Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2019
    From: Flam - OZ1AXG - Dec 30, 2019
Any 60 meter activity from J2? 5357KHz FT8 would be nice (DXexp mode)
From: David Moore - EI4BZ - Dec 30, 2019
Tks for new one on 30m.
From: Stephen Hawkins - NG0G - Nov 30, 2019
I am very close to DXCC on 160m I'd like to make it before the end of the year. I have done your OQRS and made a contribution. It would help me a lot if you kept the money, don't bother sending a card, just upload to LOTW instead of sending a card. Thank You Stephen
From: Uwe - DJ9HX - Oct 29, 2019
Danke für die tolle Operation von TO80SP. Sigi, nochmals alle guten Wünsche zu deinem runden Geburtstag.
From: John Dempsey - N5CM - Oct 28, 2019
Tnx fer QSOs. Gud Dxpedition! Vy 73/Best DX de N5CM John
From: Pete - SM5X - Oct 16, 2019
Thank you for a fine DX-pedition!
From: Jürgen - DF3OL - Oct 15, 2019
Wieder eine tolle Expedition, Sigi und Crew. Das Einpacken der Antennen nach dem Sturm dauerte wohl etwas länger... Kommt gesund zurück. awdh de Jürgen, DF3OL
From: Corrado Finetto - IK3ACI - Oct 15, 2019
Hi guys, I should like to thank you all for your efforts and very nice job from FP land. I hope to contact you soon during the next DXpedition Best 73 Corrado
From: Helmut Wurzer - OE8TTR - Oct 14, 2019
Hallo Sigi und Crew! Herzlichen Dank an euch Alle für eine (wie immer) tolle DXpedition! und es hat Spaß gemacht, euch oft nur zuzuhören! Ihr seid eigentlich "eine Bank" (wie im Fussball-Toto) für ATNOS's bzw. fehlende Band-Slots - wie ihr das bewerkstelligt, ist mir schleierhaft... :-) Auf alle Fälle hat's für mich in jeder Beziehung wieder bestens funktioniert - nochmals Danke an Euch! Bin schon gespannt, wohin es das nächste Mal geht und freue mich schon darauf! Vy 73 Helmut, OE8TTR Ps.: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Sigi!!!
From: Stephen Hawkins - NG0G - Oct 14, 2019
Great job. Good signal into the midwest of the USA
From: Manfred - DL6MN - Oct 14, 2019
Gratuliere zur erfolgreichen DXpedition und Glückwunsch an Sigi zum 80. Erinnere mich noch an unser 1. QSO 1965 mit der 10RT unter DM3RGC.Grüße auch an Wolfgang aus Neubrandenburg. Gute Heimreise.
From: Pavel - OM8FR - Oct 14, 2019
thanks to all member for nice DX pedition and for 8QSO with me include FT8 SSB. Your signals were very nice all bands.
From: Georg - DK7LX - Oct 13, 2019
Vielen Dank für das überraschende PSK QSO auf 30. Seit vielen Jahren nicht in dieser Mode gefunkt und auch eigentlich keine Software mehr verfügbar. Also ein wenig mit UCX herum probiert und siehe da: es geht! Hatte keine Ahnung, dass das klappen könnte, hi. Prima Aktivierung Jungs & Mädel! Ihr bietet wenigstens wieder mal alles an. 6 M SSTV wäre noch toll gewesen. Alles Gute, kommt gut heim! Georg, DK7LX
From: Detlef - DJ3AK - Oct 13, 2019
Thank you so much for the many excellent contacts, which were made possible due to the extraordinary skills of your team!
From: Reinhard - DH6DAO - Oct 13, 2019
Thanks new Slots 80/40/30 CW, great pleasure for me, 17m 12.10.18, 15.10 UTC busted?!Need you digi mode for new dxcc, but something wrong with your FT8 :-(((
From: ivan - UX3UN - Oct 13, 2019
Hi !!! QSO 09-10-19 TO80SP 80m 22;26 UTC UX3UN ,NO ux4un. Best regards. 73 ! UX3UN.
From: JORGE SNTOS - CT1FMX - Oct 13, 2019
VERY nice operation, King Regards from Portugal
From: DENNIS R ODELL - N4QM - Oct 13, 2019
You are showing me with a successful QSO on 17M FT8. We did not have a successful contact on 17M FT8. I received your signal report but you never acknowledged my report. I tried and tried later to get a valid contact on 17M FT8 but your operators never acknowledged my repeated calls over the next 4 hours. You are not in my log on 17M FT8. 73, de N4QM
From: IVO - ON5CD - Oct 13, 2019
THERE IS SOMTING WRONG IN Your ft8 f/H MODE .SETTINGS are incorrect you never confirm the qsos white 73s or rrrrr so incompleet contacts i and manny others recieve r+rpt but no RR73S specialy now on 160m ,and olso onthe other bands i did see this. Olso your score in ft8 contacts must be 4times more 2-3 contacts at 1 minute would be no problem if al the settings and freq are ok .GOOD luck hope to ghet a few more compleet ft8 contacts 73S IVO
From: Juergen - DJ3DQ - Oct 13, 2019
Danke für die Kontakte in CW und SSB !
From: Gerd - DF2SE - Oct 12, 2019
Hallo, bin immer wieder beeindruckt von der Leidensfähigkeit der OMˋs/xylˋs bei DxPeditionen. Wünsche eine paar warme Tage zum Aufwärmen. 73 Gerd, DF2SE
From: Sergey - UR4IOR - Oct 12, 2019
I admire the skill of the operators. I work only 15 watts. And already 4 ranges. Fantasy !! Successfully complete the expedition and return home.
From: Richard - G7KHV - Oct 12, 2019
Many thanks for the contact GL and D's 73 de Richard
From: Glynn Burhouse - GW4MVA - Oct 12, 2019
Thanks for the QSOs. I only used a 20m Long Wire on 80 and 160 so real pleased you heard me. 73 Glynn
From: Radek - SP3VST - Oct 12, 2019
Jeste¶cie bardzo dobrze s³yszalni w SP wielu ciekawych ³±czno¶ci.Gratulacje.Dziêkujê za ³±czno¶æ.Radek SP3VST
From: Helmut - DJ7YP - Oct 12, 2019
All the best, keep going as long as it's fun. Sorry for my mishap with FT 8 F/H was not switched on. 73 de DJ7YP Helmut.
From: walter - DL8JS - Oct 11, 2019
herzlichen glückwunsch siggi,und noch viele windungen auf der spule. top dx-ped.,,
From: Gun - DJ4MM - Oct 11, 2019
Tolle Aktion von Euch !! Super Signale und bin auch immer sofort gehört worden . Leider ist mit FP nix neues mehr zu holen (ausser Data 106/80) Funke nur noch mit Tcvr barfuss die PA beibt aus!!! Die conds und meine Antennen müssen den Rest bringen. ...und mit 66 hat man jetzt auch die Zeit die früher oft fehlte . Ich wünsche Euch viej Spass und Erfolg und hoffe AWDS 73 Gun DJ4MM ex Y37ZO/Y22UO pa
From: Mic - F6AFC - Oct 10, 2019
Many thank for the qso. Gd luck and DX
From: Reiner - DL7KL - Oct 10, 2019
Hello Dears, amazing signals on all bands. I wish happy save return to Berlin. 73, Reiner
From: Bernie - DL5RDP - Oct 10, 2019
THanks for new one on 160m and 80m...good job!
From: Jean Marie " Jan " - ON3JMD - Oct 10, 2019
Thanks for nice qso on 30m. New one for me. Very good operators. It was my pleasure. Vy 73
From: Boleslaw - SP4AAZ - Oct 10, 2019
Tnx from 80 m QSO, new one Vy nice DX ped. 73 es gl.
From: Brad - KV5V - Oct 10, 2019
Very good operation. Ops very skilled & are a pleasure to work.
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Oct 9, 2019
From: Hunt Turner - K0HT - Oct 9, 2019
Thanks for your great operators! You got my QRP on the very first call, Good luck and God bless. 73, Hunt
From: Andrea - IU1LCU - Oct 9, 2019
Dear friends OM very excellent DXpedition, work you very well, very nice cw operator. Good Luck and 73 from Andrea IU1LCU
From: Jury Gorets - UT5EL - Oct 9, 2019
Dear OMs! Thank you for the nice expeditions! I wish you all the best! I hope to meet your team in air not once!
From: Gert - DK2TA - Oct 9, 2019
Glückwünsche zum 80. ! Hoffe auf noch viele solch gelungene dx-peds! Danke besonders für das 160m-qso. Bitte auf 160m nicht auf glatten kHz senden (Fishermens qrm) 55 Gert dk2ta
From: Walter - DK9HN - Oct 9, 2019
danke für das 160m qso guter op
From: Jerry Olive - KD6WKY - Oct 9, 2019
Thanks for #100 on 80m DXCC.
From: Paul - VK2HV - Oct 9, 2019
Many thanks for another great dx'pedition
From: Frederic - F4HQO - Oct 8, 2019
Hello, tnx for all QSO. Propagation is not very good here so tnx for your patience. 73.
From: Bernhard - DL1RAP - Oct 8, 2019
05.10. on 30m cw 10:59 not DL2RAP
From: Bernhard - DL1RAP - Oct 8, 2019
Nice contact, but please correct my call for cw 05.10.2019 at 10:59. U wkd me as DL2RAP tnx
From: Ron D. Smith - N7RD - Oct 8, 2019
Conditions very rough on 40 and 80 but thank you for your good ears. Needed on both bands. Hope all goes well for the whole trip. DX, Ron N7RD
From: TARANEK JANOS - YO6HSU - Oct 8, 2019
From: DOV GAVISH - 4Z4DX - Oct 8, 2019
danke for qsos awdh
From: Bernard R. LeBel - VE9BEL - Oct 8, 2019
Bonjour, Tnx fer the nice QSO today from Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. I was QRP at 5W into an End-Fed Dipole. I visited the archipel last year. Great place. GL. Merci!
From: ZYGI - SP5ELA - Oct 7, 2019
Best wishes to all of You! TNX for fun od bands. 73 Zygi SP5ELA
From: Martin - OK1RR - Oct 7, 2019
Great expedition with great ops, as usual! Many thanks! 73 Martin, OK1RR
From: Paul - DK8SR - Oct 7, 2019
Macht immer wieder Spass mit Euch! 73
From: TARANEK JANOS - YO6HSU - Oct 7, 2019
From: Tony - K3DY - Oct 7, 2019
Keep up the good work and see you in the pile up for a few more bands!
From: Ciro - IU8JPG - Oct 7, 2019
Tnx for Qso, 73's
From: Paul Hanna - VK2HV - Oct 7, 2019
Great to see another dx'pedition from the team Hope to log you on 40m cw soon
From: Cedric Pearson - AA8MI - Oct 7, 2019
Thanks DL7DF for copying my QRP signals (5 watts) to a low end fed wire. I have been wanting to work a station on St. Pierre & Miquelon for a long time! You are my 164 DXCC entity using 5 watts or less and simple wire antennas. 73, Gene Pearson AA8MI Perrysburg, OH 43551 USA
From: Eric - PA2REH - Oct 6, 2019
Great job, respect, thanks a lot for fb qso's. DX conditions are not good, so glad to have contact. vy 73
From: Jose A Enrich - EA3BY - Oct 6, 2019
Hi I would like to confirm my QSO with you today October 6, 14.220 at 12:24 UTC? Please
From: Ivan Solovei - UX3UN - Oct 6, 2019
Hi ! QSO 40m 06-10-2019 03;10 UTC UX3UN no UX4UN.
From: John - G3WGV - Oct 6, 2019
Great job guys, well done and thank you for six bands on CW.
From: Alex - UY3IC - Oct 6, 2019
pse corect my call no uy5ic
From: Mauro - I4JEE - Oct 6, 2019
FB operatow - exsp-on CW mode
From: Corrado Finetto - IK3ACI - Oct 6, 2019
Hi, mni thanks for your great job. Strong sig and very good operators
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Oct 5, 2019
Dear Sigi-san & Les-san I made a donation though it was late today. Today, I was able to do QSO with Canada's VA2GU and 75 meter long pass. Long pass seems to open from 20: 45Z to 21: 15Z. I think 7MHZ will also open. Look for Japan with a long pass. I am looking forward to QSO. 80 meters is new one. SEE YOU SOON
From: Bill Kish - K5KLA - Oct 5, 2019
Excellent operation
From: Georg - DK7LX - Oct 5, 2019
Danke für 160 m! Neu für mich! Genießt SPM, bis bald und Gruß an alle! Georg, DK7LX (FP/DK7LX)
From: Georg - DF9ZV - Oct 4, 2019
Great CW OP controlling the pileup! That´s fun!
From: Klaus - DL8LSK - Oct 4, 2019
Vielen Dank für das nette QSO Richtung St. Pierre Island aus Leipzig. Viel Spass noch bei Eurer DX Expedition.
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Oct 4, 2019
Dear Sigi-san & Les-san I am looking for 40/80m Please look for JAPAN, My local sunset is 08:50Z and sunrise 21:10Z May BE we have chance SP & LP QSO We are try to every year LP QSO 3793-3805 for VE2ENM & VA2GU & other east cost station KC1XX etc. Hope to QSO low band & hight band MASARU JA5AQC
From: kenneth araujo - KA1ZT - Oct 4, 2019
Tnx folks appreciate your hard work. Great contact on 30m.
From: Mike Amaral - N1MX - Oct 4, 2019
Thanks for the QSO this evening into L'Ile Aux Marins, St. Pierre & Miquelon. I hope you enjoy the visit there...Best Wishes from Walpole, Massachusetts... DE N1MX
From: Josh - RM6JS - Sep 25, 2019
Looking forward to hearing from you in your next expedition.
From: Koji - JE3GRQ - Aug 30, 2019
I wish QSO FP on 160-30m. I will send small donation for sucsess FP dx pedi. Could you tell paypay address?
From: Bruce - AC4G - Apr 16, 2019
Great DXPedition with great operators.
From: Mike - S55G - Apr 15, 2019
Hello... Expedition done a great job...regards to all members & staff. Thanks for contacts 15 contacts on bands/modes from my QRA as low power many on homemade antennas on lower bands.Endless time issue as duties with my autistic son,also activity with S50WAAD special autism awarness calsign activity in same period rips me of at leas 3 or more contact...but happy tuo get you as many times...wiith both calsigns..at leas....Great job realy-danke. Thanks & looking for your team on next future expedition. Regards from Slovenia.73 Mike S55G
From: Wilf - DJ6TK - Apr 15, 2019
Moin, nochmals vielen Dank für die QSOs in CW,SSB,RTY und FT8, moin moin aus Flensburg, Wilf - dj6tk -
From: Gregory L. Mitchell - W2MYA - Apr 15, 2019
TU Sigi es friends for your DX-pedition to The Gambia.Band condx were not the best but your opr on 80cw one night stayed wid me until he got my call ok. GOOD MAN!! Tnx fer the trip,Vy 73, Greg-W2MYA Pax vobiscom
From: Gerry Nieb - PA0U - Apr 15, 2019
Tnx 4 C5 on 60 Meter! QSL request done. 73.
From: Stephen Hawkins - NG0G - Apr 15, 2019
I wish you had spent less time on FT8 and more on CW on 160m. My computer doesn't care it if works you. I however do. Thanks for the effort.
From: walter - DL8JS - Apr 15, 2019
danke,sehr gute dx-ped.,sehr gutes team,gute heimreise vy 73 walt
From: Karl - DJ1QQ - Apr 15, 2019
Lb Team Ihr hab einen tollen Job gemacht , vielen Dank für die Verbindungen ........... Gute Heimreise 73 Kalle DJ1QQ
From: Salvatore Giandinoto - KM6JD - Apr 15, 2019
Thanks for the CW contacts on 80 and 40 meters. You're an excellent CW operator! 73's Sal KM6JD
From: bruno - HB9DEN - Apr 14, 2019
danke an Annette, dass ich C5DL auf 4 Bändern - 40/20/17 und 15m machen konnte. Fine Business. beste 73 Bruno
From: Nicola - IU7KDY - Apr 14, 2019
From: Jan - DJ5AN - Apr 13, 2019
Hallo Sigi, Frank, Annette und alle andere Da habt ihr eine sehr schoene expedition hingelegt. Trotz regelmasigen Power Down. Ich bin sehr zufrieden hatte C5 schon auf mehrere high Bands also die Liebe Annette dann auch nicht gearbeitet auf 20m SSB andere sollen ja auch eine chance haben sie mit den super Signal zu arbeiten. Darfur auf den Low Bands die laute Signale waren einfach Spitze ! Nur bei 160m hatt es wegen qsb oder teilweise kaum zu hoeren Signale einige nachte gekostet. Weil ich am Feitag den 12 April ein neues Kniegelenk bekomme solte hatte ich shon angst es koente nicht gelingen. Die EUDXF Getranke auf der Hamradio habt ihr euch wieder verdient, hoffe das ich dann wieder so fit bin um sie euch zu servieren 😀🍺 🍮👍🏿🥴 VY 73 und 88 fuer Annette De Jan DJ5AN / PA1TT
From: Arthur Mouton - K5FNQ - Apr 13, 2019
Tnkx QSO. Need you on 15. HPE cu there
From: Joerg - DF6XP - Apr 12, 2019
Danke für ein ATNO und beste 73 an die Crew - noch eine erfolgreiche Zeit und eine gute und sichere Heimreise! Jörg, DF6XP
From: Lutz - DL7UGO - Apr 12, 2019
so far 2 new band points - let's see what else is possible
From: Panagiotis - SV1GRN - Apr 12, 2019
Very good dxpedition with good ears. Managed to work you on new band (30M) and qrp (15, 17 &20M). Congrats also for using LOTW.Good health to all good DX 73.
From: Jurek - SP3DOF - Apr 12, 2019
Hello ft8 fixed program?? my qso 2 x FT8 40m --no logged detail 07-04-2019 time 01.42 frq 7075.43 12-04-2019 04.43 7080.09 pse corect log good luck Juerk
From: Andy - DL3DUE - Apr 11, 2019
Within minutes at 30m and 40m in CW with R7-GP and 100W. Many Thanks! Good ears... 73
From: Ted - K2QMF - Apr 11, 2019
You guys are doing a great Job!! Please be on 160 CW Tonight! Really need a 160 CW QSO... 73, Ted K2QMF
From: Earl Gordon - W6GMP - Apr 11, 2019
FT8 on 40 meters 4/11/19 around 01:00 utc you were returning signal reports but not completing the QSO (RR73). That was the case with most everyone you worked, please check to make sure your program is working correctly Thanks W6GMP
From: pedro - C5WP - Apr 11, 2019
where are you located so we can grab a beer. whatsapp +32479911296 pedro on7 wp
From: Mark Norman - KN4CWT - Apr 11, 2019
Wanted to make sure I am in your log on ft8
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Apr 11, 2019
From: Tom - N2CU - Apr 10, 2019
The new 160m antenna modification worked very well indeed. You were stronger last night than any other time and must be hearing better also.
From: Elmo - EA5BYP - Apr 9, 2019
Congratulations to the whole team...!!! It's a pleasure to hear from all the bands, thanks for my contact at 160m CW ...... 73, de Elmo
From: Ekkehard - DG8SC - Apr 9, 2019
tnx Annette, Call ist DG8SC (only 1 Suffix)
From: Koichi Fujinuma - JA1PLL - Apr 9, 2019
Please beeming to JA 20m 21:00 to 22:00 UTC
From: luis - EA5BRE - Apr 9, 2019
Hi Sigi: posible error tis morning in 160m ..not in log mi call EA5BRE 02:00 utc. posible anoter similar call..Tnx..Tnx Sigi
From: Mauro - I4JEE - Apr 9, 2019
Tnx for all qsos - ( CW ) , I hope to wrk , also low bands - where I 'm more interested 73 GL-Mauro
From: Klaus - DK1AX - Apr 9, 2019
Danke für das 160m QSO heute Morgen 03:21 UTC. Das Signal war sehr leise, aber gut hörbar. Euch noch viel Erfolg und ... man hört sich :-) 73 Klaus, dk1ax
From: Manne - DL4MP - Apr 8, 2019
Danke für die Verbindungen,hat Spass gemacht!
From: Ekke - DJ5EJ - Apr 8, 2019
Bitte mehr auf 160! 73 de Ekke, DJ5EJ
From: ALAIN - F5OEV - Apr 8, 2019
Yes QSO on 15m Any 12m now????? for the last band. 73 Alain
From: George - DJ3AA - Apr 8, 2019
Tolle signale grüsse aus dem Schwabenländle nähe Stuttgart 73
From: ALAIN - F5OEV - Apr 8, 2019
Nice signal in France. Hope to catch you on 15 and 12 m (2 last bands) 73 Alain
From: Tom - W1TC - Apr 8, 2019
Looks like you fixed your 160m problems. Very good signal here all night. Thanks very much for 160 ft8 qso. 73 Tom
From: Mike - G4DYC - Apr 8, 2019
Highly professional operation with superb operators.Many tnx for 80m CW as a new band for me.73, Mike
From: Brennan Long - K6BFL - Apr 8, 2019
Good operators. Good luck everyone
From: GIUSEPPE - IZ8AJU - Apr 7, 2019
Hello to all of C5DL group. I had a lot of fun, many thanks, I missed some bands especially in CW. Greetings and congratulations to all. 73 de Giuseppe iz8aju
From: Leonello polloni - IK1ZOV - Apr 7, 2019
I have QSO with C5DL 06/04/2019 at 8.38 pm 7.0 CW but I can't find the QSO in the online log. I have already requested the qsl online. why?
From: Mike - G4SMB - Apr 7, 2019
Thank you for the contacts, well done to you all. Mike G4SMB Driffield East Yorkshire UK
From: Mike - G4SMB - Apr 7, 2019
Thank you for the contacts, well done to you all. Mike G4SMB Driffield East Yorkshire UK
From: Alex Nikitin - UD4F - Apr 7, 2019
We worked on 80 meters 05 Apr at 19:40 UTC. But I`m not in on-line log. Why?
From: Yuri N. Mostovoj - RA7E - Apr 7, 2019
Thank you for the clear and high-quality work on the air! Very happy. Good luck to all members of the DX-pedition!
From: ALDO - IZ8DFO - Apr 6, 2019
Please my qso on 28 MHZ ssb at 12.51 gmt date 05/04/2019 28450 is not in log please is check for your log???? 73 de IZ8DFO
From: Ed Healy - WA9MNF - Apr 6, 2019
Thanks for great job! I worked you on 40cw with only 100w and indoor attic dipole. I appreciate your listening closely for weak signals as well. 73 es TU...Ed
From: Wilf - DJ6TK - Apr 6, 2019
Moin, ich habe es heute morgen um 08:28 UTC mit C5DL auf 15m FT8 versucht, das QSO ist mir wohl nicht ganz gelungen, ich habe -14 gegeben, von Euch kam -13. Ich versuche es weiter, 73, Wilf - dj6tk -
From: Doodie - N8AID - Apr 6, 2019
Please try to work NA on 160M at your sunrise. Tnx 80M qso. Thanks for being there ...
From: Istok Kapov - Ico - 9A2KI - Apr 6, 2019
Hallo D5DL crue, I was suprised when heard 9A? Nice short QSO, 5th.Mart 2019. 3507kHz. Here 100W @ Inverted Vee . Very noisy freqvencie 3507, QRM Up to 9, and hard to copy you all time. Online log have some delay... Wish you GL @ 73s
From: John - AA2HJ - Apr 6, 2019
Great job DL7DF and team. Tnx QSO. It's a pleasure to work such great operators! 73, John
From: franco - I8DKR - Apr 6, 2019
tks qso
From: Yuki - JA8DNV - Apr 6, 2019
Masaru said in JA/Fer east 3507 was heavy QRM, Please QRV on 3503-3505 at from 2000z for all Japan. Sun rise in Sapporo is 20:10z. Thank you
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Apr 5, 2019
From: Alex - RW5C - Apr 5, 2019
Hello C5DL team! Please try wkd on 160M at 19-20Z (your SS) for east EU. Thank you!
From: Tom - OE9TZV - Apr 5, 2019
Hello C5DL-team! congrats to your dxpedition! mny tnx for contact, 73 and GL de Tom
From: Rick Booth - KM1G - Apr 5, 2019
Exciting. ATNO. Outstanding.
From: Tom Liska - K9CJM - Apr 5, 2019
Great cw op with good ears. KX3 TO S9 VERTICAL 100 WATTS. Tnx & 73
From: Ken Miller - K6CTW - Apr 5, 2019
Thank you VERY much for an ATNO! 0ur 40 CW QSO at 0311 really was exciting. Your rig, operators and antennas are doing a great job in pulling out my low power signal. 73 & God Bless - Ken Miller, K6CTW
From: Jurek - SP3DOF - Apr 5, 2019
Hello friend,s Log is complete?? my qso cw 20m 100 procent to c5dl 04-04-2019 time 09.30 frq 14022 is not you log good luck for dx pedition Jurek
From: Steve - AC9EM - Apr 5, 2019
Wishing you safe and pleasant travels. Thanks for your many DXpeditions and QSLs. 73
From: jeroen - PD7JVW - Apr 4, 2019
tnx for cw qso und filich ssb 73 pd7jvw
From: MASARU - JA5AQC - Apr 3, 2019
From: Jo - DJ3CQ - Apr 3, 2019
mni tnx for 17m Czaba, hätte gern geantwortet aber der Enkel hatte die Taste abgesteckt... Sehr peinlich so etwas ;)
From: Wesley Beck - VK6WX - Apr 3, 2019
Many VK/ZL calling you on 30/20/17. Pse OC!
From: Oli - CT1JGA - Apr 3, 2019
Hello Sigi, ufb with C5. I hope to catch you on 160m. Good luck.Oli
From: MARIO ANDRACA - LU8DPM - Apr 3, 2019
Hello Sigi,Congrats for C5 DXspedition...!!! Look for you on TopBand...!!! 73 and DXs Mario-LU8DPM
From: Alberto - IZ1FRM - Mar 26, 2019
I wish you a god job. Best regards. Alberto
From: Stacescu Leon - YO8RSL - Jan 4, 2019
Hello, Thanks for the QSO in 7 - 10 - 18 MHz CW. I paid PayPal and I look forward to confirming LOTW and (possibly) paper. 73 de YO8RSL / Leon
From: Leonello polloni - IK1ZOV - Jan 1, 2019
hello, I sent you my qsl with 2 dollars, enough to receive the answer with your a qsl? qso cw 40 meters. hello 73

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