Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2017
    From: F4EPU David - F4EPU - Dec 3, 2017
Hi, Thanks for nice activity from VP2. See you next time! 73s
From: Gert - DK2TA - Nov 24, 2017
Super gemacht! Danke ! Hoffe awdh, vielleicht auch auf 160m . 73 Gert dk2ta
From: Sal - IZ8CLM - Nov 22, 2017
Thanks a lot for your activity...very very nice, professional! 73\' Sal IZ8CLM
From: Andreas - DK2CF - Nov 20, 2017
Prima Signale auf den Bändern, gepaart mit super Betriebstechnik und guten Ohren. Danke Euch, besonders für 160m. Kommt gut heim!
From: jan - 4X1VF - Nov 20, 2017
From: Per - LA7DFA - Nov 20, 2017
Tnx Sigi and crew. Was a real struggle to work you on 160m, but last day we made it!
From: Greg - SO3AK - Nov 20, 2017
TNX for 60m CW call back me, but you take me at SO3Q . Please correct my call is SO3AK . QSO data is 2017,Nov,18 at 2155Z 5.354Mhz (up2)
From: donato - IK8VVS - Nov 20, 2017
ottimo lavoro molto divertente ,i miei complimenti e grazie per il contatto alle prossime dx 73 de ik8vvs
From: Olaf - DK2LO - Nov 20, 2017
Tnx fr ufb DXpedition! OQRS does not support 60m request yet, Could you please correct this. Tnx es 73 de DK2LO - Olaf
From: DOV GAVISH - 4Z4DX - Nov 20, 2017
hi lbr sigi and friends.danke new bands and 60m 73
From: Bill - G4WJM - Nov 20, 2017
First class operating procedure, demonstration of how it should be done!! Congratulations 73 and safe journey home
From: LUCA - IK3VUT - Nov 19, 2017
very nice dx operation,congrats. ALSO NICE TEAM. DE LUCA IK3VUT 73.
From: Steven Genz - WI0E - http://qrz.com - Nov 19, 2017
Dear sig and Co., Hi, thanks so much for Montserrat after all these years! 35 years ago I worked the island 3 times but at age 16 I was too busy chasing girls than filling out qsl cards, hihi! Gud luck , health, and best dx. 73 de Steve Wi0e
From: Benjamin Ubach - XE2AU - Nov 18, 2017
Thanks for nice QSOs
From: Björn Ekelund - SM7IUN - Nov 17, 2017
Thanks for a great operation! Four new bands for me with 100W and a dipole.
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Nov 17, 2017
Servus Sigi & Team, mni tnx fr 160-15m QSOs..incl 60m. nw hpe fr 10m and 12m... Great activity! Servus, Bernhard
From: Nick - US8UA - Nov 17, 2017
I am Nick-US8UA I in the mornings, 5 days, tried to spend QSO on 160м with VP2MDL. 11/16/2017 an excellent condition and in 05-04 my QSO took place. I was disappointed when I did not see my share in the log. Was UR8UA. Very sorry. I\'ll try again and again. 73!!Nick-us8ua
From: Mauro - HB9ALO - Nov 16, 2017
Fantastic operations as usual Sigi and Team. Many thanks also for the new 60 meters band! Best regards. 73
From: Rick - WA7BNG - Nov 16, 2017
It has been a lot of fun chasing you across the bands. 73 and good DX!
From: Tibi - HA1DAE - Nov 15, 2017
Dear Friends, Nice to work your another DXpedition from the new place. I heard your signal more days 1823,1 but you no copy me becuse worked with USA. If possible please listen europe around 5-6 UTC. The VP2M wouild be new one on 160m. Congratulation and thanks for the QSOs. \'73 Tibi HA1DAE
From: John - NO0I - Nov 15, 2017
Hi, thanks for contact on 40 cw 11-15 @ 0110Z. Hope it is in your log as condx were ruff here in MO. 73, John - NO0I Best DX and have fun on the island.
From: Ray - DH6DAO - Nov 15, 2017
Tolle Signale, tolle OPs - schon drei CW-Kontakte mit der Drahtantenne geglückt :-) ,,, mal sehen, ob noch RTTY gelingt...
From: Giuseppe - IT9FGA - Nov 14, 2017
dear Sigi, missing following qso IT9FGA 10/11/2017 19:10z 17M CW 5NN 5NN VP2MDL pse check log, thank you! 73 Giuseppe, IT9FGA
From: Thomas Wieland - DF9TW - http://www.wielandthomas.de - Nov 14, 2017
Super, vielen lieben Dank Sigi, jetzt ist auch Montserrat erreicht Gruß Thomas
From: Gregg Erlenbusch - W5IDX - Nov 14, 2017
Wonderful OP\'s Keep up the great work! W5IDX
From: Manu - F8FKI - Nov 14, 2017
Very strong on 160m this Morning in France, congratulation..es hat wirklich Spass gemacht, und gleichzeitlich ein \"newone\" für mich on Top Band...Gruß...Manu F8FKI
From: Roland - DK3GI - Nov 13, 2017
Schöne DXpedition und hoffe Ihr habt Spass. Die Nennung des Rufzeichens würde helfen die Operation noch besser zu machen. 73 und kommt gesund nach Hause...
From: Nodir - EY8MM - http://www.ey8mm.com - Nov 13, 2017
Excellent signal on 60 m and New One! Somehow can\'t see our qso in online log. Please check 13/11/2017 0018Z 60 m CW. I will try to avoid dupe. :) 73, Nodir EY8MM
From: Tac - JA7QVI - http://https://www.qrz.com/db/JA7QVI - Nov 13, 2017
Thanks for FB DX-pedition from VP2M. Especially, I look on 80m and 160m. Many LOW Bander JAs Looking for you. It\'s very difficult QSO from JA. Could you please QRV on 80m and 160m for JA. I think we have best time at 08-09Z. It\'s JA\'s Sunset time. Thank you.
From: Klaus - DK1AX - Nov 12, 2017
Wow! What a surprise and incredible QSO yesterday night on 60m!! Fantastic signal - thanks a lot - enjoy your fb Dxpedition!
From: COSTA - IZ7GXB - Nov 12, 2017
Congrats...dx pedition on Vp2M...nice signal all over the bands....fantastic!!! Experience for serius OM! Tnx a lot! COSTA iz7gxb - 4o7gxb
From: Steve - IK5MEJ - Nov 11, 2017
Hi Guiys, congratulation for yoyr fb dx pedition as usual. Please correct my qso on your log on line, it has been made on 80 m. not on 60m, 60 m. is not band allowed in Italy. 73 gl and all thr best de ik5mej
From: Henry Miller - K2KMC - Nov 11, 2017
Tnx for QSO on 7010khz 11 November 2017
From: GEORGE - W6RFL - Nov 10, 2017
Thanks for 160M. Big signal into central California. Good luck and have fun on the Island. Geo.
From: Guy FALCOZ - F6DKQ - Nov 10, 2017
Thanks again, Sigi for a new dxcc. Good ops, good ears as usual... 73 de Guy F6DKQ
From: Anci Yamada - JA2ZL - Nov 10, 2017
TNX for 80m CW call back me, but you take me at JA2ZLD. Please correct my call is JA2ZL JA2ZL JA2ZL. QSO data is 2017,Nov,10 at 0940Z 3.515Mhz
From: MASARU HANAZAKI - JA5AQC - Nov 10, 2017
From: Lothar - DF8LC - Nov 10, 2017
Danke für 80m QSO........Leider macht Ihr auf 160m QRT ,,,,wenn Eure Signale in DL laut werden. Sehr schade ...Hier um ca. 06:35UTC...Sonnenaufgang..... Ihr seid hier gut zu Hören. 73 de Lothar
From: JANUSZ - SP6NVN - Nov 9, 2017
Hello iam work vp2mdl 0811.2017 0037 utc in log is sp6nvm
From: DOV GAVISH - 4Z4DX - Nov 8, 2017
From: Andy - LX1DA - Nov 8, 2017
How about 60m activation ? Best 73
From: Claudio - PY2MC - http://qrz.com/py2mc - Nov 8, 2017
Thanks 80m CW QSO. Good Luck in your Dxpedition! 73,s Claudio PY2MC
From: Jeff Dorsey - TZ4AM - http://TZ4AM on QRZ,com - Nov 7, 2017
Dear Tom and company: Thanks for the contact on 20 meters. I hope you\'re able to operate 160, 80 and 40 meters. Please post also some information on how Monserrat is doing. Is it recovering after the volcano? 73, Jeff in Bamako Mali
From: Arnold - VE3NFN - Nov 7, 2017
Pleased to work you in Monserrat on 20 cw. Very good signal and your team managed the pileup very well. Cheers, Arnold, Toronto, Canada.
From: Ric Shaner - AF7VT - Aug 9, 2017
Best of luck in your upcoming DXpedtion. I hope to work you as it will be an ATNO. 73, Ric AF7VT
From: Philipp - OE7PGI - Jul 28, 2017
Hallo Sigi ! Heute ist die EA9/DL7UFN QSL über das Büro bei mir eingetroffen. Danke noch einmal für das \"New One\" auf dem 30m Band. Hoffentlich kann ich euch im November auch von VP2M in SSB und RTTY arbeiten 73 aus Tirol OE7PGI Philipp
From: Art - K4FWJ - Mar 21, 2017
Sigi, thanks for 17m CW Melilla 21.3.2017 I\'ve worked a number of resident Melilla\'s but none are using LoTW. Your eventual upload as EA9/DL7DF will make me happy. BTW - all my ancestors were Germans.
From: Tom - W1TC - Mar 20, 2017
Thanks for 160 QSO. you were weak but I heard my callsign/report Q5 the second call! 73 Tom
From: Tom - W1TC - Mar 20, 2017
Thanks for 80 CW QSO. Hoping for 160 QSO. I have weak copy on 160 around our SS 2330z. please listen for NA ! 73 Tom
From: Sergei - RV9DC - Mar 16, 2017
Hi Sigi, please look for Asia (not only JA) aspecially on low bands. Good luck and hope to work you on 80/40/30. 73! AWDH
From: Anatoly P. Sakhno - US8UX - Feb 13, 2017
Hello Sigi. I lost time and date our qso on 160m (VP2EGR). If you can - help please. Sorry. 73.Anatoly us8ux@ukr.net
From: Anatoly P. Sakhno - US8UX - Feb 13, 2017
Hello Sigi. I lost time and date our qso on 160m (VP2EGR). If you can - help please. Sorry. 73.Anatoly
From: Vincent - F4CVQ - http://www.f4cvq.com - Feb 13, 2017
Best 73 from F4CVQ Vincent. TU for 20, 30, 40M QSO.
From: Henryk Prasal - SP1FPG - Feb 12, 2017
Vy 73 de sp1fpg
From: Ric Shaner - AF7VT - Feb 4, 2017
Thank you for making it possible to log another ATNO. 73, Ric AF7VT
From: David - OK6DJ - http://www.cdxp.cz - Jan 23, 2017
Excellent Sigi. Ea9 next dxtrip See you on the pileup 73 David.
From: Rudi - DM2XO - Jan 8, 2017
Danke für die QSL Karten

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