Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2022
    From: Pavel ANDIL - OM8FR - Nov 17, 2022
Hi tnx for very nice DXpedition and all QSOs. I made mistake dnt write 14MHz SSB QSO with op.Annette to my HRD log.Missed sri . 73 pavel
From: Steve - AC9EM - Nov 6, 2022
Greetings and thank you for your DXpedition. Appreciate the contacts. Best wishes to your team. 73
From: Hartmut - DL3BWF - Nov 1, 2022
Super Expedition! vy 73
From: Mike Robinson - KG2MM - http://https://www.qrz.com/db/KG2MM - Oct 25, 2022
Thanks for running the DXpedition! Hope you all had fun!
From: John Calnan - W7JKC - Oct 23, 2022
Thank you very much for your expedition to Guadeloupe. I enjoyed chasing you on CW only. Thank you, John Calnan W7JKC
From: TAKU - JE7GRI - Oct 23, 2022
Thanks for QSO with you. Please correct my callsigh for QSO on 20mCW,on 18,Oct,2022 at 0742UTC. My correct callsign is\"JE7GRI\". Not \"JE7GRU\" Regards and Best 73.
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Oct 23, 2022
You did a great job on all bands; TNX ! Good DXcluster infotainment about activated bands and modes just in time; very useful. Really skilled operater(In: Annette); easy to reach You in different modes. HAMradio DXpedition of the very best; it was a pleasure to contact You. 73 !
From: Sten - DJ5NN - Oct 23, 2022
Sigi, tnx fürs Organisieren und allen OPs tnx für den ufb Funkbetrieb!
From: Jürgen - DL8LE - Oct 23, 2022
Vielen Dank für Eure Bemühungen in FT8. Ich habe bewusst nur FT8 gemacht und war überrascht, wie gut es auch auf 80 und 160 mit nur 80 W und Dipolen geklappt hat. Einen guten und sicheren Rückflug! Tnx, 73
From: Hans - DK5JI - Oct 23, 2022
This was a fantastic dxpedition! Tnx to everyone for 13 qso\'s on 8 bands! I really enjoyed it! Have a safe trip back home! 73, Hans
From: chris - DL9GCG - Oct 23, 2022
Das war eine Super DX pedition, Schade, dass es auf 160m nicht geklappt hat. vielleicht beim nächsten mal. Nochmals 73 an alle Teinehmer und kommt gesund nach hause Chris DL9GCG
From: Mark R. Anderson - NM2A - Oct 22, 2022
Great operations gang!! I\'ve got you on CW on 10, 15, 20 and 80. Where is the 40m operation?? Thank you for the Qs. Take time to enjoy the views...OKAY!! 73 de Mark, NM2A
From: Marco - IK1YED - Oct 21, 2022
Please Top Band tomorrow morning Guys! All The Best!
From: Augusto - I0WBX - Oct 21, 2022
very strong on Italy 73
From: Hans - DK5JI - Oct 21, 2022
Tnx for fantastic job! But: \"nobody calls us on 160m and 80m\" - not true, I kept u clg, but no ans; when u switched to FT8 it wkd! \"pile ups ... only after the announcement in the cluster\" - that\'s since you don\'t always have the same qrg on a specific band! Anyway - tnx for 13 qso\'s so far! (rig 100 w to dipole up 8 m)
From: Dave - AL7LO - Oct 21, 2022
Fantastic job! You are excellent operators. Appreciate your efforts, many good signals into Alaska.
From: Brent - WB1WM - Oct 20, 2022
599 599 0:22 20 Oct 2022 tnx Brent
From: Max - IK8TMI - Oct 19, 2022
Good dxespedition
From: Dennis - N0SMX - Oct 19, 2022
Thank you for the many contacts from Various Dx locations. You are Top Notch operators.. Best 73 and Good Dx Dennis N0SMX
From: Ed Majewski - KC3NAF - Oct 19, 2022
From: Szabo Arpad - YO6FGZ - Oct 19, 2022
Excellent work on CW as always ! Vy 73, Arpi
From: George Oliver - NC1A - http://qrz nc1a - Oct 19, 2022
nice to meet you Sigi and thanks for the contact be safe and be well \'73 George NC1A
From: Val - YO6DDF - Oct 18, 2022
TO2DL 14016-Working mostly DL&USA,been called a half hour but..Nil
From: Bill W. - KE3O - Oct 18, 2022
Dr Friend .. how do we contact you regarding a busted QSO ? TU
From: DOV GAVISH - 4Z4DX - http://qrz.com - Oct 18, 2022
dankeshein 73 de dov 4Z4DX ales gute awadh
From: Mauro - HB9ALO - Oct 18, 2022
Excellent work on CW as always ! Sigi and Team thank you for the 60 meters CW. 73, HB9ALO Mauro
From: Greg Gabry - N9PGG - http://QRZ - Oct 18, 2022
Thanks, I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed
From: Patrick Chambers - W6VJT - Oct 17, 2022
thank you for some Ham Radio fun. if you ever do fox hound on ft8, please let us know. be safe, hope to see you next year. 73 Pat
From: Vagn Jensen - OZ1OXQ - Oct 16, 2022
Just to say T U for my qso with TO2DL on 12 metres to day = 16 - 10 - 2022. TO2DL is a new entity for me. I have years ago worked/confirmed the good German team from other good DX entities, one on 80 metres. I hope to hear and to work TO2DL on other band(s). VY 73 Vagn//OZ1OXQ using 100 watt and inverted W3DZZ.
From: Herbert - DG8YFM - Oct 16, 2022
Super DXpedition, Konnte euch heute vormittag auf 40m arbeiten, 10m ist auch im Kasten. Jetzt noch 160m und auf 30m hör ich mal. 73 Herbert.
From: DONGKYU, LEE - HL2WA - Oct 16, 2022
Congratulations and very welcome to your wonderful DX-Pedition operation in your new location in Guadeloupe, Caribbean. Many Korea (HL) hams would like to contact you. In particular, we expect great QSO in the 80/160 meter band. In Korea, the frequency is limited to operate radio stations up to 1800~1825KHz for 1.8MHz and 3500~3550KHz for 3.5MHz according to the Radio Law. As a result, in the case of FT8 QSO, at 3547KHz for 3.5MHz and 1810KHz for 1.8MHz, Korea(HL) hams are waiting for QSO. Please refer to the frequency setting during operation and consider it. QSO on 12 meters is also expected by Kore(HL) ham. All members are healthy and have a great time with Big Pile Up. Kyu, HL2WA
From: DONGKYU, LEE - HL2WA - Oct 16, 2022
Congratulations and very welcome to your wonderful DX-Pedition operation in your new location in Benin, Africa. Many Korea (HL) hams would like to contact you. In particular, we expect great QSO on 80/160 meter band. In Korea, the frequency is limited to operating radio stations up to 1800~1825KHz for 1.8MHz and 3500~3550KHz for 3.5MHz according to the Radio Law. As a result, in the case of FT8 QSO, at 3547KHz for 3.5MHz and 1810KHz for 1.8MHz, Korea(HL) hams are waiting forQSO. Please refer to the frequency setting during operation and consider it. All members are healthy and have a great time with Big Pile Up. Kyu, HL2WA
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Oct 15, 2022
Kaum hatte ich wegen er schlechten condx auf 160m gejammert, schon hat es geklappt! hi hi Danke für die QSOs auf 160m und 80m CW ! Jetzt hofffe ich natürlich noch auf 60m CW ! Viel Spaß in der Karibik! 73 & servus Bernhard DJ5MN
From: GERARD DEBELLE - F2VX - F2VX - Oct 14, 2022
AS ALWAYS GOOD OP AND dxPEDITION§ Good stay in Guadeloupe...73\'S gérard
From: JAN - SP3CYY - Oct 14, 2022
Grüße an alle und große Wünsche Pilup und QSO und weniger Störungen auf 160m und 80m. Wenn ich mich an die gemeinsame Zeit auf der Dx-Expedition erinnere, bedauere ich, dass ich nicht bei Ihnen sein kann. Bis zum nächsten Mal auf den Bändern. Jan sp3cyy
From: Vlad - R8WF - Oct 14, 2022
Hello, friends. Could you start work on 160m a little earlier - around 02Z. At 80 m. I heard You quite well. There is hope for 160 m. 73! Vlad R8WF
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Oct 14, 2022
Hi TO2DL team, 160m 160m 160m I monitored you & your pileup on 160m in CW as well as FT8. Many many powerful European stations were calling without success. Hopefully condx or your RX-situation improve for top band ... Have fun in FG! 73 Bernhard DJ5MN
From: Tom Lunsford - KC3SVR - Oct 13, 2022
Thanks for the QSO on 17m CW!
From: Giuseppe - IK5JRQ - Oct 13, 2022
Grazie per il qso. Gradirei cfm by LOTW. 73 Giuseppe
From: Tin - BA5AD - Oct 13, 2022
Pls 20M CW Asia and LP, tks!
From: Stephen Hawkins - NG0G - Oct 13, 2022
GREAT JOB!. Accidentally had the amp in standby.
From: Pascal - ON3NR - Oct 12, 2022
Hello alls, TNX for DX expedition and QSO this evening on 10m band FT8. Have pleasure and take care 73 Pascal ON3NR
From: alberto - IK2QEB - Oct 12, 2022
tnx for 12 mt cw 73
From: Ayman Azar - N9SES - http://https://www.n9ses.com/ - Oct 12, 2022
Nice To Work You On 40 Mtr FT8 Hope To Work You On Other Bands. 73s
From: Terry - CT2HXM - Oct 12, 2022
Olà TO2DL Team, tnx fr new One last nigth on 60m and QSO 30CW this morning GL see you soon other bands/mods 73 de Terry CT2HXM
From: Hartmut „Hardy“ - DM2HK - Oct 11, 2022
Good luck for this Dxpedition 73
From: Gerhard - DL5NDH - Sep 30, 2022
Good luck for operation TO2DL

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