Sigi Presch - DL7DF and Crew DXpeditions

DXpeditioning since 1993

    Guestbook Archive 2013
    From: Rich - K3VAT - Dec 5, 2013
Sigi & Crew; Great news about your DXPedition to 4S !! Should have some very good condx to NA for 80 & 40M - please listen for NA. Have safe travels - 73, Rich, K3VAT
From: Floyd - N5FG - http://www.599dxa.org - Nov 17, 2013
Good Luck Sigi Your group always does a great job SAFE TRIP 73 Floyd N5FG
From: Dammika Fernando - 4S7DF - http://4S7DF - Nov 8, 2013
You are welcome here and if you need any assistance please contact me 73, Dammika
From: Tom - YL2PP - Oct 11, 2013
Dear Sigi Good day ! Sorry but I have not cfm our 80m QSO in LoTW 20-Jan-07 0124 CW 3500 VU7RG 599 599 Please check in ur log Thank you ! 73 ! de = Tom
From: Mike - Z31MA - http://z31ma.blogspot.com - Jul 9, 2013
Zdravstvuii Andy, Zelaju sto cem skorie budet QSO na 6m diapazone. Zelaju krepkoe I horosoe zdorvlje. Svjo najlushcevo ot Makedonii. 73 de Z31MA
From: Piero - H44G - Jun 4, 2013
Thanks for nice DXpedition, hope to receive soon your nice qsl card H44G!! 73,Piero (from Italy)
From: Don - NL7HH - Mar 26, 2013
Thanks Siegfried for the web page. Very good info for those who really love the hobby. I dislike the abusers as well. Thanks again and 73\'s. Don NL7HH
From: Robert - PD7RB - Mar 24, 2013
From: BILL Johnson - W1BLT - Mar 24, 2013
Worked on 15 meters. Tnx for the Solomons. It is one I needed. Great work by all involved. Have a safe trip home. 73!
From: NICK CHIGIN - UA9UDX - http://UA9UDX@MAIL.RU - Mar 24, 2013
From: Colin - G0CUZ - Mar 23, 2013
Spent several hours in the piles trying to work H44G on 20m CW. On March 23, when all hope lost, came across a week sig on bottom end of 20m and worked H44G first call! thanks for the ALL TIME NEW one, Pity but missed H40T though, hard going with wire antenna. Congratulations on a good expedition, lots of CW too. 73
From: Gerhard - DL6XK - http://dl6xk@aol.com - Mar 23, 2013
lb Sigi, danke, dass du mal den spot-irrsinn analysiert und die \"aktivisten\" genannt hast. Danke auch fuer die gute arbeit an den beiden stationen. 73 es more dx, Gerhard (nur gelegentlich Expeditionaer) OE8ZSU,R9/DL6XK,UE9CXK,RA/DL6XK
From: Dan - W1PCD - Mar 23, 2013
Thanks for spending all the time on 160M and making the effort to various parts of the world. The 89 QSO\'s on TOP were much appreciated. Have a safe trip home and cant wait until your next efforts.
From: Igor\"Harry\" - UX3IW - Mar 23, 2013
Good job! We wait in the last day in RTTY-PSK 10Mhz for 30MDG!
From: Jim Fenstermaker - K9JF - Mar 23, 2013
Sigi and Friends, Thanks for the contact on 12 meters....my last band for 160 to 10 meters. Have fun on your DXpedition and hope you have a safe trip back to Europe. Look forward to seeing you at Ham Radio 2014 next year. 73 Jim K9JF Vancouver, WA
From: Kaz - SP2FAX - Mar 23, 2013
Sorry, never aciviti rtty for EU after 16Z as we need. We are working at contract 7-16 UTC. First time Sigi\'s band lost idea SP2FAX
From: Tommy - WE7K - Mar 22, 2013
Could we try top band between 1300-1330UTC from H44G? Vielen Dank und 73 von Tommy WE7K
From: Pete Scola - WA7JTM - Mar 22, 2013
I worked you on 40M SSB but I do not see it in the log yet. Pretty sure you had it correct, as I mheard you repeat it back to me twice. Are all QSO\'s in? QSO was 3/19 at 12:56 utc. tnx!
From: Val, - YO6DDF - Mar 22, 2013
Hello Sigi, How are you doing?I hope all is well. I have question,please let me know if you still use de DARC bureau for QSL\'ing?I have sent you several cards 5Z4HW,3XY1D..etc got not answer yet,just wanna know if bureau works. I have sent you also my card for our QSO in 6m you said need card from KN26,if you got that? Didn\'t find a e-mail address from you so I thougt maybe you will read here.My e-mail address is OK at QRZ.COM. Thank you for any possible answer. Best regards,Val,YO6DDF
From: Vaughn (Von) - K6ZTA - Mar 22, 2013
I worked H40T this morning at around 1238 UTC (0538 Pacific Time), but your on-line log shows my QSO at 1338 UTC. I think one of us is off by an hour. What do you think? -- 73, Von
From: Marc - DO4DXA - Mar 22, 2013
booming sig on 15M CW today! short Video is on http://goo.gl/ufkTH
From: Chris - VK2UW - Mar 22, 2013
Thanks Sergi, great contact and very sorry for the VK2 in Maitland operator in Australia for deliberate interference on you cally frequency, but you were still over his weak signal. 73\'s de Chris
From: Cedric - F5UKW - Mar 22, 2013
Awesome operation, as usual. You have not been that lucky with propagation, but you made some good choices and it was nice to hear you on low bands.
From: TOSHI - JI1CPN - Mar 22, 2013
Hello guys, Thanks for the nice DXpedition and splendid operation. Pse focus on working RTTY and also PSK31, if possible. See you soon again. Toshi from Tokyo
From: Dima - RX3AGD - Mar 21, 2013
Hello Guys!Great job!!!Specially thanks for 80m cw,i get it on 100w and invv dipole,was great surprize!!!But miss my qso on 10m , i think you save me like a RX3TGD,sorry,maybe it was my last chance,coz not have time for 10m nw(work),anyway thanks a lot for all!!! 73!de Dima(RX3AGD)
From: Romeo - YO4RST - Mar 21, 2013
Great job! Many thanks! Though...RTTY QSOs on 17m dissapeared from H44G log today, 21 march... HI. 73
From: Gary - ZL2IFB - http://www.g4ifb.com - Mar 21, 2013
Good job lads! Thanks for all the QSOs. 73
From: Axel - DL7UPN - Mar 21, 2013
after a hard work I chatch the both station with 100 watt as a new country. Thanks to all of you for the exellent job in this nature environment and the undisciplined OM´s. Hope to get in the last day more band points. Have a save trip home.
From: solano - F6IFJ - Mar 20, 2013
Good expedition and good operators . 73\' s to all the crew.
From: Chuck - KD6FW - http://kd6fw.com - Mar 20, 2013
Thanks for the great DXpedition. All operators doing a very good job. Glad to be one of the few to have a 10M SSB contact.
From: ignazio - IT9MRZ - http://NO - Mar 20, 2013
hello dear Sigi, i write you this email to tell you, i made sure a qso with H40T: H40T 19/03/2013 05:43 17m SSB 59 59. i was sure to be in tauch you because i received very clearly reply (it9mrz 59 !!); among others things qso was in ssb mode , so i am very sure and i hope to receive from you reply by the end of dx expedition. waiting for answer from you, best 73, it9mrz - ignazio. EMAIL : IT9MRZ@YAHOO.IT
From: Francesco - IK0FUX - Mar 20, 2013
Great job....as usual! 73 de Francesco, IK0FUX
From: Vlad - RA3XCB - Mar 20, 2013
Please more work SSB. H44 and H40 for many this new country. Please more work for Europe on the bands 20, 17, 15 and 12m.
From: Bruce Campbell - W8HW - Mar 20, 2013
What a great web system you have. Outstanding! Additionally, the two dxpeditions (H44G) and (H40T) are doing a wonderful job. Hope they have a safe and fun trip. God Bless 73, Bruce, W8HW
From: Ottaviano - IZ5OQX - Mar 20, 2013
Isle difficult and rewarding with excellent operator rtty. Transmission at 100 W. thanks Ottaviano IZ5OQX
From: Bob - K7RNV - Mar 20, 2013
Great job guys, glad you when there so we all can get a new country for dxcc. 73 from Reno Nv.
From: Fabio - IW0BLW - Mar 19, 2013
Please worked SSB on 14 and 21 Mhz.
From: Dick JONES - W4RJC - Mar 19, 2013
Thanks for a great job guys!! H40T was a new one for me! 73 Dick
From: Claude - F9OE - Mar 19, 2013
Tnx for the annual DX-pedition ! A great pleasure. 73
From: Kari - OH7FVG - Mar 19, 2013
Worked in 15m after 3rd call. Vertical and 50W, RTTY. THANKS.
From: Bill Laakkonen - N4BKT - http://www.tc7153.com - Mar 19, 2013
Thanks in advance for NOT telling stations to call on 7153 top avoid interfering with our net on from 0800--0900 Eastern US time daily. Could you *please* chose another listening frequency? E.G. 7156 has no net. Sorry but we can not hear you, but we hear nearly ALL the stations you have directed to QRM us. Viele Gluck.
From: Chris - G3SJH - Mar 19, 2013
PLEASE is there any chance of a bit more SSB activity from H40 during the remaining days and hours????? Currently log shows just 194 SSB contacts, less than 5%. There has been practically no SSB activity from H40 for many years - all operations CW or digital. Many stations need on SSB. Anyway good luck with remainder of operations and safe journeys home, 73 Chris
From: Stan - N7YQ - Mar 19, 2013
Worked H40T on 17 meters in only 5 minutes waiting. Great operators. Keep up the good works. I hope to work yo 160 through 10 meters. 73 , Stan
From: Uli - DL2HBX - Mar 18, 2013
Bitte versucht es weiter an unserem Abend auf 30m. Ihr seid leise, aber meist lesbar und irgendwann komme ich mit meiner niedrigen Vertikal auch mal durch das dicke Pile- up...
From: Peter Stinner - DF2FZ - Mar 18, 2013
Hallo, liebe OM\'S, H40T fehlt mir in meiner \"Sammlung\", leider habe ich noch nichts von Euch gehört oder gesehen - besteht da eine Chance??? Viel Erfolg es vy 73 Peter -DF2FZ
From: Andy - RX3XA - Mar 18, 2013
Why expedition H44G and H40T only works CW?. PSE SSB.
From: Tommy - WE7K - Mar 18, 2013
Hoping that you will be QRV on 12 meters CW or digital 0000-0100Z. We have no propagation after that time when we see spots of your working JA\'s. Many thanks es vy 73 de Tommy WE7K
From: Don - W9NGA - http://w9nga.com - Mar 17, 2013
Hello Fellows I need 8 more countries on RTTY. H44G is one of them. I will be looking for you on RTTY on 40 meters in your evenings. You were very strong on 40 in Arizona during your evenings. 73\'s Don W9NGA
From: Uli - DL2HBX - Mar 17, 2013
Hallo H4*-Team, thank you for putting this expedition on the air. I am hoping to make at least one QSO with H44G and H40T each but so far, no luck. Please keep trying for Europe next week, especially in the European late afternoon and evening hours when working people have an opportunity to be on the air. 73! Uli, DL2HBX
From: Dave - K8CMO - Mar 17, 2013
Thanks for all your efforts. Worked H40T for a new one (#345) on 30 meters this morning.
From: Giorgio - IZ8FAV - Mar 17, 2013
nice signal and nice ham spirit. tnx
From: Steve - KB8VAO - Mar 17, 2013
Hello Sigi & Team, Thank You for an All Time New One!! Great signal on 30 Meters this early Sunday morning! Happy St. Patrick\'s Day! Hope to see you on some other bands, but very happy to finally have Temotu Province in the log! Can\'t wait to see the QSL card, you always have terrific QSL Cards from your DXPeditions!! 73 de KB8VAO, Steve
From: Rush - W4QA - Mar 17, 2013
Great working you (H40T) this morning on 30m into North Carolina, you\'ve got a really nice pileup going over about 5 kHz with s9+ signals here! Thanks to your team for taking the time and energy to make this journey and deliver on some fun DX for the rest of us. Best 73...Rush.
From: Hisao - JG3IWL - Mar 17, 2013
TNX QRV H44 and H40 in heavy rain. I hope H40 Team QRV 160m 14Z.
From: Sam Harner - WT3Q - Mar 17, 2013
thanks for you hard work only wish i could work you folks on 160 i know it\'s tough but we on the east coast really need h44 thanks for all your efforts
From: sr - WB4SRX - Mar 16, 2013
Why did you go qrt after 1 day?
From: Nicolas - YO3FOM - Mar 16, 2013
Tnx Sigi for all your effort and support.
From: Frank - N3FG - Mar 16, 2013
MNY TNX for a new one (H40T). Keep up the good work.
From: tom - K4TY - Mar 16, 2013
When are you going to start operating? We can\'t work you if you don\'t operate.
From: Rich - OK8WW - Mar 16, 2013
Hi guys, frustrating, saturday morning I heard you for 2 hours on 10m working JAs. Experienced team have to use all the openings to the farthest part of the World at the right time. 73 de Rich OK8WW
From: Patrick - OP4D - Mar 16, 2013
Hello, The 15 march at 13:33 UTC, you made a QSO with op4F on 21078.5 Mhz in RTTY and not with me \"OP4D.\" Can you fix this error the call ?, I was not on the air on the 15 march. In advance, I thank you for correcting the call. Good luck for your DXpeditions. Cordially and 73\'s, Patrick OP4D.
From: Cédric - F5UKW - Mar 15, 2013
Nothing else to say than thanks for to all of you, and your beautiful organization once again. DL RuleZ !
From: Jolanda - PA1SAR - Mar 15, 2013
From: Jean - OP4F - Mar 15, 2013
Thanks Sigi for the nice contacts from H44G. The whole team is doing a outstanding job,greetings to Georg DK7LX. Could you correct my RTTY qso on 14/03/2013 at 13h33 UTC on 15M,you confirm the qso with OP4D,but this must be OP4F,I hat E-mail contact with owner of OP4D call and the OM confirm he was not QRV that time,must be a mistake (error due QRM)hi. Thanks anyway and a safe trip to home for the whole H44-team. Kindly regards Jean OP4F
From: ken - JH6QFJ - Mar 15, 2013
Thank you good QSO on 160m. but your miss copy! My Last letter it is not (O). it is(J).It challenges once again.
From: Alex - EW1DO - Mar 15, 2013
Also thank you very much for activity on Topband and QSO. Your signal became audible on 500 m BEVERAGE and TX ant. GP 41 m.
From: Nodir - EY8MM - http://www.ey8mm.com - Mar 15, 2013
Thank you very much for activity on Topband last night. Was monitoring your frequency from sunset. I had two peaks which your signal became audible on 300 m BV. Unfortunately QRT 20 minutes before your SR which would be best time. It will be great if you can spent time on 160 since number of callers was enormous. Band condition yesterday was not good at all so hoping for better propagation today. On behalf of Topband community!
From: Don Moth - W2MPK - Mar 15, 2013
Thanks for hearing this 85 years olds signal. Only using 700 watts and a slopimg dipole at 40 feet. You had good ears.
From: stan - K0SP - Mar 14, 2013
when are you going to be on?I have seen one spot on the clusters, for h44 never a h40.
From: ORE - I2TAO - Mar 14, 2013
PLEASE INSIST ON 160mt 17.00z 18.00z for EU cond was good last day for 27 and 28 ZONE. 73 de ORE I2TAO.
From: Hans - SM6CVX - Mar 14, 2013
For Scandinavia PSE try on 160 meter starting around 1615 gmt until 1800 gmt for our sunset. And of course also at your sunrise.TKS and have fun.
From: Frank - DL5MG - Mar 14, 2013
Hi ! TNX new one 80m yesterday. FB signals on all bands and good job operating !
From: Wilf - DJ6TK - Mar 14, 2013
Moin, danke für den neuen Bandpunkt auf 18 MHZ. Will versuchen, Euch auch noch auf 30/40m zu machen. Weiterhin viel Erfolg, Wilf - dj6tk -
From: Jan - DL7JAN - http://www.qsl.net/dl7jan - Mar 14, 2013
Hey Jungs, vielen Dank für ein New One in RTTY und auf 80m! Signal war ufb gestern in SW-DL. Weiterhin viel Erfolg!!!
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - Mar 14, 2013
160m 160m 160m 160m Hi Guys, thanks for your great efforts to activate H4 on the low bands. Lots ot EU had a good copy on you at EU sunset (1700 UTC) on 160m, but condx seem to be one-way. Please try again from 17 -18 UTC on 160 and keep calling CQ, please. Have fun! 73 Bernhard, DJ5MN
From: Larry - K1UO - Mar 13, 2013
Will be looking for you before 1050Z Please on 160M (SR at 1050 now) for hopefully #270 on Topband. Thanks for the other Q\'s also. 73 es remain safe Larry K1UO
From: Jukka Tarvainen - OH4MFA - http://sral.fi/oh4mfa - Mar 13, 2013
Thank You for QSOs from H44 so far. Looking for more and GL for H40! 73 de Jukka OH4MFA
From: Slavek Zeler - OK1TN - Mar 13, 2013
Hi Sigi qso on 160m will be aprecitated vy much, pls more aktivities for Eu on 160m. At 80 meters you have fb signals. Safety way to home 73.
From: dado - E74AW - Mar 13, 2013
nice signal on 160m , congrats , not easy in rain, need to be longer on 160m for EU, good signal 73 gl dado E74AW
From: MASARU HANAZAKI - JA5AQC - Mar 12, 2013
From: Luk - ON5UK - Mar 12, 2013
Great ops who are truly dedicated to ham spirit. Hope to work you on 40 m CW. 73 Luk ON5UK
From: Wil - PA3WB - Mar 12, 2013
hope you boys have a great time there and lots of dx , 73,s and take care!!!!!!!
From: Fabio - IW0BLW - Mar 12, 2013
When in SSB mode ???
From: RICHARD L BARNETT - N0RB - Mar 12, 2013
Need to get on 30M about 12:00 Z for best results to east and central USA rick N0RB
From: Yuri - A65CA - Mar 12, 2013
Hello H44G/H40T Team! Thanks for logging A65CA on 20CW. Seems European\'s signals are much stronger there as I could get in H44G log on 3rd evening only. Still need H44/H40 on 80m. Believe we\'ll have condx peak at next to sunrise 5-10 minutes. 73\'s!
From: Henry - NM6V - Mar 12, 2013
Hi Boys, could you please operate RTTY during our sunrise on the West Coast 1330z, 20m is open. Thank you be safe.
From: Sergey - RA3IS - Mar 12, 2013
Good ears on 80m, extra CW op. 73!
From: Theo - PA1CW - http://www.pa1cw.com - Mar 12, 2013
Thanks for all contact\'s and wish you a lot of fun.
From: Vasily - UR5BFG - http://ur5bfg@i.ua - Mar 12, 2013
Somebody miss my qso with h44g 10 03 2013 20m cw at 15:50utc.Why?
From: Berger Phil - F5PHW - Mar 12, 2013
Hello Many thanks for my 305th country. Your sigs on 20 all saturday were really big on my poor 3 elements at 6 meters up. I tried all day to contact you but too many people... Sunday, good sig on 15 and the qso is ok. Hope you will have a better wx... But Les sp3doi is used to have an horrible wx (Les ! Remember in Marquesas !) All the best. Good luck and congrats for your patience with all EU stations (who never listen) and your setup. Best 73 de f5phw Phil ex fo8rz
From: Dietmar - DL2HWA - Mar 11, 2013
Hallo Fan\'s , gutes Signal auf allen Bändern. Gerade als ich auf 80m dran war habe ich vergessen die Ant. umzuschalten. Das wars dann für meine PA. Nicht kaputt , aber ich musste 3 Min. warten. Na , es klappt schon nochmal . Macht weiter so , gute Betriebstechnik. Leider wie immer zeitweise heftige Störer. Wenn man doch nur mal einen erwischen würde. 73 Dietmar DL2HWA
From: Harry - PA0CYW - Mar 11, 2013
first time to contact H4 with CW(#333)Great job there!
From: Sam Lanham - W8VVE - Mar 11, 2013
Sounds like the wx is not being friendly. GL in your efforts. Sunday AM my time I made contact with you on 80CW...looking forward to seeing the log updated. 73 for now...Sam W8VVE
From: volker - DF5VO - Mar 11, 2013
good operators.... maybe too much bad op in europe... split-up is an unknown word for much newcomers... what does learning new op today ??
From: Adam - SQ9JKS - Mar 11, 2013
Thanks you very much for New One!!! Great job! 73\'s
From: Vasily - R7AL - Mar 11, 2013
Hi. guys! Try a 10 meters for EU, please!! FB band condition.. We can work 20/17/15 a few times per year, but maybe it\'s a last chance to get the 10 meters for the next 10 years.. Good luck and be safe!
From: Vlad - RA3XCB - Mar 11, 2013
Only CW???. Pse SSB. New one H44 and H40. Good luck.
From: Kaz - JH1HRJ - Mar 11, 2013
Excellent team and Exciting DX pedition from H4 islands. 6m and 160m QSOs are expected. See you on the air. Kaz
From: JERRY NFIORE - N4JF - Mar 10, 2013
From: Hans - DL3JFN - Mar 10, 2013
Besten Dank für ein \"new one\". Ihr hattet auf 20m ein tolles Signal! Viel Spass und alles Gute.
From: Otfried Horn - DL9ZAP - Mar 9, 2013
Hallo, viele Grüße aus der Heimat - habe euch heute gut auf 14 Mhz gehört Vy 73 DL9ZAP
From: Martin - PE1NCP - Mar 9, 2013
Good luck, and hope to work you on some bands hi. H40T would be a new one for me. Have a save stay and return home. Best regards Martin PE1NCP
From: Lui - DL6FBR - Mar 9, 2013
OMs, ihr solltet immer \"H44G UP\" geben, zur Zeit (9.3., 11:45) kommt nur \"H44G\" auf 14,005, was Trouble auf der DX-Frequenz verursacht. 73, Lui, DL6FBR
From: Ralf - DL3JJ - http://www.qro-shop.com - Mar 9, 2013
Wish you good condx and health for all! Hope to cu on the low bands, especially 160/80 ! Have fun ! 73 Ralf
From: Bernhard - DJ5MN - http://none - Mar 8, 2013
Servus H4-team, ich hoffe, dass Ihr gut angekommen seid. Auf ein 160m-QSO bin ich besonders \"scharf\" ..bitte nutzt die 2 Stunden vor Eurem Sonnenaufgang ! ...aber wem sage ich das? Ihr seid die Experten... Viel Spaß und Erfolg! 73 Bernhard, DJ5MN
From: Axel - DL7UPN - Mar 8, 2013
I wish you good luck and hope can work you on some band new for me Axel
From: Chris - G3SJH - Mar 7, 2013
Wishing you all a safe journey! Hoping to finally get H40 in the log soon :-) 73 Chris
From: Hans - SM6CVX - Mar 6, 2013
Will look for you from both locations on TOPBAND. We have a window around 1700 GMT until your sunrise 1930 GMT. It should be ok. Have fun and be safe. Hans SM6CVX
From: Yochy - I4OQA - Mar 6, 2013
Precious !!
From: Yochanan G. Pernisa - I4OQA - Mar 5, 2013
hi. Have a great Dx Spedition. I look forward to have your rst and qsl confirmation on 160. Good luck. best wishes and 73 de i4oqa / Yochanan.
From: Chris - G3SJH - Feb 9, 2013
Very bad news re H40. Hopefully the death toll won\'t rise too much further. Current situation report on: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/OCHASitRep_SLB_EarthquakeTsunami_No.2.pdf Hoping this much-needed operation will still be possible. 73 de Chris
From: CARL - K8IHQ - Feb 8, 2013
Will be looking for you on 10m/12m/15m SSB bands. Most interested in 10m SSB FOR SURE ! Regards CARL K8IHQ
From: Vlad Rozhin - R9FM - Jan 26, 2013
Hope to work you on top band from both locations. GL ! 73 de Vlad.
From: Steve - WB6RSE - Jan 5, 2013
Hi Sigi - TU for the many Qs over the years. I hope to work you on 160! Happy New Year and best wishes for safe travels to you and the entire team. 73! Steve WB6RSE Los Angeles
From: Michel - FM5CD - Jan 3, 2013
Hi Sigi, When will you be on 80m for Caribbean ? Lots of us are looking for you.

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