Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2018
    From: Hugh Goodwin - GM8FXD - http://QRZ.com - Dec 28, 2018
Tnx for 2018 20m QSO, I need Barbados so look forward to LOTW confirmation. Best 73 Hugh
From: Vlad - US3LR - http://us3lr@ukr.net - Dec 7, 2018
Sorry, I lost QSO to 160 in my Log. I was a summer house and did not write it in a journal, but on a piece of paper that I lost. Please help me find it again.
From: Vlad A.Klushin - UA3ECJ - Dec 3, 2018
Dear friends! My QSO November 19, 2018 at 04.14 GMT on 80 meters by CW is not in the log. The contact was absolutely sure, so I did not try to make QSO again on this band. Please check!
From: Chris Sintoris - SV6JHA - Dec 2, 2018
Thank you very much for the contacts(VP2MDL/8P9AE), especially for the SSB op\'s, which due to the power of my station(500w..only..), you gave me patient care since you heard some letters(suffix usually) from my call.Best regards, Chris.
From: ELY - IN3VZE - Dec 2, 2018
Please not my qso : 09/11/18 at 17,36 utc -21 mhz. CW . Would you please check if I am in the log. Best regards . 73 Ely - IN3VZE
From: Dario - IZ8LKL - Nov 26, 2018
Hi, pse not in log my qso on 20m ssb at 12:39utc 18/11/2018, pse check ! Best regards de Dario IZ8LKL
From: Eugene Belyakov - RX3MX - http://rx3mx@mail.ru - Nov 26, 2018
Hello not in log online my qso 17m. 17.11.2018 cw utc 12:02? rx3mx Eugene.
From: David - F4EPU - http://https://f4epu.skyrock.com/ - Nov 24, 2018
Hi, Thanks for QSO, big signal in France! 73s David F4EPU
From: Alex - R3TR - http://ua3tco@hotmail.com - Nov 23, 2018
Liebe freunde DL7DF wir arbeiten 19.11.18 00.50 7.006.5Mhz CW!!! Besten Dank! Ihre Report 599 Warum NO QSO??? 73!
From: TARANEK JANOS - YO6HSU - Nov 22, 2018
INCORRECT CALL YO6HHU (INEXISTENT) CORRECT CALL YO6HSU 15 11 2018 08:07 GMT 10.107 kHZ CW QSO NR 1 19 11 2018 08:57 GMT 10.106 kHZ CW QSO NR 2
From: Brennan Long - K6BFL - Nov 21, 2018
Thanks for all of the QSOs very good ops 73
From: René - HB9DGZ - Nov 20, 2018
Vielen Dank für die Verbindung mit 8P9AE und euern tollen Einsatz, super Operating, alles Gute und gl dx, vy 73 de René HB9DGZ
From: Kirt - DL5ZB - Nov 20, 2018
Hallo 8P9AE Mannschaft, wie immer sehr gute und fleißiger Team mit starken Signalen auf alle Bänder und Mode. Vielen Dank für die viele QSO-s, hat mir viel Spaß gemacht mit Euch zu arbeiten und freue mich auf nächste Expedition. Kommt gut nach Hause und bis bald
From: Lothar - DF8LC - Nov 20, 2018
Danke für die QSO´S! Ihr habt immer tolle Signale gemacht.....selbst auf 160m ! Gute Heimreise , und bis zum nächsten mal. 73´s de Lothar
From: Jim - AG6IF - http://https://www.qrz.com/db/AG6IF - Nov 20, 2018
I had a great time working your DXpedition, I visted the island many years ago and enjoyed all of this. My YL even asked me if \"this is something I\'d like to do someday\".. how bout that! 73 and thanks
From: Carl DeWhitt - KI5SF - Nov 20, 2018
Tnx for QSO on 40 meters LSB.
From: Karl - DH3KM - http://dh3km.darc.de - Nov 19, 2018
Congratulation , good Job , fb OP s , Wish a good trip at home vy 73 Karl aus Butzbach
From: Panos - SV1GRN - Nov 19, 2018
Congratulations for fb DXpedition with very good operators. You gave me the opportunity to fill new slots and most important to work you qrp. Keep up the good work 73
From: Mike Chasse - W7WRJ - Nov 19, 2018
Dear Sir, I enjoyed working you on multiple bands and modes. Do you have any plans on uploading logs to Clublog so I can OQRS for my cards? I really don\'t need paper cards, and don\'t mind donating for just LoTW confirmation. Please let me know the best way to donate and confirmation for my contacts with you via LoTW. Regards and 73\'s, Mike Chasse w7wrj mike@1911parts.com
From: Stevie Gillespie - MI0GTA - Nov 19, 2018
Mny Tnx new dxcc on 40m this morning Good luck vy73 de MI0GTA Stevie
From: Stevie Gillespie - MI0GTA - Nov 19, 2018
Mny Tnx new dxcc on 40m this morning Good luck vy73 de MI0GTA Stevie
From: bruno - HB9DEN - Nov 19, 2018
Congrats to Annette - working only with a Long wire - and she picked me up on 40m and 17m = besten Dank
From: Phil - F5MVB - Nov 19, 2018
Great dxpedition and good job. thank you for your nice activity from W.I
From: Hans Dijkerman - PE1RNU - Nov 18, 2018
TNX for QSO please correct my call on 16-11-2018 23:11
From: Kjell Bonerfält - SM4DDS - Nov 18, 2018
Tnx! Nice expedition, very strong signals here in SM. Tnx for 3 new band slots! 73
From: Ulla Hymmen - DF6QP - Nov 18, 2018
Tolle Aktivität, habe Euch schon 12mal im Log. Noch eine schöne Zeit dort und viele Grüße an Annette. vy 73 de Ulla DF6QP
From: don - IK2EGL - Nov 18, 2018
Hi really thanks for this DX spedition, all band was fully operated and reachable by me rally thanks
From: CHESTER FENNELL - KG4IYS - Nov 18, 2018
Nice FT8 QSO
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Nov 18, 2018
Hallo Sigi & Crew, sehr gute Signale und excellenter Betriebsdienst in allen Modes auf den aktivierten Bändern. Es macht Freude, Euch zu arbeiten. DANKE !
From: Phil Cooper - GU0SUP - Nov 17, 2018
Many thanks for the new slot for 8P on 30m FT8 F&H mode! Good luck and best 73 Phil
From: Raffaele - IV3NVB - Nov 17, 2018
Sorry MY CALL is IV3NVB no IN3NVB qso of 15/11/2018 30m cw utc 20.44. thank you so much. 73 Raffaele de IV3NVB.
From: Raffaele - IV3NVB - Nov 17, 2018
Hello not log online my qso 30m 11.11.2018 cw utc 20:44? my call is IV3NVB no IN3NVB. thank you very much 73 Raffaele.
From: Hugh - EI2HI - http://https://www.qrz.com/db/EI2HI - Nov 17, 2018
Great dxpedition, well done to all operators! Unfortunately I have been logged twice for cw contacts as EI2SI instead of EI2HI if this can be corrected. I have emailed Sigi (DL7DF) with the details. Again well done to all and hope to get 8p9ae in the log before going qrt. 73! De EI2HI, op Hugh
From: Hans Löf - SM0BYD - http://www.sm0byd.se ; www.qrz.com/db/sm0byd - Nov 17, 2018
Liebe freunde, HERZLICHEN DANK für meine QSOs auf 160,80,40,30,20 und 17m! 8P9AE 2018 = Ein SUPER DXpedition! HUT AB! Viel Glück und viel spass! Gute Heimfahrt! 73 / Hans SM0BYD
From: Gary - W8PU - Nov 17, 2018
Thanks for a new one on 160 meters !! Best 73
From: Mauro Coletti - IU0ICA - http://www.iu0ica.it - Nov 17, 2018
73 i have worked 8P9AE in 17m band CW mode, but i not write on log the time and date of this QSO. Please send to my email the related data of this qso mode CW on 17m band with IU0ICA at: coletti.mauro@tiscali.it Thank you, upon i request the QSL card 73 de IU0ICA
From: GEORGE - K2OEK - Nov 16, 2018
From: Clifford J Donovan - W9KK - Nov 15, 2018
Please try wrk US on 10 and 15 mtrs. Thanks for all other band contacts!W9KK
From: Masataka MIyaji - JR3OEH - Nov 15, 2018
The mail sent earlier is the data of 8P9AE 10MHz(cw)QSO
From: Erwin Komala - YB0DJ - http://erwinkomala@yahoo.co.id - Nov 14, 2018
hope i am on your log , i will OQRS
From: John R Jones - WB8CQV - Nov 14, 2018
Sent QSL request to be mailed to my home. And Donated $20USD via paypal to cover the cost of processing my QSL request. 73 DE John, WB8CQV
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Nov 14, 2018
Thanks for this very good DXPedition ! Thanks also for the QSOs yet. I still try to work you on 160m with my \"limmited\" antenna (trap dipol at only 10m). Heard you a few times in CW, but no chance in pile up - perhaps in FT8- I keep trying. 73 de Johannes, DL5RDI
From: Mato - 9A3SM - Nov 14, 2018
Good team, good job .. Thank you for every QSO .. 73 de Mato
From: Uwe Heinrich - DL8MAE - Nov 14, 2018
Top Teaam, excellent Operators in SSB und CW, bereits 3 Bänder mit FD 4 gearbeitet, viel Glück und schönen Aufenthalt, 73s, Uwe
From: JANUSZ - SP6NVN - Nov 14, 2018
Hello Please work 160....
From: Joseph Fitzgerald - KV2H - Nov 14, 2018
I\'ve visited Barbados briefly. I\'m so jealous! vy 73! Joe KV2H
From: John Michael - AE5AN - Nov 14, 2018
Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to make the 8P9AE DXpedition a success. I wanted a memorable first contact after my two-year break from Amateur Radio and with a new callsign, and you and your crew definitely made that happen for me. Thanks again, 73 and GUD DX DE JOHN AE5AN!
From: Andy - DL8LAS - http://www.dl8las.de - Nov 13, 2018
thanks for 160m QSO...nice signal this morning!
From: Will - MI0WWB - Nov 13, 2018
Many thanks for contact on 17m and 20m, congratulations and good DX.
From: Andreas - SV2JAO - Nov 13, 2018
Hi all , tnx new slots in my log. 73\'
From: Ben - DL8UI - Nov 13, 2018
Super Signale auf 80 und 40m. Tnx fr qso. Hoffe auch auf ein Qso auf den anderen Bändern. Schöne Zeit auf der Insel. Vy73 Ben DL8UI
From: Uun Saputra - YB1UUN - Nov 13, 2018
Many Thanks for QSOs....
From: Manel - EA3EGB - Nov 12, 2018
Congratulation, very very fine job, Work to Team is Excelent. I hope work in Top Band All the best and mny tks for Fun this Time 73,s
From: ANDRZEJ - SQ1X - http://sq1x@wp.eu - Nov 12, 2018
Hello not log online my qso 60m 11.11.2018 cw utc 22:15 ? sq1x andy
From: GAVIN - ZL1BBW - Nov 12, 2018
Got there in the end, worked you on both 80 and 40 within a few minutes, tough going but thanks for the ATNO.
From: Angelo - IT9FCP - Nov 12, 2018
Hello, pse check missing qso IT9FCP 8P9AE 11/11/2018 21:58z 80m CW 5nn 5nn. all the best 73 Angelo , IT9FCP
From: Heinz Großnick - DL1LSN - Nov 12, 2018
danke für das QSO auf 20 Meter in SSB. DX gelingt mir leider selten, da ich nur 100 Watt und FD4-Antenne auf etwa 6 Meter Höhe habe. Und bei diesem File-Up hab ich mich deshalb besonders gefreut, dass ich bereits beim zweiten Anruf dran kam. Ich wünsche der gesamten Crew noch eine erfolgreiche DX- Expedition und einen wunderschönen Aufenthalt auf Barbados.
From: Carlos Bedoya - TI8II - Nov 12, 2018
From: Edgar - DL2HRE - Nov 12, 2018
Habe mich sehr gefreut Euch am 10.11. auf 30m in cw zu erwischen. Leider ist das Rufzeichen falsch aufgenommen worden. Im Log steht DL2SRE statt DL2HRE! Vielleicht könnt Ihr das korrigieren. 73, 55 Edgar DL2HRE
From: Dr. Thomas Wieland - DF9TW - http://https://www.qrz.com/db/DF9TW - Nov 12, 2018
mny tnx fer 17m and 20m QSOvy 73 de Tom
From: carlos alberto - EA7IZ - Nov 12, 2018
Congratulations , 73
From: Jerry - G0UII - Nov 12, 2018
Tnx for 40m CW contact this morning. Great signal into UK well after greyline too. Enjoy the DXpedition in Barbados.
From: Nigel - M0CVO - Nov 12, 2018
Thanks for QSO this morning (12/11/2018). Good luck with this and future DXPeditions.
From: Klaus - DK1AX - Nov 12, 2018
Thank you 60m qso yesterday. For now, not yet in log, but I am sure, qso was ok! New one. Thank you also for 160m QSO this morning: also a new ane! Good luck and gud dx! 73 Klaus, dk1ax
From: Andy - RN7G - http://rn7g@yandex.ru - Nov 12, 2018
Hi dr Sigi!Last year I was in a flood and all my QSL cards died.Some of the equipment survived.I have 339 CFM countries and 726 IOTA since 2000.Now I\'m trying to recover the cards.If possible send me via Bureau cards for my callsigns RN7G and RN6FJ.Thanks in advance!73 and good luck!Thanks for the activity.I am always interested in working on all bands,especially 160 and 80 meters!Once again, all the best!de Andy- RN7G ex RN6FJ.
From: Andy - LX1DA - Nov 12, 2018
Tu 60m CW QSO my DXCC #101 As always gd OPs. 73 GL
From: Petr - OK1RP - Nov 11, 2018
Many thanks for QSO on 60m band CW and my DXCC #84 on this band... CW only! You had an excellent signal before noon on this band. Congrats for great job! 73 - Petr, OK1RP
From: Dante - IW2CAM - Nov 11, 2018
Sigi, again you got my callsign wrong in 15 m cw, I am IW2CAM not W2CAM. Ciao and 73 Dante IW2CAM
From: Joe - W2JOE - Nov 11, 2018

From: Julia - DN5JD - Nov 11, 2018
Lieber Sigi, heute, am 11.11. um 0611 UTC konnte ich Euch auf 160m erwischen, doch leider ist mein DN-call DN5JD sehr ungewöhnlich und in Eurem log erscheine nicht ich, sonderm ON5JD /statt DN5JD....ich versuche, Euch die nächsten Tage nochmal auf 160m zu erwischen, doch in der Früh muss ich in die Schule..vielleicht koennt Ihr aber auch Euer Log korrigieren. Auf 40/30/20/17/15m CW habe ich Euch ja problemlos ins log bekommen. 88 Julia DN5JD
From: Uwe - DL8UD - Nov 11, 2018
Moin Moin zusammen, ihr macht einen Klasse Job und Traumhafe Signal, für die miesen Condx. Danke für im Moment 3 Bänder wobei mich 80m echt gefreut hat. vy 73 de Uwe DL8UD PS: Ab 21.11 in HC mit Call HC5M
From: Thor Alm - SM4MWJ - Nov 11, 2018
Tnx for nice qso. My first 8P. 73 GL
From: Manfred - DF3DJ - Nov 11, 2018
Datum war natürlich 8.11.!nicht 10. Höre euch gerade noch viel stärker auf 17m
From: Manfred - DF3DJ - Nov 11, 2018
Liebes Team, vielen danke fürs QSO am 8.10. !00w, einfacher Dipol, 8m hoch, Handtaste, meine OVV Mareike lässt Annette grüßen
From: Dave Baldridge - N9AI - Nov 11, 2018
Gud sigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent operators!!!!!!!!!!!!! 73 de Dave N9AI
From: Bjorn Ekelund - SM7IUN - Nov 11, 2018
Thanks for all new band slots. Now just hoping for 12 and 10m to open up...
From: Ray - DH6DAO - Nov 11, 2018
Bitte busted call prüfen: DH6DAO - 11.11.2018 06.31 80mCW - klang eigentlich ok, qso just vor den Klubkollegen dl1dbr und dk0ia tnx
From: Henry - DG1VL - http://QRZ.COM/DG1VL - Nov 11, 2018
Hi Siggi und Mannen, Wie immer eine grossartige DX Expedition, mich interesieren die LOW BANDS, ja und schon alles im Kasten TNX...vielleicht noch auf 60m. vy 73 de Henry DG1VL
From: Pavel Bokarev - UA3GFX - Nov 11, 2018
Привет! Я провёл с 8P9AE 11/11/2018 1:48 на 1.8 мгц. Вы ошибочно приняли позывной как UA3GX. Пожалуйста исправьте!
From: MASAU - JA5AQC - Nov 11, 2018
From: Roland - DJ4LK - Nov 11, 2018
Hallo, danke für eure DXPED. Such activities keep old men out of bed,hi!
From: GAVIN - ZL1BBW - Nov 11, 2018
From: David - F8AAN - http://LOG - Nov 11, 2018
Hello I contact you on 160m cw at 06:02 utc my call and F8AAN and not F8AAB Confirm me if it\'s good because I know F8AAB but it is not 160/80 m. F8AAN David
From: dan - YO9IJP - Nov 11, 2018
heloo check please next qso 11.10.2018 14:02-utc 18.135.000 ssb 59 i\'m not im your log tnx
From: Fred Curtis - G3SVK - Nov 11, 2018
Thanks for a brilliant DXpedition. Good operators and consitent signals strengths in UK. Good luck and best 73s de Fred, G3SVK
From: paul - IW1ARB - Nov 11, 2018
on 160 meter plaese update fron ew1arb to iw1arb tnx
From: Dante - IW2CAM - Nov 10, 2018
Sigi,tnx for the two on 20 meter but for some reason you missed the \"I\" ,my call is iw2cam non w2cam. The qso data are: band 20 meter day 09-11-2018 Mode cw and Ssb time:cw 14.48, ssb 17.19 Ciao and 73 Dante iw2cam
From: Steve - AC9EM - Nov 10, 2018
Best wishes to your team on this DXpedition. May the weather and propagation be good.
From: Marc De Brabandere - ON5FP - Nov 10, 2018
Thank you for your super activity. Great to work 8P9AE on topband... (my nr 194) Enjoy and take care! 73, Marc ON5FP
From: Victor - US5WE - Nov 10, 2018
Great operation folks. Please have in mind that the lower portion of 160m here in Europe is heavily loaded with fishing beacons. Please try to transmit above 1820 kHz. 73/88 Vic US5WE and Helen UR5WA
From: Dennis V. Rodman - WJ2R - Nov 10, 2018
Thanks for a new band (80M).
From: Sauro Cecconi - IK5EKB - Nov 10, 2018
Hi great operation! Always where expected to be on the bands! Enjoy your stay on Barbados! Have fun 73! de Sauro
From: HEIMO TAPIO JARVA - OH5EAB - Nov 10, 2018
09.11.2018 30 m QSO nou logis
From: Mike - G4SMB - Nov 10, 2018
Excellent work thank you
From: David - M6DXD - Nov 9, 2018
Thank you for contact on 17m 73 good dx
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Nov 9, 2018
Nice to see you \" on the road again \" 73
From: Larry - F5PBM - Nov 9, 2018
Thanks for the QSO 73\'s de Larry
From: Jaime - EA6NB - Nov 9, 2018
Very good operators with a strong all band 160 to 17m signal into Europe, Thanks.
From: John - G3WGV - Nov 9, 2018
8P9AE was an amazing signal on 80m last night around 2300Z. Thanks for the 160m and 80m QSOs.
From: Lyndel Emrick - N9EXL - Nov 8, 2018
Thanks for the contact on November 7th CW 30 meters
From: Mike - I7CSB - Nov 8, 2018
Many tnx for new one in 80 meter cw
From: Ronald Abbo - PA3GBY - Nov 8, 2018
Great signal here in the Netherlands! Thank you for the qso. Best 73\'s, Ronald
From: Mike - DL9UO - Nov 8, 2018
Hallo, sagenhaftes Signal auf 40m an einer niedrig hängenden Doppelzepp, toll! Viel Erfolg 73 Mike DL9UO
From: Sakis J. Dovas - SV4FFK - Nov 8, 2018
good luck 73 tks for 2 bands
From: Sergey Loshakov - R3AP - Nov 8, 2018
TNX FB Qso dr. Sigi! GL you expedition!! Moscow 73!!! Serge
From: DANY - IK0NOJ - Nov 7, 2018
From: Bert - DF3FS - Nov 4, 2018
Hallo Siggi, ich wünsche euch viel Spaß und viele QSOs. Grüße an Annette. vy 73 de Bertrand
From: Steve Schumm - WB2OEE - http://wb2oee@yahoo.com - May 19, 2018
Hi- I qso with you on 11-12-2015. You had my call as wb2oe.. 73-Steve
From: Philipp - OE7PGI - Apr 28, 2018
Hallo Sigi Heute habe ich deine VP2MDL QSL über das OE Büro erhalten. Vielen Dank für das „New One“. Hoffe auch bald die CN2FR QSL zu erhalten. Vielen Dank nocheinmal für die super DX Peditionen und wunderschönen QSLs. 73‘s OE7PGI Philipp
From: Cecil R. Chaudoir - W5HWU - Apr 16, 2018
Thank you for logging our QSO on LOTW. Best wishes from the Ozark Mountains in Northern Arkansas. 73, Cecil
From: Tom - W1TC - Feb 20, 2018
and now thanks for 160m cw qso. bad qsb but on peaks very q5. 73 & have safe trip home. Tom
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Feb 20, 2018
Dear CN2DF/CN2FR-team, many thanks for easy 160m QSO! 80-15m was extremely easy anyway... Have fun and a good flight back home! 73 & servus Bernhard dj5mn
From: Akio Ishii - JM4WUZ - Feb 19, 2018
Isn\'t my call of yesterday mentioned? CN2FR 18 FEB 0840z 30m CW
From: Tom - W1TC - Feb 18, 2018
Thanks first RTTY and new band slots ! I still hope for 160m before you QRT. 73! Tom
From: Wolfgang Rebling - DM2AUJ - Feb 15, 2018
Prima Signal heute morgen auf 80! Danke fürs QSO und noch viel Spass! 73 Wolf DM2AUJ
From: Haroldo Neto - PY7DJ - Feb 15, 2018
Thanks a lot for new band today in 80m .. im waiting a long time for morocco in 80 band - best 73
From: Laco - OK1AD - Feb 14, 2018
Dear OMs! Thank you very much for QSO with CN2FR on 30m of 14.FEB 2018, at 19,18 UTC. My call sign is OK1, not OK2. Best regards, Laco, OK1AD.
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Feb 14, 2018
Servus Sigi und Team! Viel Spass in CN! Ich hoffe auf 160m in CW UND SSB! Auf 40cw,30cw und 17cw ging es heute ja sofort! 73 und servus Bernhard DJ5MN
From: Rudi Zerbe - DM2XO - Feb 12, 2018
I wish you all the best for your DXpedition to Morocco.
From: gino - IK3HZI - Feb 8, 2018
Please can you verify qso with IK3HZI VP2EGR Anguilla 30/10/2016 06.46.09 40m CW VP2EGR Anguilla 29/10/2016 19.11.31 20m CW Many thanks Gino ik3hzi@gmail.com

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