738
4-Band QSOs:     420
5-Band QSOs:     250
6-Band QSOs:     131
7-Band QSOs:      58
8-Band QSOs:      17
9-Band QSOs:       1


We would like to express our thanks to the following sponsors for supporting our DXpedition: