Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2008
    From: Ron - PY1BVY - Dec 10, 2007
Thanks QSL 160m 9U0A, but you forgot to place in Log Sheet. 73 Ron PY1BVY
From: Al Friedman - K6YRA - Nov 22, 2008
XYL-W6BUN waiting fof direct qsl sent sae and $. Are these qsls sent? tu 73 Al-K6YRA k6yra@ucla.edu
From: Shirl Rose - AA6K - Nov 18, 2008
Great job!!! I hope to work you on your next adventure.
From: Andy - SP9HZX - http://www.qsl.net/sp9hzx - Nov 12, 2008
Nice page Sigi 73s Andy
From: Warren B. Croke - NW4C - Oct 23, 2008
Thank you for hanging tough and working weak stations like mine. You gave me a new \"country\".
From: Silvano Contavalli - I4ZSQ - Oct 14, 2008
Wow !!! Fine operators, good ear, wonderfoul top-level operations. Thanks
From: Fernand - F5LVL - Oct 14, 2008
Thanks for 15m cw new band + 17m cw.Fb opérartion, vy operator CW. 73s\' Fernand
From: Thelma - DU1IVT - Oct 10, 2008
Thank you to the team for the opportunity to work you on SSB & PSK. As always, very professional operation all in all. 73 es Mabuhay!
From: Tom - DJ6YX - Oct 8, 2008
Hallo Sigi und crew, vielen Dank für die QSO`s... endlich war wieder mal was los auf den Bändern ... 73 Tom DJ6YX
From: Tom McNamara - EI8DD - Oct 7, 2008
I was very happy to QSO with a A2 station for the very first time. I am looking forward to getting a QSL card.Good luck to you all and best 73,s.Tom EI8DD
From: Svetly - LZ3SM - Oct 7, 2008
Excelent operation! You made my day on sunday,you gave me new ones on 12&10m!!! See you ! 73!Svetly(lz3sm)
From: Oliver - DL1EJA - Oct 7, 2008
Another very successful operation and team play by DL7DF and his friends! Very well done! Thanks and see you from the next loaction. In particular I was very pleased with the effort to get the high bands driven, even we are in the sunspot minimum. Cheers Oliver
From: Egon Boehm - PY2BW - Oct 6, 2008
Die 160 Meter Antenne war erst um 20:55 hr fertig. Minuten später (21:44), hatten wir das QSO. Vielen dank für die new ones auf 160 und 30m. Auf 15m hat es leider nicht geklappt. Congrats on the UFB expedition. 73 to all the operators. Egon Boehm PY2BW
From: Egon Boehm - PY2BW - Oct 6, 2008
Ich habe die 160 Meter Antenne fertig um 20:55 hr. 21:44 hatten wir das QSO. Vielen dank f\"ur die new ones auf 160 und 30m. Auf 15 hat es leider nicht geklapt. Congrats on the UFB expedition. 73 to all the group. Egon Boehm PY2BW
From: Guy - VE2QRA - Oct 6, 2008
To all the team, Thanks for another great operation. No propagation for us on 10 or 12 meter but all others bands were great and operators were fantastic. Only one qso incorrectly logged as ve3qra (not a valid callsing) instead of ve2qra... 15 meter SSB. Have a safe trip back. 73 Guy
From: Tim Beaumont - M0URX - Oct 6, 2008
Well done, really enjoyed listening to you guys. Always a professional operation! Thanks for the Qs among them a new band slot on 12m for me. Thanks again Tim M0URX
From: Fernando - EA8AK - Oct 6, 2008
Once more, you do it !!! Bravo for Sigi and all the group. Nice operation on 80 and 160, experience and patient. Great job !! 73 de Fernando, EA8AK
From: Gustavo Frontini - CX2AM - Oct 6, 2008
Excelent operation...many thanks
From: Mirek - OK1ND - Oct 6, 2008
Thanks fer very good dx pedition. All operators was perfect. Please small mistage in rtty : in log 4.Oct.08 16.01 24 rtty is ok1ndt instead ok1nd. /ok1ndt not existence/ I wish You godd healthy and good next dxpedition. Vy 73 Mirek OK1ND
From: mario barbieri - IZ5ILC - Oct 6, 2008
dear sigi for plobem crash softwere label utc - date dx for a25/dl7df 17 mt tks iz5ilc mario barbieri
From: mario barbieri - IZ5ILC - Oct 6, 2008
dear sigi for plobem crash softwere label utc - date dx for a25/dl7df 17 mt tks iz5ilc mario barbieri
From: SERGE VASILENKO - UR2VA - Oct 6, 2008
From: Jacek Kubiak - SP5DRH - Oct 6, 2008
Spent five long nights to get you Guys on Top Band for new one on 160m. Was worth to do it. Thanks for all, 73 Jacek SP5DRH
From: Salvatore - IK0ATK - Oct 6, 2008
Thanks to the wonderful abilitj of Sigi and crew in Botswana, in spite of the huge pileup I have had the great pleasure to contact A25/DL7Df seven bands. Compliments to all of you for the way how has been managed such important DXexpedition. All the best!
From: STEFANO - IZ1BII - Oct 6, 2008
From: Masao Kojima - JK1RAU - Oct 6, 2008
Nice DXing!
From: Heinz Hildebrand - DL1CF - Oct 5, 2008
Congrats !! Super operation. 73´ Heinz
From: Dima - RX3AGD - Oct 5, 2008
Hello guys!Can you try RTTY on 80 meters?Sorry didn\'t get yours on 10 meters, bad condx today ,but few MS-ping\'s has been from yours...:o))).. Or maybe it was to late for my region....:o(((....73\'s!
From: Jo - OE4VIE - Oct 5, 2008
Hi guys! Thanks for 6 band QSOs, a surprise to even get you on 10m....as always, well done, congratulations, now wishing you a save trip home. Vy 73 Jo
From: Jack Schuurman - PA7JS - http://rustyfingers.eu - Oct 5, 2008
Hallo Sigi as alway,s wonderfull performances and by the way the webpage is not ready yet 73,s to youre all
From: kou - JK1CWI - Oct 5, 2008
good eu,usa but no good ja. a-a-a-a-a-a-a-
From: Jay - AF2C - Oct 5, 2008
Great operation...Super ops.
From: kou - JK1CWI - Oct 5, 2008
The enviable European bureau may be able to communicate.
From: Sandor Tomo - YO5OAG - Oct 5, 2008
Tks qso, GL everbady, `73 Sanyi
From: kou - JK1CWI - Oct 5, 2008
i waiting today.
From: kou - JK1CWI - Oct 5, 2008
no good high band on ja. pse 40,80mb
From: kou - JK1CWI - Oct 5, 2008
today pse pick up ja. maybe last day . i hope. alwayse.
From: kou - JK1CWI - Oct 5, 2008
pse pick up ja on 40mb. 15:00-19:00utc rst 559 many pile up eu. no pick up ja.
Congratulations for excellent job!Thanks for 8 bands CW contacts! In 160 m was a new one.All the best to SIGI and CREW!73 Chris YO7LCB
From: Klaus - DL7AFV - Oct 5, 2008
Hello Sigi and Crew, habitual again a super DX-pedition with Top Operators! 73, Klaus
From: Lutz - DL7UGO - Oct 5, 2008
Wie gewohnt kompetente OPs trotz Hitze und anderen Unbilden, danke.
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Oct 5, 2008
Tks für 15m SSB QSO - ein Anruf mit 200W Danke !!
From: Ben - PA3AOT - Oct 5, 2008
Thanks for the great DX-pedition ! Ben PA3AOT
From: james - W8JV - Oct 5, 2008
You have had excellent signals here in Ohio on both 20 and 15 meters but 17 meters has been very weak and impossible to work so far. I don\'t understand why 20 and 15 are so good but 17 is so bad, odd propagation is afoot. Thanks for trying anyway.
From: Dima - RX3AGD - Oct 4, 2008
Thanks a lot guys for all QSO\'s and specially for SSTV! 73\'s!Have a good trip and good way to home!
From: Mart - DL6UAA - Oct 4, 2008
Could you try SSTV again on 5th or 6th, because pre-info was a bit short be4 QRV. Thanks for 80+40m activity.
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Oct 4, 2008
Habe bei BNETZA nachgesehen DL5RID ist auch garnicht vergeben ;-) Bitte ausbessern - Danke !
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Oct 4, 2008
Hallo, habe gesehen, dass Ihr mein Call verdreht habt (DL5RID) anstelle von DL5RDI...bitte ausbessern !!! 73 de Johannes
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Oct 4, 2008
Hallo Sigi, dachte wir hatten gestern um 17:00 UTC QSO, aber steht leider nicht im Online Log. Schade !
From: Josef - DL5MDM - Oct 4, 2008
Herzlichen Dank für diese außergewöhnliche Dxpedition. Sehr gute Ops,super Betriebstechnik, ausgezeichneter Internetauftritt. Hut ab! Where do you go next?? 73 es gl! Josef,dl5mdm
From: Tom Reilly - W3GAT - Oct 4, 2008
thanks for the opportunity of working a new country,
From: jeroen PD5CW - PD5CW - Oct 4, 2008
i miss ssb 40m why not qso on 40m ssb pse 73\'s
From: Jiri - OK1XJ - Oct 4, 2008
Hi Sigi, thank you very much for new one on SSB - 20 mtrs QSO this morning and also another 5 band CW QSO. Excellent DX pedition and crew too!! Safe journey home. 73 and G.L. Jiri
From: Jiri - OK1XJ - Oct 4, 2008
Hi Sigi, thank you very much for new one on SSB - 20 mtrs QSO this morning and also another 5 band CW QSO. Excellent DX pedition and crew too!! Safe journey home. 73 and G.L. Jiri
From: Carlos Molina - CX8ABF - Oct 4, 2008
Hi Sigi and dxeditioners Good Signals on 40mts in GF15VD Thanks for QSO 73 n Good Luck n Good Dx\'s Carlos Molina President of CRAM - CX1CCC
From: Frank Kisselbach - W7PAQ - Oct 4, 2008
Thanks for a real surprise on 40M! Great signal here in the Rocky Mtns of Montana. First A25 on 40M and PSK31 Tnx 73 Frank
From: Jirka - OK1DQT - Oct 4, 2008
Thanks for new one on 80m, will try to get you on 160m. 73 GL Jirka
From: Dez - G0DEZ - Oct 4, 2008
You had a large pile up early this evening (Friday 3 Oct) on 14004, it took more than 1 hour to finally work you. Congratulations on your fine dxpedition. Hope to work you on 7 MHz before you QRT, 73 and safe trip home.
From: B-N. \"Bob\" Alper - W6KT - Oct 4, 2008
QSO\'s on 80 & 20. Good patient operators at A25, with good ears. Frequently Repeating both your call sign and mine more than once very helpful for poor CW op this end. Hope to work you on other bands, esprcially 160 prior to your departure. 73 es 88 Bob W6KT
From: SAMUEL MARTIN - 2M0TIA - Oct 3, 2008
From: SAMUEL MARTIN - 2M0TIA - Oct 3, 2008
From: Victor B. - RV3YR - http://www.qsl.net/rv3yr - Oct 3, 2008
I caused My 80 watt \"Alinco\" and \"Force-12\" antenna some days, but is unsuccessfully. But on October, 2 on 20 band was opened, was a fine propogation and connection has taken place from one call. Operators work professionally. Thanks for team!
From: Mas - JA3FYC - Oct 3, 2008
We are looking for you on 160m at 20-21Z sunrise here in Japan. 73 Mas JA3FYC
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Oct 3, 2008
Danke für das 20m QSO (mit nur 200W nicht so einfach ;-)) ) 73 de Johannes
From: LEONE - PP7LL - Oct 3, 2008
Thank You very much for 30 Mhz. band QSOs. It is always a pleasure to work you. On line log effort is also appreciated. Best 73 de Leone PP7LL
From: Bob - W7LR - Oct 3, 2008
Thanks for a new one on 160m. I believe that qsos with N6TR and myself were the only USA on 2 October. It would be interesting to see a list of the 34 stations worked on 160. 73 Bob W7LR in MT
From: Martin - DF8TY - Oct 3, 2008
Hallo Sigi und Crew, herzlichen Dank für\'s 30m QSO. Gestern Abend noch schnell den Spiethmast auf der Dachterrasse ausgefahren, ein Dipolschenkel nach oben am Mast, den anderen Schenkel über die Brüstung am Haus runterhängen lassen, allererster Anruf und ... bingo! Es klappt also auch mit Behelfsantennen und 100W - dank vor allem auch eurer ufb Betriebstechnik! Gute Heimreise, 73 Martin, DF8TY
From: Guenter - DJ4MM - Oct 3, 2008
Hallo Sigi and Crew , Vielen Dank für 9-Band CW!!! Ihr seid der hohen Erwartungshaltung die ich hatte, wieder eimal voll gerecht geworden.Trotz aller wiedrigen Umstände und mässigen conds, fb Signale auf allen Bändern.VIELEN DANK!!! WHERE do you go next..you will find me in your pile up!!! Gute heimreise bleibt gesund vy 73&55 Gun ,DJ4MM (ex-DL8CMM)
From: Hauke - DJ7EC - http://www.dj7ec.de.tl - Oct 3, 2008
it was hard work to get trough the 15m Pile up with 100w. But anyway you are doing an ufb job down there. GL! 73´s Hauke DJ7EC
From: David - G3XYP - Oct 3, 2008
Thanks for the QSO\'s A25/DL7DF first class operating throughout, anyone planning a dx-trip should be trained by listening to this (these) ops, great show 73 David G3XYP
From: Paul - VK2HV - Oct 3, 2008
\"how often did VKs on DXpedition care about Europe\" what a comment to make...I support ALL DXpdtions in sponsorship.. just ask IT9DAA and others VK9X,VP6DX,TX5C etc etc...DA1AA did you ???? From: Wimpy - DA1AA - Oct 2, 2008 as far as VK Dxers,, there are hundreds as well as ZL\'s and ONLY 1 ZL is in their log and 4 VK\'s.Sorry to all that read this but DA1AA xrossed the line.. cya Wimpy as the name suits you
From: Al Baker - W5IZ - Oct 3, 2008
Congrats won working W7LR and N6TR!!!Would be nice if you could be active on 160 through our sunset here in USA...say from 0000 till your sunrise 0500. Your superb ops would fill many logs with new Top Band DXCC!!!
From: paul DeWitte - K9OT - Oct 3, 2008
Thanks for the QSOs, will try to get you on 160m 73
From: john - G3MYI - Oct 3, 2008
heard you on 160 but signal not good due to Static hope to work you before qrt gud DX
From: Sergio - IK4AUY - Oct 2, 2008
Thank You very much for 5 bands QSOs. It is always a pleasure to work you. On line log effort is also appreciated. Best 73 de Sergio IK4AUY.
From: Wade - AA8LL - Oct 2, 2008
Still need you on RTTY, any band. 20-meters would be easiest. 73 & Tnx, AA8LL
From: Reinhard - DH6DAO - Oct 2, 2008
Still rather difficult for the small stations to work you - nethertheless I had one good shot on 17m CW. Thanks for the new dxcc on one band at least!! ... and have a good way home to Germany
From: ROD BALLARD - WI8A - Oct 2, 2008
very nice job to all there ! i wish you a great time there and good traveling back 73\'s gud luck dx Rod / wi8a
From: Rolf - DL6ZFG - Oct 2, 2008
Vielen Dank für 3 Bänder innerhalb kurzer Zeit. Hoffe noch auf 30m. Viel Erfolg und kommt gesund heim 73, Rolf, DL6ZFG
From: Bill Richardson - N5VEI - Oct 2, 2008
Thanks for the great Dxpedition!! I worked yuo guys the other night and had no problems. Wish I could hear you on the other bands... but the sun will not cooperate! I hope the QSL cards are equally fast and easy. 73 gentlemen Bill N5VEI
From: luciano Zecca - IZ0LKV - Oct 2, 2008
very best your spedition compliment
From: Brandon - ZS1MBR - Oct 2, 2008
Hi Sigi Thank you for the contact on 20m Good Luck 73 ZS1MBR
From: Wimpy - DA1AA - Oct 2, 2008
Come on VK2HV - how often did VKs on DXpedition care about Europe? At least the A25 DXpedition cares about VK & ZL. Maybe you have been at the wrong frequency or on at the wrong time....... get over it. Maybe its because its only a handful DXers in VK & ZL and its not a good idea to spend too much time for your area. We in Europe can´t complain this time. They are doing a great job!
From: Paul - VK2HV - Oct 2, 2008
I must admit the condx were pretty poor BUT there was ample openings into VK/ZL that were not explored.When VK/ZL was worked it was for a brief time and ONCE ONLY.Our times are different compared to EU,anyway there will be others in Botswanna i guess.This would have been an all time new dxcc for me and many others.Thanks for not trying on our sunset and sunrise
From: DON - AA5AT - Oct 2, 2008
Hi nice oeration, but i worked you 10-01-08 on 7.0 at 0156 BPSK31, but not show in log. i see my friend aa5sh in log, cn you check again for me 73 Don AA5AT
From: Mike - KB3P - Oct 2, 2008
Thx for QSO this evening! Looks like an incredible experience. 73 Mike
From: Brandon - ZS1MBR - Oct 2, 2008
will be listening out for you guys 73 zs1mbr
From: Bernard - F6BCC - Oct 1, 2008
Dear Oms It was a succes this night for me with a little station 60w and a vertical on the ground ..on 14MHZ...It wasn\'t easy because the propagation was getting down for me... Many thanks for all..and 73 to the team.. Bernard
From: Bernard - F6BCC - Oct 1, 2008
Dear Oms It was a succes this night for me with a little station 60w and a vertical on the ground ..on 14MHZ...It wasn\'t easy because the propagation was getting down for me... Many thanks for all..and 73 to the team.. Bernard
From: Robert - PD7RB - Oct 1, 2008
Tnx fr QSO and new one.
From: Chris - M0SCH - Oct 1, 2008
Thanks for a new one! I am looking forward to the QSL-card. 73 de Chris
From: Matt - DL7VRG - Oct 1, 2008
Hallo Siggi & Co, vielen Dank für die Mühe mich im QRM auszugraben (100W+GP) aber heute ist euer Signal echt Spitze auf 20m, etwa 2 S-Stufen lauter als vorher ! Viel Spaß noch und gute Heimkehr! 73, Matt
From: Dmitry - RA4UVK - Oct 1, 2008
PSE open 160m
From: Ron - DL5CL - http://www.dl5cl.de - Oct 1, 2008
Thanks for a new one, gl + 73
From: Bernard - F6BCC - Oct 1, 2008
Dear Oms J heard you yesterday on 14195Mhz ..RST 55... j hope to contact you to day or in the next on SSB because j have a little station only 80w and a dipole and vertical... Have a nice trip. All the best to the team Bernard F6bcc
From: Fero - HA8MT - Oct 1, 2008
Thanks for qso\'s.I look urs on 80 mtrs and 12 mtrs.Others is ok.
73 & DX Fero HA8MT From: STEFANO - IZ1BII - Oct 1, 2008
From: Laurie - VK7ZE - Oct 1, 2008
Hi Sigi, Thank you for trying vk & zl. Like yourself would have liked to hear more from this side. Keep up the good work, appreciate your efforts. Thanks for contact from Tasmania. 73 Laurie
From: Paolo - I2ELJ - Oct 1, 2008
Why not activities 160 mt. ? Tnx for contact in 7 bands 73
From: AKI - JA4FHE - Oct 1, 2008
please qrv on 80m at 21z our sunrize,we here you 20z but weak amd 3501 is vy qrm from china radio so please qrv 3502 or up. hope seeyou this weekend.
From: Rick - W4UEF - Oct 1, 2008
A real top notch operator. Thanks for contx. 73 W4UEF
From: Ferran - EA3FE - Oct 1, 2008
Many thanks for the new one A25.
From: James Viele - W8JV - Sep 30, 2008
Great operation, many thanx for the 80 and 15 meter CW QSOs, hope to work you on 160 but understand the cx have been bad on top band for you. Thank you for being there! 73 de W8JV
From: Lenz - DL8RDL - Sep 30, 2008
Ich dachte, wir hatten gestern ein QSO, fand aber mein Call nicht im Online-Log. Ich versuchs einfach nochmal... :-) Lenz
From: Francesco - IK0FUX - Sep 30, 2008
Congratulations for the nice operations! 73 Hope cuagn, Francesco - IK0FUX
From: Alex - RV3MI - Sep 30, 2008
Nice work! \"A2\" is new one for me, thank You!
From: Thomas - DL5MO - Sep 30, 2008
Hoffe, dass ein 30m qso noch gelingen wird!
From: Pedro - EA4KD - Sep 30, 2008
Thank you for your only one QSO in 10 meters even today. I hope to meet you on topband. 73 DX de Pedro, EA4KD.
From: Hiroshi Shibata - JR3VXR - Sep 30, 2008
I hear 80m every day. I hope CQ for Asia by 3505 as much as possible every day at that Sunset time.
From: Glenn Belkin - KD2JA - Sep 30, 2008
Nice CW operation! Nice that you are on the air! Keep up the good work! 73, Glenn
From: f.brulotte - VE2ZV - Sep 30, 2008
the best of the best on c.w.
From: f.brulotte - VE2ZV - Sep 30, 2008
the best of the best on c.w.
From: Russ - WA3FRP - Sep 29, 2008
Thank you Sigi and the rest of the crew for another new DCXX country on RTTY. Save travels! Tschuss Russ WA3FRP
From: RON - PY1BVY - Sep 29, 2008
Hi Sigi, Thanks 40m/cw. Ur signal some times was strong but variable in SA. Today at 05:45utc stil 06:15utc some Asian Stn are calling you. Try tmw with they. I am appreciating ur Dx Ped at Botswana/A25 big 73 Ron PY1BVY
From: Leslie (Les) Sisouw de Zilwa - PA0SDZ - Sep 29, 2008
From: Franta - OK2BUZ - Sep 29, 2008
Hello A2 gang, thank you for your operation. Please dont give up TB. A lot of topbanders worldwide is waiting for your signal. All the best. Franta
From: Wayne Smith - K9MRD - Sep 29, 2008
Thanks for contacts on 6 bands, 80-15! I am still looking for you on 10 & 12 meters! 73, Wayne, K9MRD
From: Reiner Schloßer - DL7KL - Sep 29, 2008
Hallo Sigi, zu Deinem heutigen Geburtstag alles Gute und weiterhin viel Erfolg beim DXen. Vy 73 und 55 aus dem hohen Norden.
From: Toru - JG1EIQ - Sep 29, 2008
Hi All, TNX for QSO on 40m CW. Sig was not so strong but gud to work. See you on other bands CW. Have a gud trip 73 & 55 Toru
From: Al Cammarata - W3AWU - Sep 29, 2008
Hi Sigi, nice to work you once again from anotehr DX country. Have fun and a safe trip back home to you and the crew!!! 73 Al
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Sep 29, 2008
Thanks for qso on high band, and 80 mtrs too. I still waiting for our meeting on TB for DXCC160. I hope condition improve to work. Congrats good job and best class of operators. 73 to all team.
From: Johannes - DL5RDI - Sep 29, 2008
Hello, I miss the special station for Digi modes ?! 73 and good dx Johannes
From: Alexander - DL5VZ - http://www.dl5vz.de - Sep 29, 2008
Hello thanks for big signals from 80 to 15 until yet need you on 12, but no propagation to s-dl last days have fun and save trip home vy 73de Alexander, DL5VZ
From: Dr. Wolf Ostwald - DF2PY - Sep 29, 2008
Good sigs from the A2 crew on all bands in EU. Only 160 is an exception - what´s happening there ? Hope all things go well for the gang ! 73 de wolf
From: Ted - KW9R - Sep 29, 2008
Wrked u yesterday on 30m. Sigs weak hr in Pardeeville, WI, USA but copy ok. Tks for the DX and the best to the A25/DL7DF crew. 73s!
From: Salvatore Marino - IK0ATK - Sep 29, 2008
Fortunately, thanks the good signs and very good operators, I contacted you on five bands. Wold like to qso you on 24 Mhz band. Can you try? All the best, and compliments for the excellet DX expedition. Ciao Sigi.
From: Frank Remington - K7GSE - Sep 28, 2008
From: Tim Price - G4YBU - Sep 28, 2008
Amazing signals on 17 and 15 cw. Tks fer fb qso\'s - some great operating - love to know what program you use with the PC\'s. QSL\'s and eQSL on their way! 73 Tim G4YBU
From: FABRICE - F5LCU - Sep 28, 2008
Nice web site, with news, pictures and infos about the country. Thanks for one new country for me. 73 QRO.
From: \"Scotty\" - WK3N - Sep 28, 2008
As usual Sigi, DL7DF and crew have shown they are first rate operators. Working them is a honor as well as a pleasure. Tnx QSO\'s!! GREAT JOB!............. Beware of Lion\'s after dark! ( LOL I hope)
From: Mike Polom - NE8P - Sep 28, 2008
Nice to work you on 80 and 40 thusfar! Keep up the good work!
From: JOHANN - F4FEP - Sep 28, 2008
Hi dear, Yesterday i called you for 3 hours when you worked USA, but impossible to make the contact, i hope you will hear me before to leave A25.... Thanks again for this activation. best regards 73\'s Johann F4FEP
From: Len - SM7BIC - Sep 28, 2008
Hi Sigi et al, when on 160 please use 1831.0 because 1830.0 is very bad BC carrier in USA
From: Tomas - OK1DXD - Sep 28, 2008
Nice signals on all bands - pse do more 80m band - TNX in advance!
From: Ewe - SM3KIF - Sep 28, 2008
Hello! Nice signal in to my 3 el yagi. Vy fine operators with big ears 73 de Ewe
From: Tommy - SM7ISU - Sep 27, 2008
Tnx qso, running 100w to zeppantenna rig yaesu ft-757gx, see you further down the log !
From: Bill - NJ1H - Sep 27, 2008
TNX for QSO. Running 100W to R5 vertical. Rig SDR1000. PSE QSL via buro or LoTW.
From: Ryszard (Dick) - SP6GPJ - Sep 27, 2008
Hallo Sigi and Crew, Yours expedition and signals are excellent. Many thanks for QSO with A25/DL7DF.I hope to work you on other bands. I am looking for your signals on 40 and 80 meters.73 and all the best. Ryszard
From: Jens - DL5CT - Sep 27, 2008
Just wkd you 18cw wid 10W three times calling only - great operation of DL7DF and crew as usual - gl and save trip home...
From: Behiels JP - ON4AEF - Sep 26, 2008
Great operation Sigi. Still have a lot of A2 on different bands hi ! You crew is doing fine al band,and of course a suceeded A2-operation. My thanks to all and best regards Jean.
From: Andree - DL8LAS - http://www.dl8las.de - Sep 26, 2008
Hi Siggi and friends, great sigs here in North DL, hope to work you on topband the next days! special greetings to Les.... Andy
From: Axel Schernikau - DL6KVA - Sep 26, 2008
Hello Sigi and crew! Outstanding job as always, already 4 bands in the log on CW with 100 watts. See You on the other bands soon! good luck.
From: Michael B. Celmer - W8TRN - Sep 26, 2008
Excellent operatiion - thanks for the contacts.
From: dave campbell - VE3EGC - Sep 26, 2008
Nice to hear you guys on and very fine operators , good luck and will be looking for you on 15/10 m as well 73 and thank you very much 73 dave
From: Hal - K4HB - Sep 26, 2008
Hello Sigi and crew. You had a fair readable signal on 80M CW into the South East US last night. (9/25) That was abt 45 minutes before sunset here and through QRN. Now that you have completed building the antennas, I\'m sure activity will pick up. Thanks for another fine DXpedition. Have fun and a safe return trip home.
From: Tony Read - G0GMS - Sep 26, 2008
great op very nice CW thanks very much for the new one 73 all the best G0GMS
From: Fabio - IK8HJC - http://www.qsl.net/ik8hjc - Sep 26, 2008
From: Fred Holmes - W1SKU - http://www.customcomputing.us/w1sku - Sep 26, 2008
Great DXPedition as always. Look forward to working you on more band/modes. Good DXing to all the members of the crew. 73 de Fred, W1SKU
From: Bruno - F5JYD - Sep 26, 2008
Great job, as usual ! 73 Bruno
From: JOE Earles - VO1BQ - Sep 26, 2008
was very happy to have worked you 26 Sep 0112UTC on 40M CW... Big pileup lots of QRM 73 and good luck with the DXpedition ! Have lots of fun and many thanks for your hard work. Joe vo1bq
From: Philippe - OE1PPA - Sep 26, 2008
After 9U0A, thanks again for a new one! You guys are doing a great job! Best 73!!
From: John - EA3GHZ - Sep 26, 2008
CONGRATULATIONS for another trip, Hope to listen you as many bands as posible, regards and good luch guys.
From: Steve - IK4DRY - Sep 26, 2008
I hope to also find in the log the other Qsos and to be able to still connect you without double.. as always a thanks for your activations from the whole world, good fun. Steve IK4DRY
From: Christian Althoff - DG3YCC - Sep 26, 2008
Danke für meinen ersten Kontakt nach A25! Ortszeit 9.32 Uhr in DL, und Ihr seid gerade an meinem endgespeisten, nu 5 Meter hoch hängenden 20 Meter langen Draht auf 18070 KHz mit S7 zu hören! Viel Spaß
From: Rick Soikkeli - AE6RS - Sep 26, 2008
Tnx for Botswana!! We sure appreciate your hard work for this expedition. Outstanding OPs!! Best 73, Rick AE6RS
From: Bruce - WA8IQF - Sep 26, 2008
Hello there!!! Tnx for my 1st A25 contact on 40M CW. Looking for more. 73, Bruce
From: George - W4GNE - Sep 26, 2008
Please work some general class USA splits! many thanks!! Good Luck!
From: Doug - W5GA - Sep 26, 2008
Super job guys! Very well run expedition. Now, if I can only get an antenna up for 160...
From: José Luis Sasso - PY2IU - Sep 26, 2008
Thanks for the QSO, congratulations for the DX-expedition and the fantastic operator who you are.
From: Bob - WB8B - Sep 26, 2008
Tnx for my #187 on 80cw! You put a very nice signal into Michigan for hours into the evening and was easily worked with 200w! 73/GL WB8Bob
From: Linn Hobbs - W1LWH - Sep 26, 2008
Thank you for putting Botswana on the air so comprehensively.
From: Reinhard - DH6DAO - Sep 25, 2008
Heard nice signals from You on 14 MC - hope, the small guns will have their chance next week. Enjoy the trip!
From: Doug Turnbull - EI2CN - Sep 25, 2008
I am interested in making a small donation. Can you accept cheques for say €20.00 drawn on a personal Irish Bank account? You do not have paypal so this seems the easiest approach for me. I do not want to get a commercial cheque drawn because of bank charges. Keep up the good work and thank you so much. 73 Doug EI2CN
From: Radek - SP5ADX - Sep 25, 2008
Good job guys. I\'ve already wkd u on 20/17cw. I hope to work u on other bands VY 73\'s de Radek, SP5ADX
From: Frank - LA4GPA - Sep 25, 2008
Tnx for qso Sigi. Please correct my callsign - I think you got LA4DPA, but correct is LA4GPA (time 17:40 at 14.165 , 10up) Tnx and god luck my friend.
From: Andy - VA3PL - Sep 25, 2008
Hi guys Since I have A25 confirmed on CW I will look for you on SSB and RTTY. Please say hallo to Leszek SP3DOI for me. Best GL es 73 de Andy - VA3PL
From: Jan Förderer - DL7JAN - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jan - Sep 25, 2008
Auch vielen Dank für die ersten 3 QSO\'s. awdh und weiterhin viel Spass!!! vy 73 de Jan,DL7JAN
From: Wilf - DJ6TK - http://www.mydarc.de/dj6tk - Sep 25, 2008
Moin, many thanks for the CW QSOs on 17/20m yesterday. Thanks also for both QSOs with DL50DRAX On 15m today nothing heard. Will look for you on 30/40m next days. 73 from Flensburg, Wilf - dj6tk - OP. of DL50DRAX in September 2008
From: Juergen - DC8SG - Sep 25, 2008
I hope the team have great time and many qso
From: Tom - KA4WRR - Sep 24, 2008
hope you all have great time and lot\'s contacts..take care 73 Tom.....
From: Luk - IK2XYI - Sep 24, 2008
vy good team, good operator, good job! 73 to all
From: Declan Horan - EI9FVB - Sep 24, 2008
Hi Siegfried, Many tnx for QSO and new DX. Your website is great with samples of your previous DXpedition QSL cards. See you on the next one! Best 73\'s, Declan.
From: Salvatore Marino - IK0ATK - Sep 24, 2008
Mny thanks for QSO with A25/DL7DF on 24 september 2008, 20 mts. A very good operator. Hope to work you, dear SIEGFRIED, on other bands. Congratulations for the exellent DX spedition. Best 73 de Sal IK0ATK.
From: mike - G3VYF - Sep 24, 2008
Greetings Sigi & crew. Best wishes for yet another DX - Pedition. Signal today on 17M, vy QSB (24th. ~ 1550) so psed QSO despite poor condx.
From: Ted - KN5O - Sep 24, 2008
Thanks for a new one! Nice signal into Louisiana. Good luck and stay safe.
From: WILF - DJ6TK - http://www.mydarc.de/dj6tk - Sep 24, 2008
Hi Sigi, I will try next days to work you. I wish you and the whole Crew many Contacts on all bands. I am the Operator of the special Call of our MF-Group (Celebration the 50.Anniversary of the German Sailing Ship \"Gorch Fock\" The Call is \"DL50DRAX\" Vy 73 and good luck, Wilf - DJ6TK -
From: Jan - SP3CYY - Sep 20, 2008
Hi Sigi and Crew, I wish nice work, good propagation and I hope meet your on all bands. Best 73! Jan SP3CYY
From: Bjoern - DG2BHB - Sep 7, 2008
My best wishes to the whole crew, especially to my co-worker Manfred. Enjoy the trip and take care of you! Looking forward to working you on 20m. 73 Bjoern
From: Nodir - EY8MM - Aug 16, 2008
I wish GL for expedition member! Travel safe. Will look for you on 80 and 160 meters.
From: Bob Polansky - N6ET - Jun 24, 2008
Looking forward to working your group in A2-land, especially on 160M and 12M, conditions permiting. Have a great trip!
From: Paul Hanna - VK2HV - Jun 23, 2008
Hope to work you for a new DXCC after all these years.Have a safe trip and good luck to all
From: Floyd Gerald - N5FG - http://www.mdxa.org - Jun 22, 2008
Hi Sigi GREAT news.. Good Luck and let me know what I can do ... BE SAFE! 73 Floyd N5FG NA Pilot
From: John McKendy - VE9JM - Apr 10, 2008
I travelled to Burundi last summer without ham equipment. I am returning this summer and then again in January of 2009. Can you give me information and tips about obtaining a 9U license? Email to: VE9JM@rogers.com
From: Peter Petrov - LZ2PEP - Mar 21, 2008
Nice to work you every time Sigi . Will look for you on the bands . Best wishes to you , 73 Peter LZ2PEP
From: Jan Förderer - DL7JAN - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jan - Mar 19, 2008
Hi Siggi Vielen Dank für die QSO\'s. Speziell 80m und 30m! Tolle Signale wie gewohnt-hi Ich hoffe Du hattest ne schöne Zeit in 5Z! awdh auf der nächsten DXpedition... bin schon gespannt wo es diesmal hingeht. vy 73 de Jan,DL7JAN
From: Neill - K4ESE - Mar 12, 2008
Thanks for the great job at 9U - got the qsl very quickly - - -Im only on 80 meters, and you did a great job there - I need 9 more on 80, and I hope you will be going to some of them. If you are ever in NC and need room, board, flat tire fixed, or whatever, please look me up. 73, Neill
From: Paul Hanna - VK2HV - Mar 7, 2008
Hi Sigi, Great web page mate,,wish i could have worked you from the areas you travel to... regards Paul
From: Charles Bibb - K5ZK - Mar 6, 2008
Help! I sent direct QSL for 9U0A operation, but have received no reply. Mailed 11 Oct. 2007 with 1 IRC plus $2 for return postage/donation. Could you please check for me an see what the problem is? Tnx, Charles - K5ZK
From: phil long - VE1WT - Feb 29, 2008
Hi Sigi..Just found your site...I enjoyed the memories... I have worked 10 expeditions between 9g5cw and 9u0a... Hope to find you in many more... Best 73 de Phil ex ve1cfq
From: Tim - RV6LFE - Feb 28, 2008
Hello, Sigi! Thanks for nice expedition 9U0A. May be you find possible to upload a 9U0A log to LOTW now? Thanks in advance.
From: Jan - SP3CYY - Feb 26, 2008
Hi Sigi, I wish You very good holiday, many QSO and happy return to Germany. I hope meet You on all bands. 73 and 88 to Sabine.
From: Skip Caswell - KE9L - Feb 25, 2008
Hope to work you on 75Meters. Good luck and enjoy! 73\'s....Skip KE9L
From: Deal - BA4DB - Feb 24, 2008
Hi Sigi,always great DXpeditions,hope you have more.
From: Victor - UA3QIX - Feb 6, 2008
You have received my cards for communication with you pj7/dl7df ???
From: Giuliano - IN3MQT - Jan 6, 2008
Ho lavorato 9U0A il giorno 02/10/2007 in RTTY a 14085Mhz, non ho ricevuto la QSL, per favore potete dirmi se avete ricevuto la mia richiesta in diretta? grazie in anticipo, se e\' possibile mandate la vostra risposta a: in3mqt@yahoo.it

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