Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2010
    From: Ray Parker - ND6S - Dec 29, 2010
Thanks for the new CW country from Rwanda. Best wishes for a safe and healthy New Year. 73 Ray
From: Peter - VY0PW - Dec 4, 2010
Hi Sigi, machst Du auch SSB von AS-128? Weare ein schoenes Weihnachtsgeschenk. 73 Peter VY0PW
From: Steve - IK4DRY - Dec 3, 2010
Finest copy Sigi today in 80CW thanks for qso happy Christmas in Vietnam 73\'s Steve.
From: Mike - VE3VHB - Dec 3, 2010
Hoping you\'ll try 20M CW for North-East NA around 1600Z, possibility of opening then according to W6EL data. Need AS-128! Danke.
From: Peter Ball - G3HQT - Nov 30, 2010
Tks for the rare DX QSO. Vy psed as rng 100w to a small vertical up 2 metres. Take a deserved break now. 73
Rolf - DL6ZFG - http://www.dl6zfg.de - Nov 28, 2010
Hallo Sigi, feines Signal auf 30m. Schönen Urlaub und gute Heimreise. 73, Rolf
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Nov 28, 2010
Hallo Sigi, Super signals on 30m - as usual !! hi 73
From: Igor - RW4HOX - Nov 23, 2010
The best! Interested. Foto 5+.
From: Theo - ON4ATW - Nov 9, 2010
Can\'t find my 80M QSO in the online log. Please check. Thanks
From: scott - W4SO - Nov 9, 2010
sigi,great job, last night the qso on 80 was tough but thanks for the new one on 80 will make a pay pal donation thanks again scott w4so
From: Russ - WQ3X - Nov 9, 2010
Was very happy to get that 80m contact in last night. Lots of QSB and tuner uppers over you. Also RTTY on 15m. Thanks for your efforts! 73
From: Klaus - DK1AX - http://www.mydarc.de/dk1ax - Nov 9, 2010
Klasse Aktion! Immer recht gute Signale, aber viele Störer! War z.B. gestern auf 40m schlimm: als ich endlich durchkam (tnx new band!), wurde eine ev. Bestätigung durch euch \"weggemüllt\"! Daher hab ich euch dann ca. 7 Minuten später noch mal angerufen. Bestätigung war dann ok, aber Rest der Sendung (?) wieder nicht lesbar. Tja, die leidigen Störer.... Euch allen eine gute Heimreise!
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Nov 9, 2010
Thanks for your efforts. Too bad 160 did not go too well and I regret I had no propagation on 12 m when I saw you spotted. But so is life in the North. Excellent operation ! Safe trip home. 73
From: Vladimir - UX7VA - Nov 8, 2010
Hello Sigi! I spent a QSO of 14 MHZ 08.11.2010-10.07 UTC 599 CW, but in the log why it took net.Ty wrong call-UX7UA 73! de UX7VA
From: Yuri - A65CA - Nov 8, 2010
Hello Sigi! I was pretty sure we have had 14Mc RTTY qso yesterday as follows: 7-nov-2010 1402z 21084.440kc with split up. I\'ve got my call and report on monitor than sent report to you but 9U0A have qrxed. Please check once possible. Meanwhile thanks for 4 bands cw/ph/digi qsos. Still waiting for 80m opportunity. 73\'s es gl! de Yuri, A65CA
From: Steve - KC2SIZ - Nov 8, 2010
Thanks for providing me with a new DXCC entity. You had a very strong signal into New York yesterday on 17m...very impressive. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
From: Freddy - PY3YD - Nov 7, 2010
Dear Sigi, one more time many thanks for give us a NEW ONE. Best 73\'s and Good Luck to all GREAT TEAM. Freddy PY3YD
From: Andreas Voulgaropoulos - SV2JAO - Nov 7, 2010
Hello, we have 2 qso\'s on 40&30m. on CW. Thank you for give me a new one country on my log. Good work. (also....very good ears!) i work you with a dipol and 300watt. 73 from Greece
From: Simon - G7TPL - Nov 7, 2010
tnx QSO 17m SSB, now for the other bands! 73\'s
From: Ivan - UA6MF - Nov 7, 2010
From: Fred - DF4PL - Nov 7, 2010
Gibt es infos bezüglich 160m? Könnt ihr etwas in \"News\" veröffentlichen? Vielen Dank und alles Gute. Fred
From: george - W1WML - Nov 7, 2010
thankyou, and thankyou for being there for all the ham operators.
From: Scott Wright - K0MD - Nov 6, 2010
Thanks for the nice QSO\'s. You are great operators running US pileups on low power!
From: DAVID GOINS - N4TTE - Nov 6, 2010
From: Frank - DH2FW - Nov 6, 2010
Vielen Dank! Just to say \"outstanding\" - as always...73 es gl
From: Simon - G7TPL - Nov 6, 2010
tnx new one 17m CW, hope to catch you on phone!
From: Helmut - HS0ZIV - Nov 6, 2010
Servus Sigi, habe Euch leider von 9X nicht erwischt. Aber gestern (5.11.)hat es auf 15m SSB geklappt. Nach 13:00Z waren die Signale über S9 in Thailand. Man hört sich wieder wenn Du in XV bist. 73 Helmut
From: Philipp - OE7PGI - Nov 6, 2010
Hallo 9U0A ! Danke für das QSO auf 17m. Bitte auch ein QSL Karte. Es war mein 276 DXCC. 73 OE7PGI
From: Tom NK5Z - NK5Z - Nov 6, 2010
Hi and what an operator to hear my little station on 2 bands with a folded dipole. I am listening on 30M right now 2010-11-06 01:49Z, but the QSB is just too deep and can\'t get a clean copy on you very often. But thanks for being there and for a new country for me. All the best to everyone on the crew, and it looks like you all are having fun. 73 from Texas. Tom, NK5Z
From: Earl Gordon - W6GMP - http://arthur13@sbcglobal.net - Nov 6, 2010
I am positive we exchanged calls and signal reports on 11/4/2010 @ 17:47z on 18.141 Mhz but I see I am not in the log. You were easy to copy and It is hard to believe missing. You were move very fast thru a very big pile-up. I just hope I get one more chance.
From: Thomas - DL1AMQ - Nov 5, 2010
Hallo und schon mal besten Dank an die gesamte crew für die Super-Aktivität. Eine Bitte: Auf 1.827 MHz ist ein Dauerträger. Damit seid Ihr faktisch nicht zu hören. Bitte TX-QRG um + oder - 500 Hz ändern. DANKE !! 73 de Thomas, DL1AMQ
From: Steven C Brunt - K6AAB - Nov 5, 2010
Thanx for all time new country (9U0A).
From: Tommy Horozakis - VK2IR - http://www.vk2ir.com - Nov 5, 2010
Thak you Sigi for both cotacts 9UO & 9X0 best Regards Tommy vk2ir
From: Heiko - DL8QS - http://www.mydarc.de/dl8qs - Nov 5, 2010
Hallo Sigi, hoffe Dich auf 160m zu arbeiten. 1827 ist ein Carrier ..leise aber störend. Konnte Dich gestern Abend gestört und mit qsb einigermaßen lesen. Besser wäre 1823.5 oder 1826.5 73 Heiko
From: Steve Addison - K4SJA - http://www.qsl.net/k4sja - Nov 5, 2010
Thank you so much for my First Contact into Burundi. I have been a Extra Class operator since 2000 and your the first Staion I\'ve ever heard in Burundi. I have 281 Countries Confirmed. Thank you so much from Booneville Kentucky, USA.
From: Luke - VK3HJ - Nov 5, 2010
Tnx one QSO each Rwanda and Burundi, both new countries for me! Tnx also for regular updates online log, a great relief to confirm contact quickly. All the best for the rest of your trip, and safe journey home, to plan the next one! Vy 73, es gud DX. Luke VK3HJ
From: Chris - YO7LCB - Nov 5, 2010
Great signals on low bands!Thanks for new one on 80 m and RTTY! Hope to catch you also on 160 m for a new one!All the best to all the crew!73!
From: Ark - UA4CC - Nov 5, 2010
Hi guys! Many of us wait you on 160. We understand - it`s not easy! But PLAESE, have a more long time on band and use split up1 or so from 1st call! 1827 is ok, but may be 26.5 or 27.5 will be better? Try early and later - may be 1st try at 20.00Z? And look for UA3/UA4/UA6/UA9 who far from you than another west EU! 73!
From: Take - JA5AUC - Nov 5, 2010
PSE 160m JA to 21-22z we TX 1810 to 1825khz
From: Dado - E74AW - Nov 5, 2010
nice expedition, 80 signal big, 160 m signal was OK, but 1827 is very bad freq in EU, carrier, much better freq 1826.5 27.5 and up... 73 gl have funn dado E74AW
From: Mike Greenway - K4PI - Nov 5, 2010
Hi OM\'s. See you going great on the bands. I see a short visit to 160 M and I know the noise is rough as it always is in AF but please give us a chance to try. Hopefully you can get the beverages put out and use some ATT on the rigs Usually 2200 GMT and after for USA. We will all be looking this weekend...73 GL
From: Mike Anderson - K8IW - Nov 4, 2010
Hi, Just want to say danke schon for an all time neu country for me. Great op on 20 CW today. 73, Mike
From: Günther - OE2LCM - Nov 4, 2010
Nettes Signal auf 80, sogar hier im Reihenhaus mit extrem viel local noise zu hören. Hoffe ich bin im Log. Viel Spass noch und Danke.
From: Fred - K6SSS - Nov 4, 2010
Thank you for great thrill to QSO on 80 CW. 9U0 is last country needed on African continent. Your signal was unbelievable one half hour before my sunset. Who was the operator with the great ears to pick out my call in the pileup? My humble antenna was only a 16-meter vertical wire with one radial. vy73, Fred K6SSS
From: Yuri - A65CA - Nov 4, 2010
Hello Sigi and Co! Thanks for ultra excellent 9X0SP performance and multiplier for CQWW! Nice to hear you for 9U0A again! I called you first day and 14/18 CW is done)) Just a little confuse with my call on 18Mc, you have my call logged as AB5CA - 03-nov-2010 1938z 18070.1 split 2.25 up. Please amend to A65CA, it was my weak dah-dit-dit-dit-dit))) 73\'s! Loking for another bands! Yuri, A65CA
From: Andy - DL5CW - Nov 4, 2010
Hallo Freunde, congrats zu den guten Signalen. Und heute morgen auf 40m klappte es auch mit dem ersten Anruf. Ich vermute, es liegt an eurer HF9V ;-) Kommt gesund zurück! Andy, DL5CW
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Nov 4, 2010
Nice start on 9U0A activity. 80 m signals very good but we have the usual LID-problems ! Hope condx will be holding up during your stay and that you manage to come on 160 also. 73
From: John Currie - VE1ZJ - Nov 4, 2010
Tu new one
From: Hans - PJ4LS - Nov 3, 2010
TNX for the new one today. It was verry difficult to get you with 100 watts because of all the blasting US stations. 73 PJ4LS
From: Alex - RU6M - Nov 3, 2010
Hi! Very interesting country 9U on 160 metres. There is beside you plans to work at this range? ALEX RU6M
From: Ivan - UA6MF - Nov 3, 2010
Lieber Freund Ish wunshe sie gute arbeit on 160 m in 9U-land! HPE CUAGN on TOP-band! Alles gute! 73! Ivan UA6MF
From: Vince P - KA3NRX - Nov 1, 2010
Hi Sigi! Worked you 10/31/10 on 20m CW, but I noticed that the latest log update (11/1/10 0400z), I am not coming up? Hope all OK, as you are my first CW qso from 9X. Need you from 9U too , as my only 9U qso is illigit. We\'ll be listening for ya! Thanks for being there. Vince P KA3NRX Pittsburgh, PA
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Nov 1, 2010
Hi, I hope to meet 9X/9U on TB. Regards !
From: Charles - K7OVM - Nov 1, 2010
TU for a new country.Appreciate you digging me out of the QRM. Hope to work you in 9U for another new one ! 73 Charlie
From: John Parnell - K7HV - Oct 31, 2010
TU for a new country! My station is only 100 Watts from a K2 to a G5RV up 25 meters, so you have VERY good ears! Best of luck and have fun! - john
From: Philipp - OE7PGI - Oct 31, 2010
Hallo 9X0SP Gruppe Danke für das QSO auf 17m in SSB Bitte QSL via Büro Hoffentlich erreiche ich euch auch noch von 9U. Eine Gute Heimreise wieder. 73 OE7PGI
From: Peter Ball - G3HQT - Oct 31, 2010
Thanks for the early morning 40m. QSO. hope cu on 30m. Your efforts are appreciated.
From: Masayuki Inai - JQ1YIW - Oct 30, 2010
Thanks for ur QSO between Tokyo Japan, Cu agn on the other band.! 73
From: Mike Greenway - K4PI - Oct 30, 2010
Any chance you will be able to do 160 M from 9U?
From: Felix - DL7FER - Oct 28, 2010
Danke! Kaum zu glauben, aber für den part time DXer, der ich bin, war\'s ein new one! Dass es dann noch 80m ist, kann man als Glücksfall bezeichnen. Habe für das QSO knapp 180km gemacht... Toll, dass das Warten am Abend sich gelohnt hat. You made my day! 73 Felix
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Oct 28, 2010
Congrats on a flying start on 80 m. Signals on 3503 are very good. Just wish European DX-ers would listen more and transmit less. What is happening when you reply to a specific station is disgusting ! When will they learn ? Have fun - 73
From: Gary - ZL2IFB - Oct 27, 2010
Hi Sigi. Best wishes for your DXpeditions to 9X and 9U, and then XV. You must enjoy travelling! Can I persuade you to mention the DX Code (http://www.DX-Code.org) on your website, please? We are trying hard to encourage more polite and considerate pileup operating, and have published tips to help DXers and DXpeditioners be more successful and have more fun. I\'m looking forward to working you in 9X and 9U. Please listen to the South every so often. We will probably hear you OK to the North via the long path but there is often too much QRM from US or EU callers for us to make it through to Africa that way. 73 GL & have fun! Gary ZL2iFB
From: Rich - K3VAT - http://QRZ.COM/DB/K3VAT - Oct 15, 2010
Sigi and Crew: So happy that you\'re operating from both 9X and 9U !! Please try 160M to NA (East Coast) - we\'ll be listening for you. Safe Travels and GL. 73
From: Randy - W6SJ - http://www,dx-code.org - Oct 9, 2010
We hope you will mention the Code on your website and link to us - www.dx-code.org See examples of how others have done it at http://dx-code.org/DXendorse.htm Have a safe journey
From: Mike - K4PI - Oct 4, 2010
I hope you will be able to spend some time on 160 M. while in 9U. I know QRN is always tough in central Afica but hope you will persist. The last group in 9U would not spend any time on 160. Hope to hear your signals.. 73 Mike K4PI
From: Alexander - KH7CX - Oct 3, 2010
Aloha folks ! Please don\'t forgett those with low power- QRP I will try to work you with 5 watt in SSB Mahalo and 73 de alexander ,KH7CX - always portable-QRP
From: Martin - OK1WCF - Sep 30, 2010
Hi folks, hope to work us on BPSK31, new one for me! CU on the bands, Martin OK1WCF
From: Tom - DL2RUM - Sep 20, 2010
Have a safe trip and a lot of fun. Mögen die Sonnenflecken mit euch sein. 73 de Tom, DL2RUM
From: Glenn - VA3DX - Sep 17, 2010
Sigi., Please 160 for NA .... 255 worked on 160 but no 9U so far .. I do have 9X ... hi ... Have a safe journey ! Glenn VA3DX
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Sep 13, 2010
Yoy make some excellent expeditions. Only one thing missing to make them perfec: During the operation : Online-log and upload to LOTW . After TX3A we know what a difference it makes to avoid duplicates and paperwork with QSL-cards. Good luck 73
From: Nodir - EY8MM - http://www.ey8mm.com - Sep 10, 2010
Just saw your announcement about 9U trip. Excellent news. I will look for you on 160 meters. I wish you safe trip!
From: Tom - DJ6YX - Sep 9, 2010
ufb ! Diesmal klappt das bestimmt auf 160 ! Alles Gute, 73 Tom DJ6YX
From: Andreas Paulick - DL5CW - Sep 9, 2010
... na dann viel Spaß in Afrika und hoffe, wir hören uns! 73! Andy, DL5CW
From: Fred N. Ihara - JA1ADN - Sep 9, 2010
Hello Sigi, Very pleased to know you are going back to Rwanda and Burundi again this year. I still need Burundi/9U on 40 meter-band for my DXCC Challenge Award. I certainly look for you on 40 CW or/and RTTY, PSK31. Hope your DX\'pedition will be successful. Good luck.
From: Klaus Lilienthal - DL1TKL - http://www.geschaeftsfelder.de/dl1tkl - May 19, 2010
Hallo Sigi, Du machst ja ganz tolle Expeditionen. Vielleicht kannst Du Dich noch an mich erinnern. Mein EX Rufzeichen ist DM2AQC! Auf meiner Website ist meine EMail bzw. Telefonnummer. (Impressum) Vy 73 Klaus DL1TKL
From: Zivojin Aleksic - YT1HA - Feb 7, 2010
Great dxpedition,thanks for a new one on 80m. i worked you with 39m wire:)nice signal. Thanks once again,and cu agn 73 Zik YT1HA
From: Serge - RK3TD - Jan 31, 2010
Hello! Thanks for QSOs. Please upload XV4D to ARRL LOTW. 73!
From: Jim - AH6OY - Jan 26, 2010
Good DX to all of you.

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