Cameroon - October 2004


We hit the airwaves again - this time from Cameroon between October 6 and October 20, 2004 with the callsigns TJ3SP and TJ3FR operated by six OP's. You can find DXpedition news on the News Page. Here are some photo impressions of Cameroon and facts about Cameroon.


We have had four stations, three linears, two yagis for 20, 15, 10 and for the WARC bands, 2 R7's, a Titanex V80DX for the low bands, a GP for 30m plus plenty of wire for Beverage antennas.



TJ3SP & TJ3FR Band-Mode Breakdown
160m 1 421 0 0 0 422
80m 231 2072 0 0 0 2303
40m 1080 1695 0 0 0 2775
30m 0 2456 97 0 0 2553
20m 2621 3837 642 4 149 7253
17m 1765 3651 334 0 0 5750
15m 3036 2896 624 18 118 6692
12m 1542 2196 152 8 0 3898
10m 1501 1250 72 0 7 2830
Total 11777 20474 1921 30 274 34476

Continent Breakdown NA SA EU AS AF OC
QSOs 11224 1293 18668 2846 363 82
Percent 32.6 3.8 54.1 8.3 1.1 0.2


Thank you very much to all our sponsors who supported our Cameroon DXpedition!

Berlin DX Group European DX Foundation
GDXF - German DX Foundation Northern California DX Foundation
Danish DX Group Nanchatte DX Aikoukai
British Amateur Radio Teledata Group QSL-Shop
Titanex Antennas
Fa. Elektronik-Service Dathe
Clipperton DX Club Fort Wayne DX Assosiation