Kingdom of Eswatini - October/ November 2024
Our last DXpedition took us to the kingdom of Eswatini. We worked with numerous stations on the bands from 160 to 6 m and via the QO-100 satellite. We used 2 spiderbeams, verticals, loop antennas, a 6 elem Yagi for 6m and a satellite antenna. OPs are DK1BT, DL4WK, DL6SAK, DL7BO and DL7UFR.
Tahiti - French Polynesia - October 2023
Our last DXpedition took place to Tahiti, French Polynesia between October 2 to October 15, 2023. We were active with up to five stations from 80 m through 10 m on CW, SSB and digital modes. OPs are DK1BT, DL4WK, DL6SAK, DL7BO and DL7UFR.
Guadeloupe - October 2022
Our last DXpedition to Guadeloupe took place between October 10th and 23th, 2022. We were active with three stations from 160 m through 10 m on CW, SSB and digital modes. OPs are DK1BT, DL4WK, DL6SAK, DL7BO and DL7UFR.
RĂ©union - March 2020
After the originally planned DXpedition to Djibouti had to be canceled, a new destination was found at short notice. We were active as TO7DL from March 4th to 17th from Reunion. OPs are DK1BT, DL4WK, DL6SAK, DL7DF and DL7UFR.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon - October 2019
Our last DXpedition to St. Pierre took place between October 2 and 14, 2019. We were active with three stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB and Digi modes.
The Gambia - April 2019
Our last DXpedition to The Gambia took place between April 1 and 15, 2019. We were active with three stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB and Digi modes.
Barbados - November 2018
Our DXpedition to Barbados took place between November 06 and November 20, 2018. We were active with three stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB and Digi modes.
Greece - October 2018
From October 1st to October 15th 2018 I was on holiday with my XYL Sabine in Greece. I was active on all bands from 80m to 10m in CW, SBB, RTTY as often as possible.
Morocco - February 2018
Our DXpedition to Morocco took place between February 13 and 20, 2018. We were active with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.
Montserrat - November 2017
Our DXpedition to Montserrat took place from 6 November to 20 November 2017. We were active with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY.
Melilla - March 2017
Our DXpedition to Melilla took place between March 15 and 22, 2017.
Anguilla - October / November 2016
Our DXpedition to Anguilla (IOTA NA-022) was between October 25 and November 07, 2016. We were active with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31..
Svalbard - March / April 2016
Our DXpedition to Svalbard (IOTA EU-026) was between March 30 and April 5, 2016. We were active from the club station JW5E with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB and RTTY.
5Z4HW and 5Z/DL...
Kenya - November 2015
Our DXpedition was to Kenya between November 4 and 18, 2015. We were active with two stations on 160m through 6m on CW, SSB and RTTY.
June 2015 - Greenland
Our DXpedition to Greenland takes place in Tasiilaq (locator HP15EO, IOTA NA-151) between June 3 and 12, 2015 using our individual call signs according to the CEPT regulations. We will be active with two stations on 160m through 6m on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.
November 2014 - Senegal
From Novemcer 1st to Novermber 13th I was on holiday with my XYL Sabine in Senegal. I operated on all bands from 160 m to 10 m in CW, SBB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV as often as possible. The location was Somone at the coastline of Senegal near Dakar. But please do not forget. This time I was on vacation with a little bit Ham Radio.
March 2014 - Sri Lanka
Our last DXpedition was to Sri Lanka. We will stayed there from March 10 and 23, 2014. We were active with several stations on 160m through 6m on CW, SSB. One station was exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.
H44G and H40T
March 2013 - Solomon Islands/ Temotu Islands
Our last DXpedition took us to two locations. The first destination was the Solomon Islands, H44G. We stayed there from March 8 and 25, 2013. The Temotu stay we had planned from March 12 to 23. The departure was delayed due to bad weather on the March 16. During the time from March 16 to 23, a part of the group was active from Santa Cruz Island, Temotu Province, H40T.
Previous DXpeditions
here for a summary of all our