Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2015
    From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Nov 18, 2015
Hi Sigi and team, many many many thanks for your great DXpedition and all the efforts you had to take to make it so successful. Finally you even came through on 160m! I know you spent a lot of time on 160 with extremely low QSO rate due to miserable propagation conditions. For those who made it into your 160m log it was worth all the struggle. Keep up the good work! 73 & servus Bernhard, DJ5MN
From: Tom K - NQ7R - Nov 18, 2015
Thanks for your incredible copy of my signals on 30 and 40 CW new bands for me
From: Jan - DL7JAN - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jan - Nov 17, 2015
Vielen Dank für die DXpedition! War eine Freude Euch zu arbeiten. Frank, nochmals Danke für das QSO auf 12m RTTY. Kommt gut heim und AWDH... 73 Jan,DL7JAN
From: Philipp - OE7PGI - Nov 16, 2015
Vielen Dank für 12 und 15m SSB. Sogar ein 17m RTTY QSO hat geklappt. Sehr gute OP mit prima Ohren für leise Signale. 73´s OE7PGI Philipp
From: Günter - DL6CM - Nov 16, 2015
Die Condx waren ja nicht immer optimal aber für 14 Qso,s hat sich die Mühe gelohnt. Also danke an die Crew.Die Idee von Frank DL7UFR mit den Spots im Cluster war UFB. Kommt gut nach Hause 73 de DL6CM,Gun
From: Csaba - DH7KU - Nov 16, 2015
Vielen Dank für die QSOs. Wünsche Euch viel Spaß und gute Heimreise! 73 de Csaba, DH7KU
From: Roger - AC6BW - Nov 16, 2015
Tnx for the ATNO QSO, and for a well organized DXpedition. 73, Roger- AC6BW
From: shaun stoddart - VK3VH - Nov 15, 2015
Good operation Sigi, have many new band QSO\'s with you,,, good signals into VK on all bands. 73
From: Ray - DH6DAO - Nov 14, 2015
Ihr habt leider eine Periode mit schlechten condx erwischt. so dass die small guns es echt schwer haben. Daher danke für 2 Kontakte und neue Bandpunkte gerade eben mit FD4 auf 10+12m CW. Kommt gut heim!!
From: steve - VK3MEG - Nov 14, 2015
thank you for qso on 80m for my little station only 100 watts inverted v here very happy to see i\'m in the log. 40m a little earlier would be nice for vk. 73\'s have fun keep safe. cheers steve vk3meg
From: Oly - VK5XDX - Nov 14, 2015
Great DXped . It is difficult tu get to you from VK with 100w. Today I had a chance had a qso but the op on 40m had his mind set on Russia due to strong propagation in that direction. So instead V he received U and I was logged as UK5XDX. Well I guess I will try agn Vy 73 and go Oly VK5XDX
From: Paolo - IZ2ZPH - Nov 13, 2015
Enjoy your expedition. tnx for qso
From: Sepp - DK0ED - http://none - Nov 12, 2015
Hi Sigi und die ganze Crew! Vielen Dank für Eure DXped! Bitte bitte 160m (1821 kHz) mal zwischen 2200 und 2230 UTC versuchen (bitte bleibt mal länger auf 160m mit CQ und meldet das im DX Cluster). Hab Euch schon 2mal auf 160 gehört, aber bis die PA soweit war, wart Ihr weg... Vielen herzlichen Dank im Voraus! Sepp (DK0ED)
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Nov 11, 2015
DANKE Sigi & Team ! Gute Signale und ufb Betrieb bisher auf allen Bändern. Ich drücke Euch (und uns) die Daumen, dass das auch noch auf den langsamen Bändern so wird. Bis dahin, 73 und awdh.
From: Masa - JA7ZF - Nov 10, 2015
Thank you very much for possible new one on 40m. Good luck all members. 73
From: Ken - W6KF - http://almondranch.com - Nov 10, 2015
Tnx for the 30m QSO LP.
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - http://none sorry - Nov 8, 2015
Servus Sigi & Team, mni tnx fr ufb QSOs on 30m & up. Sri fr ur 220V-PWR probs....pse try 160m. GL es GDDX Bernhard DJ5MN DJ5MN@web.de
From: DOV GAVISH - 4Z4DX - Nov 3, 2015
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - http://none...sorry - Oct 25, 2015
Servus Sigi, bitte bitte bitte unbedingt 160m CW bedienen! Ansonsten: Viel Spaß in Kenya und danke im Voraus für Eure DXpedition! 73 Bernhard DJ5MN
From: Skip - KE9L - Oct 6, 2015
Really looking forward to working your group on 75 Meter SSB. Has been good to work you from other QTH\'s over the years. Tnx and 73\'s Skip KE9L
From: Peter - DL8AAB - Jul 13, 2015
danke fuer das qso und die neue IOTA-Referenz. 73 Peter / DL8AAB
From: Piotr Wo¼niak - SP3UQE - Jul 2, 2015
Hi Sigi, it looks, that I got a callsign previously used by you (9G5SP) I hope we\'ll make a contact. I\'m going to Ghana in the beginning of October
From: Norbert - DK6NF - Jun 12, 2015
Vielen Dank, dass ihr mein QRP-Signal \"herausgefischt\" habt! 73 Norbert, DK6NF
From: Manfred - DL7UML - Jun 11, 2015
Danke für die vielen Verbindungen mit der neuen PA.
From: rich - K3VAT - Jun 7, 2015
Thanks for 30M QSO with DJ6TF. What is the GRID Locator for this DXPedition? 73
From: Kazuhiro Kamiya - JN3ONX - Jun 6, 2015
Please pick up more JA.I never QSO OX\'s CW.
From: Frank - IK7MXB - Jun 6, 2015
Hello Sigi ! I make qso with you in 18M, few minutes ago. Tnx fer new one IOTA. Best 73\'s de Frank
From: Costas Krallis - SV1XV - Jun 6, 2015
Hi guys, thanks for a new one on 17m and in RTTY. Have a good time in Greenland. 73 Costas
From: Jan - DL7JAN - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jan - Jun 5, 2015
UFB Signale am frühen Abend heute auf 17m/15m. Speziell 17m RTTY hat mich sehr gefreut. Viel Erfolg weiterhin! 73 Jan,DL7JAN
From: Thomas Opper - DO8TOH - Jun 5, 2015
Wieder ein neues DXCC für mich.
From: DOV GAVISH - 4Z4DX - May 29, 2015
From: Koji - JE3GRQ - May 28, 2015
I hope QSO on 6m. Jun is good multi ES season. So We will qso with OX-JA. See you. If it is possible, power up is better on 6m.
From: John - WA2MUA - May 5, 2015
Thanks for plan to operate 160. If I make it, you will be my dxcc #100 on Top Band. Good luck to both of us.
From: Bo - OX3LX - Apr 24, 2015
GL in Tasilaq NA151, I have a 3elm 4m,6m duoband you can use. It is loctaed near the hotel and E/S. I be in Tasilaq later this year. 73\'s
From: Michael - OX3MC - http://QRZ.com - Apr 21, 2015
Hi ! I hope yoy all have a great time in OX Land and a lot of good DX. In june i am home in OZ Land on leave,and not on the radio, so I wish you all the best operating from Greenland. 73 de OX3MC
From: Neil - G0JHC - Apr 21, 2015
Sounds like a lot of mid summer fun. Enjoy. Do you know the grid square you will be operating from for us 6m chaps? Please post it on your news page. Thanks

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