Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2004
    From: Deal - BA4TB - Dec 25, 2004
Hi Sigi,always great DXpeditions,hope you have more.

From: Bill - NJ1H - Dec 11, 2004
I just found your WEB page on 20041211. My QSO info is: 5V7VJ de NJ1H 20041008 0152 UTC SSB 17M 59 I tried your log lookup, but got an error. Thanks for the operation. I will be sending a QSL card via buro. Hope you still have them. I also do LoTW. 73, Bill nj1h@bordy.com

From: Leo - PP1CZ - Nov 5, 2004
Hello dear Sigi. I really enjoyed the DX-Ped. Ease to Work, with good operator. Thank you once again for the new one on 12, 17 and 30 meters. 73 de PP1CZ - Léo

From: Gilberto Silva Pacheco Filho - PY3FBI - Nov 4, 2004
73 all fb DXpeditions

From: Freddy - PY3YD - Nov 3, 2004
Congratulations to the TEAM, special thanks to Sig DL7DF for all DX-Petidion who I got chance to contact. 73\'s CUAGN in your next trip :-)

From: ADEMIR - PS8ACL - Nov 3, 2004
Thanks for the contact on 20 M - Not in log. Contact in 08/october- (phone). Many thanks for copy me in all anothers bands. This is my first contac with CAMEROON.

From: ADEMIR - PS8ACL - Nov 3, 2004
Thanks for nice DX-pedition and excellent operation - very good operation. I have made 3 QSO- in 10m, 12m and 20m. (Phone). The bands of 10 / 12 meters is in LOG, but the twenty meters band not in log. OK!Please, check me in 20 m in log. Thanks again, best 73. Ademir - PS8ACL

From: Cesar - PY2YP - http://www.py2yp.ws - Nov 3, 2004
Well done Sigi. I wish you could go to Port Blair.

From: Ron Moorefield - W8ILC VP2EK J6DX - Oct 29, 2004
You have always done a great job WORLD-WIDE.. Keep up the good work. 73 Ron W8ILC

From: Roberet Babec - T98U - Oct 29, 2004
Bravo again, pse check me in 80m log: 20.10.2004. 03:09 UTC CW, can\'t find my call in checklog!~ see u next trip!!! CUL Rob,T98U ex YU4WU E-MAIL: t98u@teol.net

From: Robert E Feuer - W0ZPE - http://www.ranchontheweb.com - Oct 26, 2004
Thankd for a great job of operating on the Cameroon DXpedition...you were all great!!

From: Dave Blaschke - W5UN - Oct 25, 2004
W5UN worked you on Oct. 16, 0432Z on 1.8228 mHz, but do not find my call in the log search for TJ3FR. Would you please check and let me know if it is a good QSO. I heard you on 160 many times, but never called again to let others have a chance for QSO with you. Thanks for all the QSO\'s while there.

From: Fulvio - IK4MGP - Oct 24, 2004
Tnx for nice DX-pedition and great New-one on Top Band!

From: Max - DK1MAX - Oct 24, 2004
Danke für die vielen QSOs. Besonders hat mich 160m gefreut, das war was Neues! Wieder mal eine \"wunschlos glücklich\" DXped von DL7DF + Crew. DANKE!

From: Bill Gaines - AD8P - Oct 23, 2004
Excellent operation and great operators. Very well done. You should be proud.

From: Chuck Guenther - NI0C - Oct 22, 2004
Thanks very much for the new one on 17m. Competition was fierce on all bands! 73.

From: Carlos Silvério - PY2XC - Oct 22, 2004
Sigi, where is the 80 meter log? I am pleased you all arrived in good conditions in DL land. See you later in another DXpedition... 73!

From: Jorge Santos - CT1FMX - Oct 22, 2004
Hi Sigi DL7DF and all Team,Thanks for great DX operation in TJ,FANTASTIC !!! But the QSO in 20m PSK-31 not ok in LOG are in 20RTTY !!?? Thanks again, best 73

From: Bodo Rülke - DL1DWT - Oct 22, 2004
Hallo lieber Sigi und Team ! Hattest Du bei den Treffen in Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz sowie bei DF0SAX noch Bedenken, daß vorangegangene Aktivitäten Euch die Pileups versaut haben könnten - so seid Ihr jetzt gewiß davon überzeugt , daß Ihr nicht umsonst in Kamerun gewesen seid ! Rolf , DL7VEE hat mal geschrieben : \" Eine DX-pedition ist dann erfolgreich , wenn sie mir restliche Bandpunkte bringt. \" Und genau das habt Ihr zumindest in meinem Fall erreicht! Habt also herzlichen Dank für Euer Durchhaltevermögen gegen QRN , Stromausfälle usw. Viele 73 an die gesamte crew von Bodo , DL1DWT.

From: Mike Bragassa - K5UO - Oct 22, 2004
Terrific operation, guys! Thanks for the new one\'s. Best DX-pedition signals on the bands during your operation.

From: John Norris - WA9HMN - Oct 22, 2004
Another fine job. Thanks!

From: Andy - VA3PL - Oct 22, 2004
Very good operation. I have made 4 QSO\'s on 20 m (CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31) but I am listed as having made 2 RTTY QSO\'s on 20M. Hope you can correct you log there. 73 de VA3PL PS. Any one with similar problem?

From: David Kozinn - K2DBK - Oct 21, 2004
Thanks a bunch for being out there. With your operation, even a \"little pistol\" station station like mine was able to make 5 new band/mode combinations pretty easily. I can\'t wait for your next operation.

From: George Staudacher - KI6CG - Oct 21, 2004
Very good operation. Thank you..

From: ILIYA - LZ4UU - Oct 21, 2004
First qso-s with TJ,especially thanks to 80 meters as I\'m with 100w only.Always is a pleasure to work with You!!!

From: Andy - VA3PL - Oct 21, 2004
Thanks for the new one on 40 and 10M Great operation. 73 de Andy - VA3PL

From: CARLOS SILVÉRIO - PY2XC - Oct 21, 2004
It was amazing to hear TJ3FR calling CQ on 80 m on October 14. Worked you with 10 W and an Inverted V on the first call. Congratulations to you all.

From: KRIS - SP9UPK - http://www.sp9upk.of.pl - Oct 21, 2004
Great operation.Tnx for all contact.73

From: Ludek - OK2ZC - http://ok2zc.nagano.cz - Oct 21, 2004
tnx fro nice dxpedition, new ones 160m and rtty GL

From: TONY - SP8AJK - Oct 21, 2004

From: Kim Stenson - W4KVS - Oct 21, 2004
Thanks for the new band country on 15m and new mode on 17m! Using 100 watts and a dipole in the attic. Tnx and 73 de W4KVS

From: Richard Hayter - N4HAY - Oct 21, 2004
FB 30 m QRP contact on my dipole. Mni Tks es 73 de Dick N4HAY

From: GRADY DEAN - W4TRY - Oct 21, 2004

From: Colin - M0DDT - Oct 20, 2004
Thanks for the new one(s), my CW is slow but thanks for the \"beginners\" QSO. The SSB QSO took 5 days of trying, each time thinking I had got it! At last unequivocal report.... A great effort, thanks again, Colin PS would have liked to get you on 50MHz!!

From: DIDIER MONJOIN - F2WT - Oct 20, 2004
Congrats guys for this nice DXpedition and new one on 80m SSB ! Hope you had a lot of fun and where are you going next ? 73 de Didier F2WT

From: Roberto - LU3CQ - Oct 20, 2004
Congratulation Sigi for the TJ3FR Dx Pedition. Did Contact you in all modes CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. Please try to go to BS7 Scarborough Reef,is the only one that I need, HI HI. Best wishes to you and all the group !! 73 Bob LU3CQ

From: Randy - W9ZR - Oct 20, 2004
Another top notch operation Sigi! You guys really know how to get the job done on the low bands. Thanks for the new one on 160. How about J2 or TT8 for the next operation?

From: Bernd - DF3CB - http://www.df3cb.com - Oct 20, 2004
To put it into one word - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions means Quality and Experience. Thanks again!

From: Gordon - N6WK - Oct 20, 2004
Hi Gang, You guys are doing a GREAT Job. I worked you last evening at 23:59 UTC Oct 19 using PSK31 but in the online log Search it says RTTY.. Could you guys fix that Mode error? Thanks and Keep up the Great Job!! Gordon N6WK

From: Brian - K9WIS - Oct 20, 2004
Nice signal into south eastern Wisconsin last night. One of the loudest PSK-31 sigs on the waterfall. 73, Brian K9WIS

From: George - N3GJ - Oct 20, 2004
Mni TNX for another FB DXP Sigi! Great to work you on 80M. FB signal into Western PA. 73!

From: Bill - W2AY - Oct 20, 2004
Excellent ops.

From: DANIEL - LU8EKC - Oct 20, 2004
Hi Sigi.. My congrats to you and the rest of the TJ group on another successful dxpedition! Always very great operating . 73/DX LU8EKC DANIEL

From: Ronald Loneker Sr. - KA2BZS - Oct 20, 2004
Hi Sigi.. Nice to work you and the gang from TJ and any place u go. Always very great operating and \"crowd control\".. 73/DX AWDH Ron (-:

From: Jim - W3QY - Oct 20, 2004
Sigi and crew..in spite of many obstacles you again put on a wonderful Dxpedition.I hope next time you will be working from BS7H..the last one I need..and I believe I could work it on multiple bands if your crew is there!Safe travels back to DL! Jim,W3QY

From: didier - F5TNI - Oct 20, 2004
Many thanks to the team for all qso.....best DX pédition.

From: Anthony Magliocco - EI6DL - Oct 20, 2004
Thank you all for putting on the DX Expedition ! Nice contact on 40m . Nice signal into Ireland. 73\'es all the best , Tony EI6DL

From: Bob Block - W2SR - Oct 20, 2004
Thanks for QSO - one of my very first using PSK-31! 73

From: Hans Buehler - HB9XJ - Oct 20, 2004
tks for the qso ... 73 HB9XJ

From: Juan M Morey - EA6LP - Oct 20, 2004
Very glad to work you in several bands and 3 modes. Very good operators. I hope you have a good time.THANKS, 73 - Juan

From: Bill Storer - KF8HR ALSO V31WW - Oct 20, 2004
Sigi, Great signals into the states! Glad to find you on the bands and a new mode, PSK31. My congrats to you and the rest of the TJ group on another successful dxpedition! Bill wstorer@cinci.rr.com

From: Phil Finkle - K6EID - Oct 19, 2004
Great job guys! Got all three WARC bands plus SSB for new ones. Called on 160 in Suunday night our time but couldn\'t make it. Thanks

From: Tomas - EA8JF - Oct 19, 2004
Thank you very much for the New One 160 mtr/Country, nice contact and nice job. 73 from Lanzarote Is.

From: Sid - K3SX - Oct 19, 2004
Thanks for an excellent operation. I hope the static stops for 60 seconds so I can log you on Topband B4 you QRT. Safe Home! Sid K3SX

From: Helmut - DL7MAE - Oct 19, 2004
Lieber Sigi, hörte heute früh, als ich von der Nachtschicht nach Hause kam, eine Station TJ3FR auf 160m. Laut Vorankündigung sei in Kamerun dieses Band verboten. TJ3FR gab QRZ up 7, ich kam auf Anhieb durch. Wäre zu schön, wenn es wirklich eine Speziallizenz für Euch gegeben hätte. Die Bedingungen heute morgen waren super, auch ZD7K kam wenig später mit 589 hier an. Auch wenn das auf 160m ein Pirat gewesen sein sollte, trotzdem vielen Dank für ein neues Land in RTTY!

From: Harry - DK2GZ - http://www.sdxg.net - Oct 18, 2004
Hello low banders: What a surprise this morning, beautiful signal on 160 meter, thanks for the new one on topband setup: TT ORION, German 75 Watt, Butternut HF9V on the balcony

From: Manuel Alberto C. MARQues - CT1BWW/OK8BWW/S92BWW - Oct 18, 2004
Dear SIGI and Friends, Thanks once again for promoting DX and Amateur Radio with another DXpedition. People like you SIGI and yours friends maintained all interesting on our Hobby. All the Best for ALL OF YOU. Many Sucessfull. 73s and Thanks frm Marq CT1BWW/OK8BWW/S92BWW/JW/CT1BWW and S05X

From: Andree Schanko - DL8LAS - Oct 18, 2004
Hello, many thanks for being in WAG contest. Thank you also for my first 160m QSO with TJ. Good luck, many DX and have a save trip! Greetings from DL Andree DL8LAS

From: yang gi hwan - HL5QY - http://hl5qy@hanmail.net - Oct 18, 2004
thanks for a new one on 20 meters at 0725 16 oct hope to work you any DX-pedition

From: MIKE GREENWAY - K4PI - Oct 18, 2004
Keep up the good work. You are doing great especially on the low bands. Sorry for the troubles with power. Good luck.

From: Glenn - VA3DX - Oct 18, 2004
October 18, 2004 at 0155 gmt, your signal on 160 meters is amazing !!! Thanks for country number 220 on top band !! No beverages or rx antennas, just my Inv L for tx/rx ....

From: Andy - DL4OK - Oct 18, 2004
Super-QSO mit TJ3SP am 17.10.2004 auf 21 MHz in SSB, dank ufb Betriebstechnik!!! Bei Euch haben auch 100 Watt-Stationen eine Chance. Vielen Dank und viel Erfolg weiterhin. 73 de Andy DL4OK

From: RUDOLF - OK2PCL - http://OK2PCL@QUICK.CZ - Oct 18, 2004
Great DXpedition and operations. Excellent Ops! My complimets. VY 73 good luck oms!

From: John Dunnington - G3LZQ - Oct 18, 2004
Mni Tnx for operation on 160m great signals this am 18Oct+/-0300UTC. 73 to all John

From: Tess - K1DT - Oct 18, 2004
Thank you for 160, 80 & 40 CW. Your signals Excellent, operating Eloquent and sportsmanship Extraordinary. Vy 73 to All. Tess, K1DT

From: Tom Reilly - W3GAT - Oct 18, 2004
nice page. also I needed this country on my way to 250 countries. Thanks, Tom

From: Chris - WO8USA - http://www.qrz.com/wo8usa - Oct 18, 2004
Great DXpedition and operations. Thanks for the new one! WO8USA Dayton, Ohio USA

From: MIKE GREENWAY - K4PI - Oct 17, 2004
Please keep going on 160. Signls are good on peaks but QSB is bad and signals disappear for long periods. Good luck...

From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Oct 17, 2004
BINGO ! Full house - all 9 Bands. Thank You Sigi & crew, well done.

From: George Armstrong - K9GA - Oct 17, 2004
Please work 80 CW! I heard you at 0500, but QRT

From: Akio Taguchi - JE2QIZ UND AC7XZ - Oct 17, 2004
Vielen dank fur das schone 3 QSO. Ich arbeite sehr gerne immer mit DX-pedition. Beste 73 und leben sie wohl.

From: Ian - KZ7N - Oct 17, 2004
Thanks for the new band/country on 80/30 m! 73.

From: Henk Hofman - PA3GCV - Oct 17, 2004
Thanks guys for your great signal on TOP BAND, worked you on 02,56 at that time you were a\' solid 599. Thanks and have a\' save trip back home. Henk, PA3GCV

From: Jim De Groat - AA2QR - Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for the contact. Hope your DXpedition is a success....

From: Bill McCourt - WF1L - Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for going to Cameroon. It\'s a new DX country for me. I hope that you guys had a great time. 73 de WF1L

From: Jim Henderson - KF7E, 5X1XX, 7Q7JH, ETC ETC - Oct 16, 2004
Congratulations for a marvelous operation so far, my compliments. I have even worked you from my 100 watt mobile on 17M. Excellent. I was in Cameroon 1991, but no operation possible. I hvae enjoyed your photo album, many thanks. 73 much good luck.

From: Randy Staponski - WA0RAD - Oct 16, 2004
Was a pleasure to work you on 20 mtr cw running about 70 watts output and using a 2 element wire yagi supported by oak trees.

From: Phillip Probert - GW1PJP - Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for another new country and a save journey home

From: Polanec Franz - OE1PFC - http://--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Oct 16, 2004
Danke für alle netten Qso 73 de franz Oe1PFC

From: Frank - DH2FW - Oct 16, 2004
Many thanks for the dx-pedition and a new dxcc for me! Cuagn and vy 73 to all!

From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Oct 16, 2004
Hello Sigi & Co., Your TopBand activity today in the morning was a big surprise. Thank You for that. I heard You but couldn\'t read You. Now I hope for better condx and raising sigs. SU on TopBand. 73 de Thomas

From: Ed - W2ED - Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for another great operation. It\'s great listening to you work the pileups - even when it\'s hard to break them. Best wishes for a safe trip home.

From: Rick Dorsch - NE8Z - Oct 15, 2004
I have really been having fun working your group on the different bands. Today I heard one of the TJ3FR ops working OK2PAY SSTV. I was unable to \"see\" the QSO...so...I have decided to order a Rigblaster for my station. Nice job to all of you!! 73, Rick NE8Z/HC1MD

From: Miguel G. - EA6SX - Oct 15, 2004
GREAT JOB. AS USUAL. Hope you get a nice dxexpedition, many qso on log and the most importan, back home save. Only needed on top band 160mts. We will wait for a licence. 73 MIKE EA6SX

From: Hugo - ON7GB - Oct 15, 2004
Hi Siggi and friends, Tnx for new one on SSTV (#216) ! Your team as always professional operating style; my congratulations. CU on PSK31 during the weekend. 73, Hugo - ON7GB

From: Jack Wilson - K4SAC - Oct 15, 2004
Great job on the bands! Good signal on 80, but pileups are hard to get through. Thanks for the qso\'s on 17,20,and 30 cw. 73, Jack

From: Mike Rundle - N1OKL - http://rdxa.com - Oct 15, 2004
Great Job! Excellent Ops! Worked you first on 30m CW and today on 20m CW. Heard you loud on 80m CW last night US East Coast time, but could not bust pileup. QTH here is NA-55, Islesboro Island. 73, Mike - N1OKL

From: Dudy - YB0DPO - Oct 15, 2004
Dear all, Thank\'s for 12m & 15m QSO, hope to work you again in the pile up,great job !

From: Ron - K8FG - http://www.k8fg.com - Oct 14, 2004
Great operators, looking forward to working them on more bands and Expeditions. Have a safe trip home guys. 73 Ron/K8FG...

From: Everett Bollin - WA3DVO - Oct 14, 2004
Good signals on 20 & 17 meters....Nice Operation...

From: Marco - I4IKW - Oct 14, 2004
Been a pleasure work you on 80 meters (last band)and on rtty new one for digital. Tnx also for past expeditions, gave me new one on low/top band. The big thrill was last from 3X, were i work you from my home with a strage wire/coil antenna on top band and on 80 meters with a 7 meter high vertical!! What\'s your secret!!?? Ciao Marco

From: Jose Luna - EA1CJW - Oct 14, 2004
Onli Cuestion for EA1CJW LLes veri Contad for yu Loc -13/10/04--Fre-18140+18146 Espli- Hora 18/48 for my negati For 17 Metri contad yes veri importan for my . Zenquiu beri mas. Jose Luna Tuero EA1CJW

From: Noriyuki Nagahama - JM2LEI - Oct 14, 2004
Hi Thanks for new one on 17m cw! Hope to work you more..bye bye

From: San - K5YY - Oct 14, 2004
New one on 80 last night. THANKS for staying on that band and giving MANY of us a new one on 80m. Good low bands operation! San

From: Massimo (Max) - I2HXO - Oct 14, 2004
TNX for nice QSO on 80s. Great work from your side!! My best 73.

From: AKIO TAGAMI - JA6VQA - Oct 14, 2004

From: Makoto Tanaka - JR1NHD - Oct 14, 2004
Very excellent operation in every mode. Always feel comfortable to work !!

From: Dave Routzon - W5GT - Oct 13, 2004
Sigi, thanks to all for DXpedition and all of the time and effort! Tnx for a new one! Good luck on power problems.

From: Richard L Brown - SWL ABERDEENSHIRE, SCOTLAND - http://www.geocities.com/scottish_scanner/Page1.html - Oct 13, 2004
Just heard TJ3SP on 17m on my Yacht Boy 400PE from my QTH in North East Scotland. I\'m sure it\'s a lot hotter out there than it is here hihi

From: Klas-G. Dahlberg - SM5KG - http://no - Oct 13, 2004
Will now try to get you. Have not worked TJ before ! A new one for me. Go on with your fine DX work. 73 de Klas SM5KG

From: Ed - LU6XAH - http://www.lu6xah.com.ar - Oct 13, 2004
Congratulations for the expeditions, regards from Patagonia Argentina Newly I finish contact with TJ3SP in 28 Mhz 73 & Dx´s LU6XAH lOCATOR:FD58jj

From: Pete - K4BKD - Oct 13, 2004
Nice site. Hope to work you on 40CW

From: Wilf - DJ6TK - http://www.qsl.net/dj6tk - Oct 13, 2004
Hi, very good Operation. Many thanks for a new one in RTTY Mode. Hope to meet you also on 30m next days. Vy 73 and good luck for the whole Crew, Wilf - dj6tk -

From: Pauly, Hans - DL9HP - Oct 13, 2004
Vielen Dank,lieber Sigi, für unser QSO mit TJ3FR von heute, 13.10.04 um 1040 UTC auf 24.905 kHz.TJ ist für mich ein seltenes Land.Umso grösser die Freude fürs QSO. Hat Spass gemacht

From: Thomas - DL5MO - Oct 13, 2004
Prima Aktivität, hoffe auf noch mehr QSOs und stärkere Signale, wenn erst der Hexbeam steht!73!

From: Ted Webb - W4NE - Oct 13, 2004
good signals so far. Enjoyed your fine effort.

From: Doug - KA5KLU - Oct 13, 2004
Thanks for the new one. Excellent signal on 20 meters CW into San Antonio, Texas. 73\'s Doug//KA5KLU

From: Howard - K2HK - Oct 13, 2004
Great job! All star op\'s. 73, Howard...K2HK

From: Bruce J. Lenton - VA3BJL - Oct 13, 2004
I tried for about 3hrs on Sunday and was not able to QSO. However today ( Tuesday Oct. 12th.)I did make contact on 20 meters ( 14.00510 ) Mhz at 2246 UTC. I will QSL via DL7DF. Thank you for the rare DX. Bruce VA3BJL

From: Gerry Rosam - VK2APG - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks for country 300....nice web site re TJ land. regards Gerry Rosam

From: Mike - KA2FIR - Oct 12, 2004
Hi, With a little work I finally work u on 20 and 30 cw with my G5RV & 100 watts. Signals seemed better lastnight.

From: Fred Dennison - VE3WFD - http://ve3wfd@aol.com - Oct 12, 2004
expecting web site qsl\'s.will they be forthcoming/

From: Ángel-Rafael - EA5ERY - Oct 12, 2004
Very good operation and team fb work. Thanks for qso, I hope work 40 m and 80 m. 73 de Ángel-Rafael EA5ERY

From: usblsb - EB8BKS - Oct 12, 2004
Felicidas por esta maravillosa web de expediciones.... 73/51

From: Tony - EA2PA - Oct 12, 2004
Outstanding DXpedition. Thanks for the 18, 21 ssb contacts and 3.5 cw! Excellent signals and great ops!

From: Frederick B Peppert - G3HSL - Oct 12, 2004
Pleased to contact you 10 Oct on 18Mhz

From: Rolf - DL7VEE - Oct 12, 2004
Prima Aktivität aus Kamerun! Danke für ein New One in RTTY und auch 80 m SSB war super.

From: Roberto Rey - HK3CW - Oct 12, 2004
Thank you very much for the DXP..for some strange reason I had NEVER qso\'d with a TJ stn & I\'m no newcomer to the bands! I now have 323 worked and never came across CAMEROON...strange but you know DX is...so thanks again for my 323 entity!! 73 de HK3CW ROB

From: Bruno - F5JYD - Oct 12, 2004
A great job as usual ! 73 Bruno

From: N.Obara - JA2IDZ - Oct 12, 2004

From: Peter. - M3TRC. - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks for another great DXPED.Good to be in the log.Great website as always. All the best.Peter.

From: Peter. - M3TRC. - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks for another great DXPED.Good to be in the log.Great website as always. All the best.Peter.

From: Dwight Morrow - VE7BV - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks for new one...(20 SSB)....!!!!! Now I will be gunning for CW any band I can.... Can be a challenge from West Coast...... Keep up the good work !!! Blessings !!! Dwight VE7BV

From: TED Zulkowski - K2JMY - http://k2jmy@vh.net - Oct 12, 2004
Tnx for a new country on 80 Meter ssb This is 299 on 80 ssb Nice that you considered going on SSB Keep up the good work and have a safe trip home 73 ted k2jmy

From: tom lish - N6AJR - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks for the nice contact on 20 M

From: Charles - K5SUL - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks for 80 thru 10 SSB and 30 CW contacts. Another first class operation from you guys as always. 73 and God bless.

From: Jerry Uhte - K9UT - Oct 12, 2004
Thanks fer the new one , finally got you ! Good Luck , 73 Jerry ,K2 hr 100w. to a wire.

From: Russ - WA2VQV - Oct 12, 2004
The new one on 30 meters CW was TJ3FR. TKS AGN.

From: Russ - WA2VQV - Oct 12, 2004
Nice website and thanks for a new one on 30 meters ! Good luck and 73.

From: RON SAUER - N8QN - Oct 12, 2004
TJ3FR, Nice to work you on 30 meters october11,2004 at 2217 hours,great signal. My best to all. 73, Ron Sauer/N8QN BEDFORD HEIGHTS,OHIO

From: AKIHIKO OKAMOT - JA9GLW - Oct 11, 2004
Thanks for new big one on phone. I wish you will success your DXpeditioning. 73/GOOD DX.

From: Joe Grant - KK9TT - Oct 11, 2004
Great to make contact! Thanks so much. Sending you a QSL direct shortly. Stay safe there! 73

From: Guenther - OE2LCM - http://www.qsl.net/oe2lcm - Oct 11, 2004
Danke vielmals für das New One auf 80 Meter, hier aus meinem Reihenhaus-QTH. Hoffe ich erwisch euch noch in RTTY. Kommt gut nach Hause. 73 Guenther/Oe2LCM

From: ALBERTO DE ANDRES MATA - EA 2 CIN - http://NOT - Oct 11, 2004

From: Richard Bongeorno Sr. - W6VX - Oct 11, 2004
Thanks for the great QSO\'s and the low band contacts. 80 Meters was a new band country for me. Signals are strong in Los Angeles Callifornia. 73 de Rich W6VX

From: DALE H. COLE - K9TTT - Oct 11, 2004
Class operation~thank you for qso Station hr; TS570s SB200 5btv Vertical (Ground Mounted) Thank You for the Opportunity to log a new one!

From: Akihito Taga - JR0AMD - Oct 10, 2004
Thanks for new one on 20 meter CW... 73!

From: Othmar - OE1SOW - Oct 10, 2004
Danke für ein neues DXCC, guten Aufenthalt und gut DX ! 73 de Othmar, OE1SOW

From: Chris Ogren - K1OG - Oct 10, 2004
Great job working the bands and managing the pileups. Glad I was able to work you. Look for you on the low bands.

From: Ton Schipper - PA0TON - Oct 10, 2004
Tnx guys for the trouble you gave yourselves to get my call OK thru all the impatient callers. Perfect job!

From: Matthias Peter - LA0FA - Oct 10, 2004
Vielen Dank fürs DX-QSO und alles Gute bei der DX-Pedition. 73, Matthias, LA0FA (ex HB9CSP)

From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Oct 10, 2004
I thank You - all of the operators and back stage stuff - for outstanding activity on the bands, also with reduced equipment. 11 Qs from 80 -> 10m during first 2 days demonstrate: You are on the right band at a given time; GREAT !

From: Pete - W2PM - Oct 10, 2004
Thanx for FB operation from Cameroon! Are you enjoying the local cigars?

From: Miguel - EA5AQL - Oct 10, 2004
Many thanks for copy me in the big big pile-up, I hope to meet again in the air...

From: Gerrit Veneberg - PA0GJV - Oct 10, 2004
Nice to work you guys. Good sign on 18mc on sunday 10 october 0946 GMT. 73 gerrit

From: didier - F5TNI - Oct 10, 2004
Hello the team, magnificent operation, congratulations for all OM. Superb operator in telegraphy. Make us beautiful expeditions again, thank you again

From: Matt - WV1K - http://www.qsl.net/wv1k - Oct 10, 2004
Thanks for the new one on CW and SSB. Very well run; worked through the pile with 200w and my F12 XR-5 beam at 8 meters.

From: Ken - KA6C - Oct 9, 2004
New CW country! Many thanks and GL on your adventures. 73 Ken

From: jack - K8RT - http://w8we.org - Oct 9, 2004
Good operation. Keep up the great work Jack

From: Rick - W6ENZ - Oct 9, 2004
Many thanks for a new country today on 30 meters. Best wishes for a successful DXpedition.

From: Les ZL4PO - ZL4PO - Oct 9, 2004
Delighted to work TJ3FR Cameroon from ZL for first time EVER (35 years of trying) on 10106KHz. The opr was superb and great ears to hear a weak ZL in the Pileup right on your dawn 9th October. Will be looking for you on other bands/modes. Best wishes for a successful DXpedition and safe return home

From: Jack Ciaccia - WM0G - http://www.qsl.net/wm0g - Oct 9, 2004
Thanks for the new one on 30M. Got you on second call with 100w and my raingutter antenna! Good CW ops there.. 73, Jack/WM0G

From: Kenneth Waites - N6SW - Oct 9, 2004
Thanks new one on CW. I hope my small contribution helps defray your costs. Good signal on 30 meters!

From: Dick - N6FF - Oct 8, 2004
Always a GREAT expedition from your group . . Good luck and work a bunch.

From: John DeRuiter - WM7A - Oct 8, 2004
Thanks for the new country on RTTY!!!! Hope to get you agn on the other modes and bands

From: Dick - K9BWI - Oct 8, 2004
Great operation. Thanks for new one on 80M

From: Eric (Doc) Stoll - K2TO - Oct 8, 2004
I was in the pileup last evening (7 OCT 2004 at 2330Z) on 10 MHz and was very impressed with the quality of your (TJ3FR) signal and your operating. Although I did not succeed in working you, I will keep trying. :) Thanks for such a professional expedition! 73 and best DX to you all, Eric (Doc), K2TO E-mail: ericstoll@yahoo.com

From: Dwight Morrow - VE7BV - Oct 8, 2004
Thanks for going there and making this fairly difficult country workable.....hope to work you any way I can on the west coast....I will post a comment if I do !!!! TJ is one of the last 2 of the \"terrible t\'s\" I need........Thanks for your other DXpeditions also !!!! 73\'s and good travels Dwight

From: Lee Ju Dong - DS2BGV - http://www.qsl.net/ds2bgv - Oct 8, 2004

From: cal white - WF5W - http://GTDX.com - Oct 8, 2004
# 99 on 80!! thanks for your patience.. good operation. vry 73 Cal WhiteF5W

From: Mike Bragassa - K5UO - Oct 8, 2004
Many thanks new country on 80m!! 73 de K5UO Conroe, Texas

From: Guillermo - XE1ZW - http://WWW.XE1ZW.NET - Oct 8, 2004
The best for the team in this Dxpedition Hope work you in CW as a new one XE1ZW(Bill)

From: Tom - DJ6YX - Oct 7, 2004
Viel Spaß und viel Erfolg! 73`s Tom DJ6YX

From: FRANK - WP4CQ - Oct 7, 2004

From: Tim - KU4J - Oct 6, 2004
Good Luck on your trip, I hope to work you on Digital! 73 Tim

From: Doug Henderson - G3KOZ - Oct 6, 2004
Hope to work Cameroon for a new one.Good luck and enjoy another pile up!! 73 Doug

From: David J. McAulay - VK3EW - Oct 6, 2004
Congratulations on the TJ DXpedition This is very \"RARE\" in VK and ZL if you can point the beams our way now and then im sure this would be appreciated. Thank you Have a wonderful time, and safe journey to TJ 73 David VK3EW

From: Paul Spitzer - YO5BRZ - http://www.qsl.net/yo5brz - Oct 4, 2004
Excelent Sigi!! Nice all of yours DXpeditions; 80% from them I have it allready worked; Congratulations also for your QSL-ing service it\'s work like a \"German mashine\"! see you next time; ales Gute! Paul

From: FROM: Bill Dawson - W7TVF - Oct 3, 2004
Good luck to all and \"NEVADA\" will be looking for you on the low bands as well as digital modes. 73 and have a safe trip. Bill

From: Murayama, Akira - JH2RMU - Oct 2, 2004
Tnx many QSO Sigi. I just cfm 3xy7c via Buro. I hope to QSO from TJ. GL 73!

From: Ray - N6VR - Oct 2, 2004
Nice Web site. Hope you have many QSOs! Any chance you could operate IOTA, AF095 while there? F6BUM was there for a very short time and many did not work him (No West Coast of USA). Hope you can consider a side trip to AF095. Good luck and success to your group and operation. Ray, N6VR CW op, XF1K

From: juan - EA9IE - Oct 1, 2004
Very good luck and as always we really hope you will do a great job to the DX community. I hope to work you as usual in many bands. Have a good trip from Ceuta, North Africa.

From: ted zulkowski - K2JMY - http://k2jmy@vh.net - Oct 1, 2004
Would like to see more actitity on 80 meter SSB TJ and 7q are the only 2 countries I need in africa. Keep up the good work 73 TED

From: ted zulkowski - K2JMY - http://k2jmy@vh.net - Oct 1, 2004
Would like to see more actitity on 80 meter SSB TY and 7q are the only 2 countries I need in africa. Keep up the good work 73 TED

From: Edward A (Ron) Leppard - VE1AYY - Sep 27, 2004
Very Impressed on a job well done 73

From: Rick Crosmer - W6ENZ - Sep 19, 2004
Happy to see your upcoming DXpedition to TJ. I will be looking for you on CW as I really need this one (DXCC #131). Hope you will be working some 30 mtr and 40 mtr CW 0200Z-0500Z so the west coast of US can look for you. Best wishes for a successful DXpedtion. Hope to CU on the air!

From: Dov - 4Z4DX / M0DOV - http://www.mdxc.org/9n7dx/ - Aug 21, 2004

From: Bob - W4DR - Jul 15, 2004
Congrats on fine operations! Please make a special effort to get TJ on 160. It is very rare on topband but others have had permission so this is possible bob eshleman

From: Sergei - UA4WEA - Jun 22, 2004
GD Sigi! TNX for new country. I was send 5V7VJ qsl to you via bureau, but NOT rcvd. Direct request 1 month ago also not cfm. Pse 5V7VJ qsl via bureau. Tnx 73 Sergei/ua4wea

From: Uwe Granzow - DL3BQA - May 25, 2004
hallo, schöne seite und tnx auch für die vielen qso mit den expeditionen. wo finde ich eine baubeschreibung der leichten pa (ty9???), die ihr verwendet? ich weiß da war mal was im fa oder woanders, aber ich kann den artikel nicht finden? tnx+73s uwe

From: - VU2UKR - http://www.cqindia.com - May 21, 2004
Nice Site, Hope to work in the near future, All the best , 73

From: Paul - F1TTJ - May 14, 2004
TNK for the qso in 6 m. Paul BORFIGA

From: Garry - VE3XN - Mar 02, 2004
Now that's an impressive website fellows! I came looking for DL7DF's direct address and spent 40- minutes looking at all the goodies. Congratulations on an excellent site and all the vy FB DXpeditions your groups have put on! I thought I made 10m QSO shortly after VA3DX on 10m but I guess not..Oh well!! Love your computer logging anyway! World class Expeditions for sure! 73 Garry VE3XN PS Sending for QSL March 2, 2004...tks! Garry V. Hammond

From: Dirk - DL5DCL - http://www.dl5dcl-online.de.vu - Feb 27, 2004
Hallo Sigi,prima Seite. Lohnt sich wirklich darin zu stöbern.Einen Großteil eurer DXpeditionen habe ich gearbeitet. Leider habe ich keine QSL für den 3B8/DL7DF trip bekommen. Wir hatten QSO am 12.Nov.2000 in CW auf 12m.Vielleicht kannst du mal nachsehen? Allerbesten Dank und awdh,73 de Dirk,DL5DCL

From: Joe - I2AZ - Feb 22, 2004
Dear Sigi, many thank for Myanmar QSOs and New-One! I am astonishing seeing how many DX-speditions you made and I hope to contact you very soon. 73 DX es new dxspeditions. Joe i2AZ Giuseppe ''Joe'' Alberti

From: Zlatko - 9A3AQ - Jan 28, 2004
Kleine Fehler in meines Email adr Ueber WWloc bitte Antwort via Email! Bitte QSL !!! 73...Zlatko

From: Zlatko - 9A3AQ - Jan 28, 2004
Expedition war UFB ( wie alle bis jetzt und ich hoffe auch nechte) , aber welches WW loc waren sie QRV? My qso war 8.11.2002./1347/. Ich habe schon 3 QSL via DARC geschickt und keines Antwort ? Bitte QSL !!! 73...Zlatko

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