Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2012
    From: Alexander - DL7EDH - Dec 31, 2012
Hallo, Sigi. Ich habe vor kurzem meine QSL Karte von Ihnen zurück gekriegt mit Anmerkung „Return“. Es war QSO mit 9X0SP am 28.10.2010/ 18:34/ CW/ 10 MHz/ 599. Ein Fehler in meinem Log ist ausgeschlossen, hat noch nie passiert. Ich wollte den Grund wissen, warum können Sie diese QSO nicht bestätigen. Alexander DL7EDH Borkheider Str. 29 12689 Berlin dl7edh@gmx.de
From: Ron - K1BW - Dec 22, 2012
Hope to work you on 160 meters!
From: Hans - SM6CVX - Nov 24, 2012
Hi , Happy to hear about this expedition. I myself need both on 160 meters. Hope you will be very active on topband as band is difficult.... But it could be ok for Eu. Looking forward to this. Hans SM6CVX
From: Brendan McCartnwy - G4DYO - Nov 9, 2012
I also missed out on previous H40 operations and just need H40 and P5 to regain #1 Honor Roll. If I work you I shall dedicate the contacts in memory of my beloved XYL Ruth.
From: Chris - G3SJH - Oct 1, 2012
Only need P5 and H40 to complete my DXCC! Hoping this time we will get a good operation from H40 on SSB - I\'m sure we will!!! 73 and good luck with the preparations Chris (Will make a donation)
From: Uli - DL2HBX - Sep 30, 2012
Hallo Sigi, das ist eine tolle Nachricht! H40 fehlt mir noch für ein all-time new one. 73! Uli, DL2HBX
From: Hans - SM6CVX - Sep 30, 2012
Hi Sigi and friends,,,, VERY nice. Need both countries on 160 meter. Guess its going to be difficult, but with these good operators, I am sure we have a possibility. Hope to work you in a few weeks from P29. Regards Hans SM6CVX
From: Wolfram - DK8NX - http://qrz.com - May 20, 2012
vielen Dank für die wunderschöne QSL-Karte von Tonga! und DXCC # 332 where to go next? meine Empfehlung: 5W... awdh Wolfram DK8NX
From: Michael Noertemann - DF8AN - Apr 24, 2012
Schöne homepage, Sigi. Und viele Deiner QSLs kommen mir sehr bekannt vor, hi wo geht\'s als nächstes hin?? Ich flieg übermorgen nach TF und im Herbst nach FR.....73 und noch viel Spass beim Hobby
From: Eric - SM1TDE - http://www.sm1tde.bloggspace.se - Apr 15, 2012
Hello Sigi I am planning for a trip to Kemya in November. I see that you last operated from Diani beach; can you tell me more exactly from where? I have found a couple of interesting places to rent, one is owned by a german couple. Thanks in advance. 73 SM1TDE sm1tde@fro.se
From: Tom - DJ6YX - Mar 30, 2012
Auch von mir vielen Dank ! 73 und awdh ! Tom DJ6YX
From: Brad - WF7T - Mar 24, 2012
Thanks to the ops and organizers! 73
From: ERIC - F5BZB - Mar 23, 2012
From: Daniele - IZ0HTW - Mar 23, 2012
Good morning from IZ0HTW Daniel, I am sending this message from a friend Eraldo IZ0FYW which you have connected the day 21/02/2012 at 10:50 in banda 15 meters in SSB A35YZ. Looking at the log is not yet told me that you heard and that he also had the answer of 5/9 IZ0FYW. I would not want the operator to then too late for the QRM has got some letters out of place. Please kindly contact to see this and correct. Eraldo I also stated that this contact is very dear to him is absolutely new. Thank you very much for your kindness on my part and IZ0HTW by Eraldo IZ0FYW. Hello and appearance inh news about my address: iz0htw@alice.it
From: Robert C Baker - WM5H - http://wm5h.net - Mar 22, 2012
Thanks for going to Tonga 73\'s
From: Voler - DM5DM - Mar 22, 2012
Danke für die prima Expedition! Statistik ist nach meinem Geschmack: Fokus on CW-Lowbands-europe. Das nehmen sich viele vor. Ihr habt\' gemacht. Danke und kommt gut nach Hause!
From: Jan - SM5LNE - Mar 22, 2012
Thanks Sigi and the whole crew for a fantastic DXpedition from Tonga. A new country on 30/40m. Have a safe trip back home. 73 de Jan SM5LNE
From: Andy - LX1DA - Mar 22, 2012
I\'m just back frm 9M2, and a new one on 30m in ultimo, i\'m happy. Tu to the crew frm Sigi, for all previouly QSO\'s on different expeditions.
From: Lothar Beyer - DF8LC - Mar 22, 2012
Hallo zusammen, ich danke Euch für die tollen QSO´s!! Super Job!!! Hier in Nord DL (Lübeck) sind die Bedingungen echt im Eimer. Der Süden ist da echt im Vorteil. Ihr habt gute Ohren .......vielen Dank nochmal, ich freue mich riesig! Kommt gut nach DL zurück, 73´s de Lothar
From: Hans SM6CVX - SM6CVX - Mar 22, 2012
THANKS, only some 8 hrs before you had to qrt,,,,,we finally had an opening on 12 meters \' to Scandinavia. Thanks for beeing there and have a safe trip home.Hans sm6cvx
From: Jukka - OH4MFA - Mar 22, 2012
Thank You for QSOs from Tonga! Safe journey to home! 73
From: Radek - SP5ADX - Mar 22, 2012
Great ativities. Thanks for new points. If you need QSL printing try our deluxe print service: www.coolqsl.com VY 73 de Radek, SP5ADX
From: Anthony Murphy - EI2KC - Mar 22, 2012
I was so thrilled to work you guys I wrote a poem about it ! The ham\'s Pacific dream I listened on the bands for days and days, for a weak signal from a land far away, when all hope had begun to fade, I tuned up on twenty metres one day, to find \"alpha three\" singing through the air, with a signal strength not weak, but quite fair, so I switched my antenna, and put on the split, tuned up the amp, and on his QSX I did sit, when all of a sudden, out of the noise, I heard Kilo Charlie, on the key I did poise, I gave him the call, and he came back with mine, so I gave it again, and added five nine nine, like a glorious echo, from the land of beyond, I heard my five nine nine, like a beautiful song, and all of a sudden, without much ado, I had another DXCC in the log, and shouted \"yahoo\"! Thank you my friends, deep down in yonder ocean, for making my day, and fulfilling my notion, that some day I would work such a faraway team, in Tonga, dear Tonga, the ham\'s Pacific dream.
From: Oku - JK1KSB - Mar 22, 2012
Please try 160m around 1700z.Freq is 1826KHz QSX down 2KHz.Thank you!
From: Georg - DK7LX - Mar 22, 2012
Wie ich mich für Euch freue, dass es wenigstens zum Ende hin mit den condx nochmal bergauf geht. Euch gerade auf 12 M zu zuhören ist die reine Freude. Ihr seid knüppellaut. Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Heimreise und sage danke für die Mühe. Gruß an alle. Ihr sehnt euch sicherlich alle endlich mal wieder nach einer leckeren Pizza Conakry und einem kühlen Skol :-) Alles Gute! Georg, DK7LX
From: Michel - FM5CD - Mar 22, 2012
Hi Sigi, When will you be on 80m for Caribbean ? Lots of us are looking for you (09:30-10:30).TKS.
From: masanori watanuki - JA1OZK - http://non - Mar 22, 2012
please QRV on 10m cw and SSb.
From: Jaap van Oosten - PA0O - Mar 21, 2012
Weak at 40m tonite surprised you could pick me up so well FB Nothing heard at 80m yet hope for the last days to improve And sorry the propagation went down again after so long time of super openings on the high bands 73 gl
From: Bob - KB1JZU - Mar 21, 2012
Strange propagation from Tonga to the NE USA. Worked you with a club call from a E/W valley in Maine @ 500meters with a wire & 100watts when I shouldn\'t have (middle of the night) but could not copy you when bands should be open. Back in Massachusetts with LPA & power I have absolutely no problem hearing or working the team on all bands so far. Great operators.. never call more that a few times and you have me. Thanks for the contacts.
From: Uwe - DL4AAE - Mar 21, 2012
Thank you very much for this all-time new one! You must have really good ears. 73, Uwe DL4AAE
From: Jim - K2QB - Mar 21, 2012
You guys always do a great job, no exception this time. Be safe and hope to hear you again from another exotic locale!
From: Francesco - IK0FUX - Mar 21, 2012
Hello to all the crew! OK, the conditions are not good, but you give me the possibility to work A3 land in 6 bands! Congratulations! 73 Francesco
From: ALDO - I0DJV - Mar 21, 2012
From: Ryszard - SP2HWW - Mar 21, 2012
Dear friends, few minutes ago we speak on 40 m band. from my side only GP antenna and 400 W solid state amplifier. You making fantastic job for Ham\'s I wish for all team many DX and good luck. 73, ryszard
From: Joel - DJ1ER - http://www.qsl.net/dj1er - Mar 21, 2012
Very good job you do from Tonga Tnx for the QSO\'s , even when it was difficult to catch you , you had passion and good ears . Have a safe trip home 73 de dj1er joel near Bitburg
From: Eugen - DF1TJ - Mar 21, 2012
Danke für die Zwei QSO-s auf 14 und 18,1 Mhz, CW. Neues DXCC Land. Leider auf 18,1 MHz wurde als DF2TJ aufgenommen! Schade nach so viele ,in Schack verlorene Tagen! Eine Korrektur in dem Log wehre Hilfsreich und Willkommen! Danke ! 73 und alles gute ! DF1TJ , Eugen
From: Sandro - IZ1MRO - Mar 21, 2012
Tahank you very much for new one in IOTA. 73 to all of you and good luck de IZ1MRO Alessandro
From: Rod Mackintosh - ZL3NW - Mar 21, 2012
Many thanks for the 160m contact. A great signal from you and a new country for me on 160m. Safe travel back home. 73 Rod ZL3NW
From: Nick - UR9QW - http://ur9qw@mail.ru - Mar 20, 2012
Congrats! Very good signal on 80m band all time
From: MAX - IW0HIU - Mar 20, 2012
From: Tony - SP8AJK - Mar 20, 2012
Great job guys. Thanks fer first A35 on PSK31 # 280. Best 73\'s and cu from next expedition
From: Dick - N4ARO - Mar 20, 2012
Have you on all bands CW except 80M with my 100W and a wire. Great operators. Need to find you on 80 meters please from 0800 to 1100Z for east coast. Only west coast guys can hear you this morning where it is still dark. Thanks for great DXpedition. 73 Dick N4ARO
From: jim franklin - K6AWR - Mar 20, 2012
great job guys but could u pse stay on 80m from 1045-1330utc as there are a lot of usa that still need u on 80m tnx vy much jim k6awr
From: Dave - IW7EBA - http://https://www.facebook.com/iw7eba - Mar 20, 2012
Hello tnx again for 20m too, it\'s a dream for a barefoot station as mine, got A35 in two bands!! have great ears, togheter great operator!! \' 73 IW7EBA Dave
From: John Minahan - WA2JM - Mar 19, 2012
Dein Signal is sehr stark auf cw heir bei meine station in Portland OR (Gestern und Heute) Frequnz: 21008 und 28010 19-22 UTC Alles Gute John
From: Paolo - IW2ETR - Mar 19, 2012
From: Frank - IK8TEO - Mar 19, 2012
I have you, after long wait. I\'ve catched you this evening at 17:06 on twenty meters CW on grey line, not beaming SP. FB operator: you hear me barefoot into the pile up, with only 100W, after few calls. Antenna here is 2 ele yagi. I\'m very happy for our difficult DX (17.578 Km) CUAGN de Frank IK8TEO
From: MALCOLM McLEOD - VA6MM - Mar 19, 2012
From: Olaf Goldbeck - DL4HG - Mar 19, 2012
Seit Tagen war die Sonne unruhig, aber heute ging es zum ersten Mal auf 20m ! 73, Olaf, dl4hg
From: Wilf - DJ6TK - Mar 19, 2012
Hi, many thanks for the 17m QSO today(18.03) The Pile up was extremly, but I got you without a Beam. Greatings from Flensburg to the whole Crew, Wilf - dj6tk -
From: dale dickerson - NU4O - http://nu40@att.net - Mar 18, 2012
Thanks for five bands cw. All with 100 watts and antron 99 73and look now for 40@80 tnx agn dale
From: Uli - DL2HBX - Mar 18, 2012
Thank you for pulling my weak 30m signal (100W, vertical @ 6m) out of the noise today!
From: Vince - IT9CHU - Mar 18, 2012
I am sure i did qso on 30m, i did hear clear my call back and my report WHY i am not in log ? I hope a mistake Vince
From: Neil - G0JHC - Mar 18, 2012
Thanks to the team for their great efforts to work EU during the poor propagation. I was pleased with 80m, 30 mins before sunset! The op was very skilled to stay with my call until correct, sending at a good speed and always sending \"cfm\" at end of contacts....good style under weak condx.
From: Ronald - LA3ANA - Mar 18, 2012
Bad condx, happy to work you on 80m. 73, Ron
From: Laci - HA5OZX - Mar 18, 2012
Congrats for fb DX station and job.
From: Hans - DL8FD - http://www.dl8fd.de - Mar 18, 2012
Hallo Sigi Besten Dank für die QSO\'s. Es macht immer Spass mit Euch einen DX-Punkt zu holen. Ihr seit die besten Operators. Vies Erfolg noch und kommt Gesund zurüch vy 73 und TNX für alles
From: Mitch - WB0GKH - Mar 18, 2012
Nice signal into the midwest at 3:20 A.M. local time. Very pleased to work you on 30 meters. Thank you. Mitch
From: Ragnar - LA5HE - Mar 18, 2012
It has been unfortunate that condx to Pacific have been so bad. We had hoped to hear you on many bands, but solar storms and Aurora ruined that !! Bad luck. Hope conds will improve before you leave. 73
From: Carmelo Montalbano - AI4MS - Mar 18, 2012
Hope you had a wonderful trip. You made my St. Patrick\'s day special! Tnx
From: Georg - DL4SVA - Mar 17, 2012
Hallo A35YZ Team, Ich war freudig erregt, dass ihr mich in cw auf 30m gehört habt. Es waren nur 100 Watt am Spiderbeam(10-20m). Das QSO am 14.03.12 um 18:20 war wohl nicht ganz ok. Euer reales Signal bei mir war im Maximum 569. Zuvor war ich 2 Stunden am Club und habe euch versucht in RTTY zu arbeiten mit KN1E PA, ohne Erfolg. Alles Gute für euch viel Spaß und gute Heimreise. 73 de Georg = DL4SVA =
From: Ron Smith - N7RD - Mar 17, 2012
Thank you for the nice dxpedition hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Best 73, Ron N7RD
From: Jess - W6LEN - Mar 17, 2012
Always great to work you. Thanks for all of your efforts.
From: Donna - AG6V - http://www.ag6v.com - Mar 17, 2012
Kudos for a wonderfully run op - great management of the bands. Thanks for the new one.
From: Jim - WA3MEJ - Mar 17, 2012
From: Dieter - VK3FFB - Mar 17, 2012
Hallo nach Tonga. Habe euch heute auf 28MHz in cw gehört. Condx leider etwas mager. Viel Spass & gud dx Dieter, vk3ffb Melbourne
From: Eric Silverthorn - NM5M - http://www.dfwcontest.com - Mar 17, 2012
Wonderful operation, thank you for the qsos! De Eric NM5M www.dfwcontest.com
From: Jon Bennett - NQ4A - Mar 16, 2012
Thank you for making this contact. Good Luck and safe travels back home. 73\'s Jon NQ4A
From: Hardy - DF6PW - http://www.qrz.com/db/df6pw - Mar 16, 2012
Hi, I will write in english so that everyone can read my appreciation. I would like to say thank you for your patience under hard conditions as on 80m and 40m CW today. Wow ... you hear extremly well ... congrads! Good luck .... great job! Vy 73\'s, Hardy, DF6PW
From: Cédric - F5UKW - Mar 16, 2012
I\'m so happy to have been able to work your team both on Phone and CW. I really hope conditions will be better to work you on 15 but I think it will be nearly impossible with such propagation. Thanks again for your effort and your patience !
From: Bill - K4ZIW - Mar 16, 2012
Thanks for making the effort and giving everyone a chance. Will be trying to hook up!
From: Bob - KW4CQ - Mar 16, 2012
Whew!!! What a dog fight that was. Finally nailed you in a 20m CW pileup using only a dipole antenna here. Patience and timing paid off. Thanks for a great DXpedition guys. 73, Bob KW4CQ
From: Jose Carlos - N4IS - http://www.n4is.com - Mar 16, 2012
I hope to work you guys on 160m in few days. The recent solar storms, 3 and the strong one since 2006 depressed the conditions on 160m. We need at least 3 days with low A for 169m to recover. Today Mar 16th ZL1 stn was strong around 11z on 160m. If I can ask for an sked it would be in 3 days, Monday 19th or Tuesday 20th around 11z on 1821. Congratulations for great operation from A35. Regards JCarlos N4IS 73\'s
From: Don - W3WW - Mar 16, 2012
Thank you for all the hard work. You are doing an excellent job under poor 40 meter band condx. Great bunch of CW operators. 73 Don W3WW
From: Albert - PA5O - Mar 16, 2012
Dear operators, Thanks for the New One in RTTY #295! I had a look at the pictures, just beautiful. Have a nice stay in Tonga and a save return home. 73, Albert
From: David - OK6DJ - Mar 16, 2012
Hello, please 15m,neded a35 the band. 12m excelent signal 14.03.2012. 10m good signal 13.03. 80m hr 339. Thanks David
From: Hans - DL3JFN - Mar 16, 2012
Vielen Dank für QSO auf 30 m (nur 100W u. Dipol !!). Evtl. klappt es ja noch auf 20 m via LP. Kommt gut zurück.
From: TOSHI - JI1CPN - Mar 16, 2012
Hi, guys Vy fine dxpedition and you all have good ears. We\'ve been waiting for PSK mode. Cu soon over there.
From: Jolanda - PA1SAR - Mar 15, 2012
Thank you very much for new one in IOTA. I loved IOTA very much so every new one is more than welcome. Very good operator with good ears! 73 88 to all. Jolanda.
From: Capt. Mike Williams - W4DL - Mar 15, 2012
Great job gentlemen; excellent operating skills with the cw crowd! 73, Mike W4DL
From: Slavek - OK1TN - Mar 15, 2012
I am happy for QSO on 80m. Try the top band. but from Europe to the A35 direction is very difficult. We can lsn. 73 Slavek
From: Dave - IW7EBA - http://www.facebook.com/iw7eba - Mar 15, 2012
Tnx for newone, i\'m worked you on 30meters with a simple wire 28,8meters long slopered, 100w and Flexradio 3K....great signal produced from other side of the globe, inside my barefoot antenna, great job guys!! \' 73 de IW7EBA Dave. Taranto South Italy JN80PL
From: Dave - W8BAQ - http://qrz.com - Mar 15, 2012
Great job guys! Hope to have more contacts! 73, Dave
From: Steve Licht - WF2S - Mar 15, 2012
Your team are consistently able to copy me ! OUTSTANDING.. I hope to fill more band slots ! Wish I was with you... Next Time ???
From: David Gillooly - AA6RE - Mar 15, 2012
Great Tonga operation and even with erratic propagation very strong signals into California. 73 Dave
From: Jo - OE4VIE - Mar 15, 2012
Vielen Dank für die QSOs, gute Signale auf den Lowbands aber auch auf 10m seid ihr hier in JN87 laut gewesen. Viel Spaß noch und gute Heimreise! 73 Jo OE4VIE
From: Tom - NK5Z - Mar 15, 2012
I just want to thank Zigi and the rest of the crew for the fantastic job everyone is doing. I will keep looking for you all on 80m and maybe we will get lucky. Take care and keep up the good work everyone is doing. Hope to get you on at least 3 more bands before you depart. 73 Tom, NK5Z
From: h j franklin - K6AWR - Mar 15, 2012
hi guys ur doing a great job es i still hope to get u on 80 es maybe 160 tnx 73 jim k6awr
From: Joe - W8JRK - Mar 15, 2012
Great operators. 4 bands in 2 hours. Many thanks!!
From: Doug Heller - KE7NF - Mar 15, 2012
Thank you!
From: wl weatherly - K4CFL - Mar 15, 2012
Thanks so much for the qso\'s on 10M & 17M. Great that you guys do this !! Y\'all come !!!!
From: Vasek - OK1DN - Mar 14, 2012
Thanks very much for today\'s QSO on 30 meters CW. 73 Vasek, OK1DN
From: Vasiliy -- - K3IT - http://www.hamradiomap.com - Mar 14, 2012
Worked you guys at 1am local time on 20M over long path (27k+ km) last night. Awesome operator! thanks for the QSO. 73 K3IT
From: Ray - DL6MRS - http://rayscholz73@web.de - Mar 14, 2012
Hallo, super Expedition- danke. Bitte Korrektur im 17m cw-log vom 13.3. 08:33 bitte DL6MAS in DL6MRS ändern. Weiter alles gute und sichere Heimkehr. 73 de Ray
From: Slavek - OK1TN - Mar 14, 2012
Hi all, good work guys, especially at LF. Slavek
From: krish - W4VKU - Mar 14, 2012
Thanks for the new one guys. Need a few more band fills 80/30/17/15 and also on SSB. But overall are happy with what we did. Thanks again & Good luck. 73s krish w4vku
From: Steve - DL5DXS - Mar 14, 2012
Beste 73 aus Sachsen! z.T. super kurze Öffnungen, wieder eine Top-Aktion Bitte Korrektur: 12m CW - DL5DXI im Log statt DL5DXS Schöne Pile ups ... Guten Flug! Steffen DL5DXS
From: Roman - R2EAA - Mar 14, 2012
my call not in log. pse correct R2EAA 14.03.2012 12:20 10mhz cw
From: Ron Seaman - W8RLS - Mar 14, 2012
Tnxs for doing a great job there. 73s W8RLS@sbcglobal.net
From: Hans - BX2ABT - Mar 14, 2012
Hello guys, Great to work you, but you got my call wrong in the log (BX2AT, 30m CW, March 13). Any way to correct this? Otherwise I hope you won\'t forget to answer some Asian calls every now and then. 73 de Hans
From: Vladimir - ES4RZ - Mar 14, 2012
Please correct call ES4RZ (not EI4RZ) QSO on 40 mtrs 13.03.12 17.19 UTC. I rsvd. OK but in log EI4RZ. 73! Vladi
From: Tom - YL1ZS - http://yl1zs@inbox.lv - Mar 14, 2012
Please corr. 40M QSO my call (you write YL1ZH -mistake) TNX ! Good luck for All 73 ! = Tom
From: Al Hutcheson - AK7G - http://alhutcheson@comcast.net - Mar 14, 2012
Thanks team for a professional DXpedition and masterful operating skills. Using my stealth indoor antennas, I\'m enjoying chasing you across the bands and modes. 73, AK7G
From: Capt. Mike Williams - W4DL - Mar 14, 2012
Great job Gentlemen, and superb pile up control I must say. Thanks for your efforts..... Regards, W4DL Mike
From: Luca - IK5HHA - Mar 13, 2012
Thanks for the 12mt QSO, after a long battle. I was sure to be in the log in 80mt but are not there. Sigh! \'73 Luca ik5hha
From: Mike - DL9UO - Mar 13, 2012
Hallo, hoffe das letzte Online-Log ist ein Versehen.Tolle 40m Öffnung heute, da hat man mit bescheidener Ausrüstung auch ein Chance. AWDH Mike DL9UO
From: JOLANDA - PA1SAR - Mar 13, 2012
From: Vladislav - UA4LU - Mar 13, 2012
From: Fero - OM4XA - Mar 13, 2012
From: kohei Hidaka - JH6NUR - Mar 13, 2012
Thanks nice QSO ! But you have mistake on your log about me. You wrote \"2 80m\" QSO with me. Not \"2\"...one of them is \"12m\" ! Thank you !
From: kohei Hidaka - JH6NUR - Mar 13, 2012
Thanks nice QSO ! But you have mistake on your log about me. You wrote \"2 80m\" QSO with me. Not \"2\"...one of them is \"12m\" ! Thank you !
From: Roland - DJ4LK - http://dj4lk@darc.de - Mar 13, 2012
Hallo Männer, hauchdünn auf 10 und 12, aber ihr seid Hörkanonen. Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Aufenthalt und mir noch ein paar weitere qsos, 73 und 55 und danke, Roland
From: PAUL - W8ZD - Mar 13, 2012
From: TOSHIAKI HARA - JI1CPN - Mar 13, 2012
TNX for excellent DXpedition and smart operation. Hope to cu soon on PSK and 10m RTTY! GL
From: Randy Woods - K4ZS - Mar 13, 2012
You guys are doing a great job with the dxpedition. Keep up the great work! The online log makes it even better. 73 Randy K4ZS
From: Allen - W1SNE - Mar 12, 2012
You guys doing great. Excellent ops. Keep up the good work. A real pleasure. Thank you for the new one.
From: Leif - LA9BM - Mar 12, 2012
Pleased to work such good operators. Looking forward to many QSOs in comming days. Enjoy the pileup and 73 > Leif
From: YANN - F1NGP - Mar 12, 2012
From: Roberto - I2RNJ - Mar 12, 2012
Beautiful places for a beautiful DXpedition. 73 to all of you and good luck
From: Den - W2DEN - Mar 12, 2012
Thanks for a new one... PLEASE upload to LOTW. Tnx Den
From: Valery Postnikov - UN9PQ - Mar 12, 2012
Please correct my call in QSO LOG (not !!! UN9QQ) it is UN9PQ CW 40M, thank you very much,73es77 de UN9PQ Valery
From: Frank - N3FG - Mar 12, 2012
You had a really great sig into PA on 10M, 3/11/2012; 2305. TNX and 73 Frank
From: Kouich - JR2UXO - Mar 12, 2012
Thanks for 80m es 17m band QSO I hope to contact you on6m band pse try 6m band gud luck 73.
From: Salvo - IT9HLR - Mar 12, 2012
Hello, I made QSO with A35YZ day 10/3 at 12.03z 17m CW. Unfortunately, my call sign was heard as IT9SLR heard,does not exist For pleasure, you can correct your online log with IT9HLR ? Thank you. 73, Salvo it9hlr
From: Carlos - CO8CML - Mar 12, 2012
Thanks for so nice work from Tonga, all the best for you and good DX-good luck 73!!
From: Cédric - F5UKW - Mar 12, 2012
Finally, the propagation helped us, between 6:40z up to 9:00z great signal (Up to 53) I\'ve got only a Spiderbeam at 10m and only 100w ! Great !
From: Enno - PF5X - Mar 12, 2012
Thanks for the 30m contact. I have a high local noise level here, so it took a while to establish the contact. Fortunately your receiving capabilities were excellent. Good luck !!
From: Stathis Maliakis - SV5DKL - Mar 12, 2012
It is not so often from my site to hear signals from deep in the Pacific so well, especially on 80,40,30 meters. Thanks for the up-to-now 5 band QSOs. I look forward to working you also on 15,12 & 10 for a new one on these bands, too!! Congratulation for a FB DXpedition ... once again !! 73s and enjoy till the end.
From: bob - N6CHU - Mar 12, 2012
First new entity on new rig (K3). 73
From: Dave - K4SV - Mar 12, 2012
Hallo Team, Von euch werden die OPs an der Ostküste für 160 Meter Aktivität suchen. Bitte passen Sie Ihre schddule QRV zu 1 Stunde vor Sonnenaufgang. Beste Wünsche! Tonga ist # 250 für mich auf Top- Band. Wir sehen uns auf Top-Band! 73 Dave K4SV
From: Holger - ZL3IO - Mar 11, 2012
Hi, thanks for the nice DXpedition. Fills a lot of white band spots here. PS. The 80m ZS3IO is me ZL3IO! 73 Holger, ZL3IO
From: Don - IK2EGL - http://Www.ik2egl.com - Mar 10, 2012
Tnx fer qso on 80 You had a vy good sigs here when daylight was still on Same situation for 30 meters Great dxing Don
From: Mike - DL9UO - Mar 10, 2012
Hallo, es ist ganz schön stressig, mit den vielen Störern und der ungnädigen Sonne, Euch zu arbeiten. Danke für die Mühe mit den leisen Signalen. Ihr macht einen tollen Job! 73 Mike
From: Yann - F5NBU - Mar 10, 2012
Hello very nice surprise to hear you tonight on 80m. Tnx for the new one. best 73 Yann
From: Jan - DL7JAN - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jan - Mar 10, 2012
Danke für die Geduld auf 30m! War ziemlich viel QRM auf Eurer Sende-QRG und daher war es nicht gerade einfach. Hoffe Euch noch in RTTY arbeiten zu können. Weiterhin viel Erfolg!!! 73 de Jan,DL7JAN
From: Klaus - DK1AX - Mar 10, 2012
:-) Leute, dass ihr mich auf 40 und dann nachher auch auf 80m gehört habt, ist einfach der Wahnsinn! Einfach ein TOP Team! Macht weiter so und EU wartet auf euren Ruf... Tnx 73 Klaus
From: DON - AA5AT - Mar 10, 2012
From: Hisao - JG3IWL - Mar 10, 2012
TNX 30m,40m,80m QSO. I hope to QSO you on 160m. 14Z is the best time as low noise.
From: Jack Haden - VK2XQ - Mar 10, 2012
50MHz please gentlemen, there are day time paths across the Pacific VK/ZL to Pacific Islands and Asia plus Central America on six metres, please try and come on 50.110MHz when you get some time...Jack.
From: Alexey N. German - US8QQ - http://us8qq@mail.ru - Mar 9, 2012
Guten Tag ! Viele danke , fur diese DXpeditione und zwei CW QSO , aber in 20M Wir sind arbaiten allein . 73! Alexey
From: Gaby - YO9FLD - Mar 9, 2012
Great operators! I called A35YZ only one time on 8 March evening 30 m band and he copy me. I\'m using a Long Wire I live central Bucharest. Congratulation!
From: Luciano - I5FLN - Mar 9, 2012
Vielen dank Sigi es congratulation for your effort
From: Klaus - DK1AX - Mar 9, 2012
Hi, thank you for a fantastic job! Yesterday, 08.03.2012 about 15:45z 20m CW - fantastic OP! Signal was not loud, but ufb QSO - and new one. Hope to work you on other bands too. Take care - and enjoy your trip - like we did it in ZK2C :-) Klaus
From: Igor - RX6FJ - Mar 9, 2012
Dear Sigi! Thanks for nice QSO\'s on Mar 8 with A35YZ: 0412 UTC 20m CW and 1520 UTC 40m CW. But you copy my call as RX6FO (this call does not exist now). PSE correct, if possible. 73! de RX6FJ.
From: DOV - 4Z4DX - Mar 9, 2012
hi lbr SIGI AND THE GROUP nice pictures,tnx fer qso see u in berlin soon 73 de dov
From: Mike - ND4V - Mar 8, 2012
Thanks for the FB job. Hopefully the CME won\'t adversely impact your operation.
From: Rino - IK7JTF - Mar 8, 2012
Thanks for very fast qso, i hope to meet also on 80 meter cw for new one,greetings to all group Rino
From: Dietmar - DL2HWA - Mar 8, 2012
Hallo zusammen, habe euch schon vor 15.00Z auf 30m gehört , da stand hier die Sonne noch ziemlich hoch. Signal kommt jetzt (15.45Z) langsam auf S1. Gut gehört , danke fürs QSO. Wollte absichtlich mal so zeitig probieren ob es klappt. Die gewohnten Störer sind natürlich alle wieder da. Weiter viel Erfolg und gute Bedingungen. 73 Dietmar DL2HWA
From: Wolf - DM2AUJ - Mar 8, 2012
Hallo Leute, habe Euch heute das erste Mal gehört, 20m cw via SP.Sigs 569 peak, ufb QRG, der erste Anruf hat schon geklappt. Viel Erfolg, danke für Eure Mühe und kommt gesund nach Hause! 73 Wolf
From: Hans - SM6CVX - Mar 3, 2012
Hope to work you on 24 mc,,,,, Guess 160 meter is too difficult, but will try. Thanks for going and giving us the pleasure to try,,,
From: Sergey - RN4AM - Mar 3, 2012
Gd Sigi! Is it possible now to get VU4AN QSL`S via direct request ?
From: Derek - G4VWI - Feb 14, 2012
Many thanks for the excellent DXpedition and fine CW operation.Three new bands and excellent QSL response via DL7DF/DL7UFR! Much appreciated. 73 and GL for the next time.Derek
From: Max - I0PNM - Feb 6, 2012
From: John Munroe - W7KCN - http://w7kcn@comcast.net - Jan 18, 2012
The two times I worked you, the operator was just outstanding. Fine control of the pileup, great speed, accuracy, and intelligence. Good job, somebody.
From: guy cossette - VA2WT - Jan 1, 2012
tnx for 5 qsos on cw all new ones !qsl sent dct with donation ! well done guys !hpe you will do it again !why not 3c0 annobon!! doable ,and greatly needed also ! hny to all and urs !7s\'s and tnx agn guy cossette va2wt trois-rivieres canada

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