British Virgin Islands - Feb/Mar 2005


Our 2005 DXpedition destination were the British Virgin Islands - VP2V - from February 23 to March 9, 2005. Operators and callsigns were VP2V/DL7DF, VP2V/DL7UFR and VP2V/DL4WK. We were using three transceivers and two amplifiers, a Titanex V80 vertical, a R7, a Hexbeam, plenty of wire, a K9AY loop and a 6m yagi. One of the stations was running full time. Emphasis were the low bands and we operated CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. The VP2V group went QRT after 17548 QSOs including 29 8-band and 3 9-band QSOs. Thanks to everyone who called us.


QSO Statistics

Band-Mode Breakdown
160m 77 742 0 0 0 819
80m 750 2712 23 0 0 3485
40m 658 2052 31 3 0 2744
30m 0 2161 0 0 0 2161
20m 440 1795 556 0 0 2791
17m 434 2154 126 0 0 2714
15m 1466 790 77 0 44 2377
12m 54 337 0 0 0 391
10m 33 33 0 0 0 66
Mode  3912  12776 813 3 44  17548


Thank you very much to all our sponsors who support our VP2V DXpedition!

GDXF - German DX Foundation SDXG - Süddeutsche DX-Gruppe
Danish DX Group www.QSL-Shop.com
Berlin DX Group Clipperton DX Club
Titanex Antennas

Fa. Elektronik-Service Dathe