Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2020
    From: Richard Chilcote - K8ZH - Apr 13, 2020
Thanks for new bands but very sorry to have missed you on 160. Was hoping for a new one there. GL & 73
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Mar 19, 2020
Servus Sigi & the entire team! Many thanks for a great DXpedition and a lot of fun I had catching you from 160 to 10m (full house)! Now I have my fingers crossed for you to get home safely and healthy! Next target: P5 ? Better you go to Bouvet or North Korea than others! keep smiling! Habe die Ehre & servus Bernhard dj5mn
From: angelo pompameo - IU8FRF - Mar 19, 2020
Grazie di Tutto
From: Hugh - EI2HI - Mar 18, 2020
Great dxpedition.Worked TO7DL on the 11th of March 20m CW (14.013mhz) but got logged incorrectly as EI2JI and not EI2HI....Be grateful if log can be amended to EI2HI (EI2JI not a valid callsign)..Well done again to all, safe trip home 73! De EI2HI
From: Hans - SM0BYD - Mar 18, 2020
Hut ab, für noch ein SUPER DXpedition, und HERZLICHEN dank für die QSOs!!! Eine menge neue band länder! = Spitze! 161 + Gesundheitlich, das BESTE! Hans SM0BYD
From: Georg - DK7LX - Mar 17, 2020
Kommt gut heim! Dass es Euch jetzt auch noch so übel trifft, ist schade! Wird irgendwie klappen. Drück die Daumen, 73!
From: Shin kano, - JH1GZE - Mar 17, 2020
Dears Oms, please correct QSO March 16 2212GMT on 40 m SSB. Right JH1GZE, no JA1GZE. Thanks, shin Kano - JH1GZE.
From: Serge - R6YY - Mar 17, 2020
Der Kapitän Sigi und das Team, Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, Sie auf allen HF- Bands zu treffen. Gute Gesundheit, gute Laune und erfolgreiche Rückkehr nach Hause. 73's
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Mar 16, 2020
Ich drücke Euch alle 4 Daumen, dass Ihr mit wenig (!!) Problemen zu Hause ankommt. DANKE, dass Ihr für uns da wart !
From: Tom Vinson - NY0V - Mar 16, 2020
Thanks for the new one on 80m! OQRS submitted and Paypal. Great job! I would have liked 160m too! Next time. 73 Tom
From: John Melcher - N9ZYL - Mar 15, 2020
Tnx for the QSO on 17m this morning ! 1st time wrkn Reunion Isl! Hope all is well and hope to wrk you guys 1 more time before QRT. Best 73's & Good DX!
From: Axel - DL7UPN - Mar 15, 2020
Hi, tnx fr qso´s Auf der 3582 ist jeden Abend eine MIL Station mit 59+20db Man kann euch nicht aufnehmen. Die NATO spielt Krieg in POLEN :( 73 Axel DL7UPN
From: Walter - N2WM - Mar 14, 2020
Looking for you on 160 meters
From: JEAN - F8NUH - Mar 14, 2020
Dears Oms, please correct QSO 10 March 15.07 GMT on 17 m. Right F8NUH, no F8NUS. Thanks, JEAN - F8NUH.
From: Andreas - SA2BFO - Mar 14, 2020
Hallo, danke fuer das QSO auf 20/15m. Sehr schnönes Signal hier in Nordschweden. Wuensche noch viel DX und gute Heimfahrt! '73 awdh SA2BFO
From: Richard Roznoy - K1OF - Mar 14, 2020
Fun working you guys and gals. Looks like you are having a great time. 73, Rich
From: Yuri - R9HBF - Mar 13, 2020
Sorry but no R9SBF,it is R9HBF
From: Jeff Miller - AJ6LG - Mar 13, 2020
Hoping to hear you on FT8 in California
From: Wayne - KV7K - Mar 12, 2020
Great operation. Please try 80M FT8 near your sunrise, for USA West Coast. Tnx!
From: Vagn Jensen - OZ1OXQ - Mar 11, 2020
To whoom it may concern. T U for qso 11 - 03 - 2020 at 1613 UTC. Great operator, the operator showed ham spirit, the operator was patience, good calm CW. Becourse of TO7DL I have now worked 315 entities, u are my first from this island. Now I will try to work TO7DL on lower bands = 30 and 40 metres, may be 80 metres. I use 100 watt (K3) and inverted W3DZZ. Best wishes/vy 73 Vagn//OZ1OXQ
From: Rudolph A Verhoeven - NF9V - Mar 11, 2020
PSE listen for NA on 20M when band open
From: Tony - M0IQD - Mar 11, 2020
Thanks for the activation worked you guys twice but not in the log last was 11/3/2020 on 24946 at 11:00 cnan you advise?
From: Val - YO6DDF - Mar 11, 2020
Hello, Thank you for QSO's,nice operation. My 80m QSO didn't show on your online log..,my call sign busted? Thank you! Regards from Transylvania! 73&DX Val,YO6DDF.
From: Paul - W2NMI - Mar 11, 2020
HI Guys Trying to work you guys from Northern New Jersey. Can you get on 30 meters at around 20:00- 00:00 UTC for a bit ? If not I see you do use 40 meters at 7.023 . Can you occasionally listen up to 7.025.25 and work split ? Tnx - W2NMI
From: Bob - SP2EBG - Mar 10, 2020
Hi guys, Enjoy your stay on Reunion, tnx for top band QSO. Best wishes, 73
From: Slava - UX0BB - Mar 10, 2020
Dears Oms, please correct QSO 10 March 03.11 GMT on 30 m. Right UX0BB, no UX0DB. Thanks, Slava - UX0BB.
From: Andy - HB9CVQ - Mar 10, 2020
60m CW Tue 10 March 2020, 17:31Z very good Operating , Signal here about 549 on 2x36m Dipole Center up 24m (QRP K3S) The well known QRMer again partly active near me.
From: Henry E.Van Kets - ON4IZ - Mar 10, 2020
As always with Sigi: great operators, disciplin and perfect QSL service. Carry on, Sigi and thanks for so many nice CW DX contacts. 73 "Doc" ON4IZ
From: Erik - EI4KF - Mar 10, 2020
My 4 March 80m QSO at 2306UTC was wrongly logged as 60m. Now it does not show on 60m or 80m. Please check and correct this. Thanks de erik EI4KF.
From: Michael L Mowery - KE3JP - Mar 9, 2020
good to work you all and good dx
From: bruno - HB9DEN - Mar 9, 2020
danke Annette für das QSO auf 20m von heute abend - viel Erfolg bei Eurer DX-EXP = Bruno+++
From: Peter - DL1YAW - Mar 9, 2020
Gruss aus Ostwestfalen.....Viel Spass und passt auf euch auf ! Peter DL1YAW
From: Rolf-Günther Säfcke - DL1SUS - Mar 9, 2020
Starke Signale von Euch in MeckPom. Bedingungen manchmal etwas wackelig. Euch allen noch viel Freude, bleibt gesund und kommt heil nach Hause.73 !!!
From: Franz Berndt - DL9GFB - Mar 9, 2020
Hallo Sigi + Team, danke für die bisherigen QSOs; hat trotz der wenig guten condx prima funktioniert und wir hoffen natürlich auch auf die "ganz hohen Bänder". Weiter gutes Gelingen und bleibt alle gesund und fröhlich! Vle 73s! Franz DL9GFB P.S. Auf der 24.898.2 ist hier ein konstanter, dicker Träger; vielleicht könnt ihr euch 2 KHz tiefer positionieren, das würde manches Signal von euch hörbarer machen!! :-)
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Mar 9, 2020
From: Joseph Petruff - 7J1ADJ - Mar 8, 2020
Great work and thank you to all of you for this DXpedition. We truly appreciate all your teams' hard work. Best 73's.
From: Erik - EI4KF - Mar 8, 2020
My 4 March 2306UTC QSO on 80m does not show in the log. But I am attributed with 60m where I have not made a QSO. So is there an error where 80m has erroneously become 60m? If so, please correct my contact and change 60m to 80m. Thanks de Erik EI4KF.
From: Manne - DL4MP - Mar 8, 2020
Danke heute für 15m CW QSO. 10m: wäre nett, wenn ihr bei Öffnungen auch nach DL hört, gegen die Wand aus IK,EA,CT kaum eine Chance, selbst mit 750W. nicht, EA kam gestern via "Es" hier rein, denke sie sind 3 -S Stufen lauter bei euch ! TNX 73
From: Steffen - DL4ASI - Mar 8, 2020
Danke für den 30m Kontakt gestern Nacht, habe keinerlei Antennengenehmigung und hänge mir da temporär 8m Draht an einer Angel (TRX 100Watt)aus dem Fenster. Ihr habt wirklich gute Ohren. 73 Steffen
From: Yshi - JH1URT - Mar 8, 2020
thanks QSO 20mCW,15mCW 73 from Tokyo.
From: Klaus - DK1AX - Mar 7, 2020
Ihr seid Spitze! 80m neu und eben 60m neu! Aber starkes QSB heute. Danke für das QSO und die persönliche Begrüßung :-) Jetzt kommt noch 160m.... dann hab ich es ... Euch eine gute Zeit! Klaus
From: Gordon - K1GG - Mar 7, 2020
Can you please check the log and correct a contact on 80 meters at 2020-03-07 00:43:01 with K1GZ. It should have been K1GG. One extra dit makes a big difference. Hi! Thank you, Gordon, K1GG
From: Masa Takehara - JS6RMV - Mar 7, 2020
PSE 30m&40m CW open JA at 08z TNX
From: ALDO - YL2TQ - Mar 7, 2020
Where QSO in 21mc SSB 4.03 and 10mc 5.03 CW ??
From: Cecil R. Chaudoir - W5HWU - Mar 7, 2020
Thanks for the contact on 30 M. Great OP. Hope to work you on other bands. Best wishes, Cecil (member: ADXA)
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Mar 6, 2020
SORRY ! My mistake … You log is ok (see post before). 73 de Thomas.
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Mar 6, 2020
Good kick off, TNX. But, there is a error in Your log: QSO on March 4 @23:58z on 80m appears as QSO @60m ?! Keep on; CU 73
From: lucky - W9KK - Mar 6, 2020
Hey, tnx for 80 cw, new on 80.
From: Mike - DL9UO - Mar 6, 2020
Hallo, das flutscht ja bei Euch optimal.Kann mich nicht erinnern, bei einer Dxpedition schon am ersten Tag 7 QSO´s gemacht zu haben. Tolle Aktivität. Viel Spaß noch Mike DL9UO
From: Victor Nagoryanskii - PA8MM - Mar 6, 2020
Hello, Please correct my callsign for QSO on 17m on 4.03.20 at 14:32. Correct call is PA8MM and not PA7MM Thanks for the new one
From: ANDRE - ZS1AN - Mar 6, 2020
Thanks for 40m cw contact
From: Randy Garletts - NR5N - Mar 6, 2020
Thanks for the new one! Good CW op.
From: Mike Costelo - VE1ANU - Mar 6, 2020
Dear Sigi. Someone with TO7DL copied my call sign down wrong as VE2ANU on 40m CW on March 5, 2020 at 00:15. My correct call is VE1ANU. PLEASE correct. Thank you so much. Best 73
From: Roy Jones - VK6RR - Mar 5, 2020
Hope to QSO can just copy your sigs @ 0620z on the 5th in Western Australia. 73's and best dx!!
From: Martin - SM0DTK - Mar 5, 2020
Hello! It seems that on-line log for TO7DL is not working!? Keep on the excellent work on the island! / Martin
From: Novotny,Bernd - DL3GCB - Mar 4, 2020
Hallo Sigi, sorry, Porto ist korrekt, Irrtum meinerseits! Dch war über den Datumshinweis "Attention: The postal rates change on 01.01.2016." gestolpert. vy 73 Bernd, DL3GCB
From: Novotny,Bernd - DL3GCB - Mar 4, 2020
Hallo Sigi, wir hatten mehrere QSOs bei diversen DXpeditions. Alles sehr erfolgreich, vielen Dank! Aber ein Hinweis zu Deiner QSL- Info: Vielleicht solltest Du mal die Briefporto Angaben aktualisieren. Die Post hat bereits mehrfach zugeschlagen.... vy 73 de Bernd, DL3GCB
From: Alberto - IZ1FRM - Mar 3, 2020
Good luck guys 73 Alberto
From: Graham Alston - VK3GA - Feb 18, 2020
Sorry to hear that your Dxpedition to J28 has been cancelled. I’m sure you are disappointed after such an effort to go there. Please consider going to JX Jan Mayen instead. It is Clublog #74 compared to J28 #131. The last significant operation was in 2012 with only 21k QSO’s. It is now #28 here in Oceania….. Kind regards and best 73
From: Thorsten - DH4FT - Jan 31, 2020
I'll be watching out for you guys on the bands! Hope to hear and log you, maybe even from 4X ;-) Good luck Thossi
From: Lothar - DF8LC - Jan 29, 2020
Wünsche Euch alles Gute , sowie viel Erfolg mit der Expedition! Es macht immer wieder Spaß mit Euch, und ich freue mich schon auf die Signale aus Djibuti! Kommt wieder heil nach hause und bleibt gesund , mit 73 de Lothar
From: Andres Garcia Jimenez - EA7ST - Jan 20, 2020
Good Operator
From: Neil - G0JHC - Jan 7, 2020
Thanks for going. Challenges ahead. Hope to work you 160m for last DXCC in Africa mainland. Hrad to break the mainland EU wall on this path, pse listen for UK later, same time as NA hi

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