Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2005
    From: Joe - I8QJU - Dec 14, 2005
Dear Frank, i am sorry, i send you qsl card for all qso to XZ7A, but receiver confirmed only contact on 15m and 20m. please, i'this possible to receive also qsl the 10m, 12m, 30m. for regolar contact ? Many thanks, for you patience, and any more thanks for very opportunity the new one dxcc in Warc-band. Merry-xmas / Happy new-Year to you and family, ciao 73' de Joe - I8QJU
From: Tom - DJ6YX - Dec 11, 2005
FS/PJ7 - Prima Sache, Sigi. cu on 160, 73s Tom DJ6YX
From: Vlada - OK2BKV - Nov 12, 2005
Tnx for all infos Sigi, hpe cuagn on HF Vlada
From: Rick - W6ENZ - Sep 23, 2005
Sigi, thanks for the 30 mtr cw contact. You had an exellent signal
From: Werner - DL6ZDG - Sep 15, 2005
Awdh auf eurer nächsten Exped.Danke für alle QSO,s und Bandpunkte.
From: oskar - DL3OF - Sep 13, 2005
ufb Seite sigi DL3OF
From: Constantin Semyonov - UA1AKE - http://www.qsl.net/ua1ake - Apr 29, 2005
Sigi, many thanks for fb operation and new country on SSTV for me. Was very easy to work you cw on all bands except 28mc, unfortunately because no propagation on that band. 73 es GL!
From: Alex - UR3EZ - Apr 28, 2005
Many,many thanks for all your DX-peditions ! Always pleasure to work with you from the different countries ... Good luck to U Sigi ! 73 ! Alex
From: Andy - SP6AEG - http://QRZ.COM - Apr 27, 2005
Hello Sigi, thanks for new one 160 m band. I check you every night from first to your last transmit time. You coming here 589, but last night you was extra strong, over S9. I'm very happy. Best regards - Andy
From: Flavio - IK1YDB - http://www.webalice.it/ik1ydb - Apr 25, 2005
From: Volker - DL9YX - Apr 25, 2005
great operation - as is an one man op - really ataounding the long periods of operation - had the pleasure to wk you with a minimum antenna and staion set up . Go ahead with your efforts and a big thanks 73 es continued dx Volker
From: doug smith - W9WI - Apr 25, 2005
BIG SIGNAL on 80m. (surprised you weren't louder on 160m. Must be my "wimpy" Top Band antenna...)
From: Roy E. Blair - K4HGX - http://pbase.com/roy_ruth - Apr 25, 2005
Hello Sigi, and Congratulations on another great Dxpedition!!! As I write this, I am hearing your 160 Meter signals 599 -- very strong here in SC. Thank you so much for many qso's, and all of us appreciate the courteous manner in which you always operate. "Best Wishes" and Good DX!! Roy, K4HGX
From: Tosi - JA9JX - Apr 24, 2005
Hi SIGI! Tnx QSO of 80m to 12m 7band. I hope see you on 10m band at 09:00utc for Japan&Asia. VY TNX.
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Apr 23, 2005
Hello Sigi, nice to work with you three-band, I still checking topband, I hope to my two chance. See you de Andy
From: Akio TAGUCHI - JE2QIZ - Apr 22, 2005
Liber Freund Sigi, Vielen Dank fur die QSO. Maine besten 73 und vie lgluck.
From: Tosi - JA9JX - Apr 22, 2005
Hi Sigi! VY TNX nice QSO on 80m. You are my 1st 9G5 on 80m. For my DXCC. Mni Tnks. GL.
From: Matt - WV1K - http://www.wv1k.com - Apr 22, 2005
What a pileup for one man ! Thanks for Ghana on CW and Cameroon as well (sent cards a second time after seeing others receiving them awhile ago). Hope you had a safe trip and a good nap. 73 Matt WV1K
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Apr 21, 2005
Thanks for 80m band qso. Sorry for high level qrm 160 m band. I hope to work with you also for my DXCC160. Best regards Andy
From: Aki Matsuda - JA4FHE - Apr 21, 2005
pse qrv on 80 for JA nr 20:00GMT. OUr sunlise is 2015gmt ! hope see you this weekend
From: Tosi - JA9JX - Apr 20, 2005
Please QRV on 80m at 20:00utc for Japan & Asia. Tnx QSO Sigi! on 30m,17m,15m,12m. CU another bands. VY TNX.
From: FLAVIO - IK1YDB - http://www.webalice.it/ik1ydb - Apr 20, 2005
tnx 80 mtrs qso, hpe cu on topband! 73 Flavio.
From: DOV M0DOV - 4Z4DX / 9N7DX - Apr 20, 2005
From: Jürgen - DK3WG - Apr 19, 2005
Viel Spass und Erfolg auf der Expedition. Mal sehen ob ich dich lowband höre. 73, best DX
From: Richard Gottlieb - DF9TF - Apr 19, 2005
Hallo Sigi, möchte auf diesem Wege mal danke sagen für all die netten qso´s und Bandpunkte. 73 und alles Gute Richard DF9TF
From: Tosi - JA9JX - Apr 19, 2005
Hi! Sigi. Please QRV on 80m at 20:00utc for Japan & Asia. I hope see you soon on 80m. Vy.TNX
From: Akifumi Matsuda - JA4FHE - Apr 14, 2005
your sig on 80 was a goog sig in ja,Ihave never heard so good sig fron vp2v on 80 !!!
From: Abe - PA3GXX - Mar 29, 2005
Thanks for the nice contacts and hope to here from you on the bands all the best. Regards Abe
From: Polanec Franz - OE1PFC - Mar 25, 2005
Danke Sigi für das nette Qso 15m,17m.Habe die QSL Card dankend erhalten Gut DX 73 de franz OE1PFC
From: Andy - VE9DX - Mar 10, 2005
Thanks for a great operation. Sorry 10 mtrs never was there for us. Did listen when you were on but nothing heard here. Appreciate the 40 mtr SSTV contact. Thought for sure I was not going to complete the SSTV contact before you left the island...! Safe trip home... 73 Andy (VE9DX)
From: Bill Trippett - W7VP - Mar 10, 2005
Thanks for the contacts guys. 73 Bill
From: John - KG6I - Mar 9, 2005
Thsnks so much, Sigi for the nice solid 160 m QSO this evening as I just came homw from work. Thanks for the new one on TB! John
From: Akira Iizuka - JA1EOD - Mar 8, 2005
Hi Sigi, Thanks for nice QSO on 40 and 80. VP2V is very far from Japan on 80 and 40m.Both 80 and 40 are NEW ONE.many thaks. see you next spot. Best Regards.
From: Larry - RW4WZ - Mar 8, 2005
Hello Sigi, You doing grate. Unfortunately could not get You in my logbook :( Now it is only chance for me if You will be active on 20m at Your sunrise 10 to 10-30z May be on RTTY.......
From: Yoki - JF7DZA - Mar 7, 2005
Sigi,Thanks for 3rd QSO and third time lucky.This time you got my sufix all OK. Thanks again for my 1st VP2V on 80m.Have a good time rest of your operation.
From: Fritz - DL7ON - Mar 7, 2005
Moin Moin, super, von 160 bis 15m (ohne WARC) qsos . Immer wenn ich Euch hörte war Ihr gut aufzunehmen. Besonders 160m hat mich gefreut. Bei den Bildern kan man neidisch werden, hoffentlich habt Ihr auch mehr als die Tranceiver gesehen. Bis bald in Berlin Fritz DL7ON
From: Fumio - JA1IQV - Mar 7, 2005
Please Give me last chance for RTTY Tomorrow or so on. I'll Will watch on 20m at around 21:30 -22:30z.
From: Yoki - JF7DZA - Mar 7, 2005
Thank you again for 80m QSO on 6th MAR at 1043z but you took my suffix as JR7 again as you took my call as JR7 on 3rd MAR at 0912.Is it possible to correct your log book? But I will call again until your operation will end. Please listen my suffix carefuly.
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Mar 6, 2005
Thanks for the new one 160, my 168 entities. Finally got you !!, 450 wtts into Inv L rx/tx antenna. Good luck and enjoy another pile-up !!. 73 Andy
From: MARC - ON4ND - Mar 6, 2005
Tnx for new one's my congrats to the team .great work
From: Vlad Ryabov - RA4LW - Mar 6, 2005
GD Sigi! Fine pedition. Please begining CQ on 160m abt 0230z, your signal on TOP is 549, but my SR 0318Z. See your on TOPBAND Thanks!
From: Markus - DL9RCF - Mar 6, 2005
Hallo Sigi und Truppe, danke für Land Nr. 314 auf 20 m - guter Bandpunkt - beste 73 de Markus, DL9RCF
From: Nak A,Funaki - JA7ZP - Mar 6, 2005
Thank you for the New One 40M.This my #329 40m-DXCC.RTTY was also very nice signal too for us on 20m.Good luck for all member's. 73
From: Kuniaki Ohtani - JA1GHH - http://ohtani@mug.biglobe.ne.jp - Mar 5, 2005
Thank you for the New One 40M,80M. However, there is no record in the log.
From: Fernando - EA8AK - Mar 5, 2005
Bravo¡ well done job, 73 de Fernando EA8AK
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Mar 5, 2005
Hello Sigi, from several morning 1810 kHz to 1820 kHz to be busy by high level digi pulse coming from North/East. Every each kHz to be in use and cover your signal on .18 and .19 Can you work over 1820 kHz ?, for my last chance ?. Thanks so much. Best regards, see you Andy SP6AEG 160 meter Fan
From: Jess - W6LEN - Mar 4, 2005
Great operation, super CW operators, Gud luck to all in the future
From: Yoshiro Toyo - JA3AZD - Mar 4, 2005
When Requests 40m/80m CW has opened with JA, Pse SSB employment of 40m/75m is also surely expected. 75m JA-Freq 3793 to 3805Khz Now best time is 10:00 to 11:00.
From: Jose - CT1EEB - Mar 3, 2005
Got it Ok this time in 160m., great signal you had last morning, thank you ever so much (vielen danke!). This has been a great activity and you guys are doing an excellent work. 73 Jose CT1EEB
From: Kenji Harae - JH6QFJ - Mar 3, 2005
Thank you new one on 40m band!
From: Petr - OK1DOT - http://www.qsl.net/ok1dot - Mar 3, 2005
Thank you for new one on 80 mtrs band ! Nice traffic. 73 Petr OK1DOT :-)
From: Greg - WA4NFO - Mar 3, 2005
Until this expedition I did not have this country in the log. You have a great signal and according to my records have managed to work you on 4 bands. Very exciting for me and hope all of you are having a great time. Good luck and Good DXing.
From: Yosi - JA3AAW - Mar 3, 2005
VP2V/DL7DF brought nice signals into JA and I could get you on 80M as my #277 entity. Thank you for wonderful QSOs. Best of luck to you!
From: Fumio - JA1IQV - Mar 3, 2005
I failed in the RTTY-QSO this morning(Our time) as signal was weak in my QTH so that will keep on watching 20m band carefully tomorrow and so on. har
From: Work from home - 374512293 - Mar 2, 2005
Hi. That's really useful site!
From: Fumio - JA1IQV - Mar 2, 2005
JA RTTY Gangs are still waiting for your QRV w/RTTY at around 22 - 23(z) on 20m.
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Mar 2, 2005
Hello, TNX for 80 m QSO and other band too, I still calling you Topband for new one. I hope condition improve for me this week Best regards de Andy
From: Andy - VE9DX - Mar 1, 2005
Great operation as always... See you on a few more bands and modes before you leave... 73 Andy
From: Fred N. Ihara - JA1ADN - Mar 1, 2005
Hello Frank, Thank you for RTTY contact this morning (our time), you made many JA's very happy giving a new entity to us on RTTY.
From: Jose - CT1EEB - Feb 28, 2005
Oooops thought I had you guys OK on Topband at 0232 today but can't find my call in the Internet search I heard your reply so clearly !, well I will keep trying, keep the good work, Jose CT1EEB e-mail: zemurtosa@mail.telepac.pt
From: Hugo - ON7GB - Feb 28, 2005
Hi guys, Please remember to QRV on 160m at 06:00-06:30 UTC for west EY grayline. 73, Hugo-ON7GB
From: John - KG6I - Feb 28, 2005
I sure hope to work you for a new one on TB! I've heard you there several times now, around 04:00-05:30 Z. Please spend some time listening for the West Coast USA on TB. Thanks, 73 and DX, John
From: Ron Vincent - WJ7R - http://www.valleyradioclub.org - Feb 28, 2005
Sigi, I certainly hope you enjoyed your visit to VP2V as much as I did in 1998 (from Tortola, Roadtown as VP2V/WJ7R). We will have to compare notes, hi hi. I miss chatting with our Cinco Nueve Contest Group guys at Pussers after the contest in Roadtown! Sehr vielen Dank fuer ein "neues One" on 80m CW. 73, Ron
From: Fred N. Ihara - JA1ADN - Feb 27, 2005
Hi Sigi, Probably the best time to JA on RTTY would be 2100-2300UTC on 14/18MHz. We still have several more days to work you on RTTY.
From: Russ Eberhart - N9IV/QRP - Feb 26, 2005
Thanks for QSO, and for listening for my QRP signal from Indianapolis, Indiana. I will send QSL to your home QTH. 72, 73, Russ Eberhart, N9IV
From: Hans - SM6CVX - Feb 26, 2005
Hope to make it for a new one on 160 meters.... Safe trip de Hans
From: Benjamas Klingler - DO6BEN - http://do6ben.ccx.de - Feb 26, 2005
Das ist eine schoene Page.
From: SIMONE - IZ5DKJ - http://www.ir3ip.net/iz5dkj - Feb 26, 2005
From: Andy - SP6AEG - Feb 26, 2005
Hello Sigi, nice to hear next trip. Thanks for new one 80 meter. I hope to work you 160 m too. Thanks for all the qso. 73 Andy
From: Henk Hofman - PA3GCV - Feb 25, 2005
Hello Guys , good signals on the lowbands also on 160m gd signal ,and your rx ant.K9AY loop works well. Enjoy your stay there . Henk
From: Mitsu - JH4IFF - Feb 25, 2005
Hello Sigi. Please give your special attention to JA on 80m at your early morning. It is really hard work to make QSO with Caribbeans from Japan. Hope to work you on 80m. 73
From: Andree - DL8LAS - http://www.darc.de/distrikte/m/11/ - Feb 25, 2005
Hi Sigi, thanks for the 80m QSO, hope to work you soon on 160m. Good DX and best wishes to the crew! Andy DL8LAS
From: Tom - DJ6YX - Feb 21, 2005
Viel Spaß + viel Erfolg ! cu on 160... Tom DJ6YX
From: Sara - VU4NRO/VU3RSB - Feb 8, 2005
Hi Friends Great to See your website and your activities in Dxpedition. I wish i could be part of these kind of dxpeditions around the world. Glad i could able to make around 13000+ individually in VU4 with simple Inverted V and WARC Band (1 Week)... You can reach me vu3rsb gmail.com 73s Sara, VU4NRO/VU3RSB
From: Alex - ES1DG - Jan 27, 2005
Hallo Sigi! Es ist wirklich eine grosse Sache bei so vielen DXpeditions teilzunehmen. Schon heute warte ich ungeduldig auf deine Aktivitaet aus VP2P, vielleicht schaffe ich diesmal ein QSO durchzufuehren, also bis danach alles Gute und 73's fuer den ganzen Team!
From: Hugo - ON7GB - Jan 9, 2005
Hi Siggi and crew! Great to see your next trip is to the British Virgin Islands. Need VP2V on 160m, SSTV and RTTY so will be scanning the bands for you. 73 es have fun! Hugo-ON7GB
From: Fred N. Ihara - JA1ADN - Jan 8, 2005
Hi Sigi, I have just learned you are going to VP2V next month. Will definitely try to work you on RTTY. Enjoy the trip to VP2V. Thanks in advance.

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